Best set released so far

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RE: Best set of 09

The best set was PL by far, as it has 2 of the BCIF, in adition to completely and forever has changed the meta. RR was good, but really not THAT good.
RE: Best set of 09

Your saying pokemon rumble was better than SV? Are you CRAZY? Relicanth tech, Garchomp CX, Blaziken FBX, Absol GX, heck even Staraptor FBX, and you think pokemon RUMBLE is better?!
RE: Best set of 09

RR brought us all the Flydecks, Luxdecks, The deck that won Nats, The deck that won worlds, and more. RR gets my vote.
RE: Best set of 09

Seth1789110 said:
Your saying pokemon rumble was better than SV? Are you CRAZY? Relicanth tech, Garchomp CX, Blaziken FBX, Absol GX, heck even Staraptor FBX, and you think pokemon RUMBLE is better?!

Are you the guy who had the signature about not understanding sarcasm?
RE: Best set of 09

Juliacoolo said:
RR brought us all the Flydecks, Luxdecks, The deck that won Nats, The deck that won worlds, and more. RR gets my vote.

Boy, this just goes to show that this site is devoid of any logic what so ever.

Did you ever stop to think that with out PL we never even would have had these decks? PL was the base for all the great stuff in RR. With out PL, RR never would have been that great.
RE: Best set of 09

^^I hate to agree w/ DarthPika, but he is right. Without PT, we would have no SP trainers, no Flydeck(duhh...where doeth memory berry come from?) and many others. So...
RE: Best set of 09

My bro actually bought a rumble pack today xD The cards are horrible in regular play. Except maybe that mew or venasaur, but thats pushing it.
RE: Best set of 09

1. Rising Rivals (Flygon, Luxray, Unbelieveably awesome SP trainers, Shiftry......more)
2. Platinum (new, new, new, so many combos)
3. Arceus (would be 2nd, but MOST, not all, Pokemon are horrible)
4. Supreme Victors (Palmer's Contribution, anything else? NO! *vomits*) EDIT: Right Soul Seeker, I forgot the set they were from.
RE: Best set of 09

1. PT(amazingly better than RR)
2. RR
3. AR
4. SV

@pokeplayer- shiftry is horrible. and SV had blaziken FB line, garchomp C line, and absol g line which are all good cards.
RE: Best set of 09

PT HAS to be #1. every deck that was made after it used SOME cards from PT. the SP's got their entire engine from that, and those decks won worlds. flygon got memory berry and others in that set, it was the baseline for SP's. they started up with that set and didn't ever really die off. without PT we would have the biggest shift in metagame. with RR everyone would still be playing dialga G and legos =P
RE: Best set of 09

In dont play the game, I collect the cards... And based on that:

1. Surpreme Victors; I dont know, but Im always lucky and I like all those cards.
2. Rising Rivals; 2 of my favourite Pokémon Eevee and Rotom thats awesome!
3. Arceus; Only the Arceus cards are cool to collect, thats it.
4. Platinum; I dont know, just dont like it.

Very different then the rest, hehe.
RE: Best set of 09

1. Arceus - Like the cards in this set and some of them are pretty good IF some of the current decks did not exist.
2. Rising Rivals - Flygon, Luxray GL, Gallade 4? What else can be said?
3. Platinum - Pretty decent set with most of the SP cards that are being used now in it.
4. Supreme Victors - Most of the cards are junks except for the likes of Garchomp C LV X, Blaziken FB.
RE: Best set of 09

There is something on these all sets that I like.

Platinum was the first Platinum-set and it gave us Pokemon SP- cards. It also had Shaymin's and Giratina's first time. Platinum had many good cards, like Palkia G LV.X, Dialga G LV.X, Shaymin LV.X Land Forme, Blastoise, Manectric, Blaziken, Rampardos and good Trainers for Pokemon SP (Cyrus's Conspiracy, Energy Gain, Power Spray, PokeTurn...)

Rising Rivals gave as again so much good new cards and the 2 most played cards on the format: Flygon and Luxray GL. It also gave lot's of more good cards, and repints of Flying Pikachu and Surfing Pikachu (I just love them!)

Supreme Victors was not so good set. I love all LV.X- cards from this serie but that's it. This serie is full of rubbish expect of some cards :/

Arceus was again a good set. It gave us Arceus, and a rule that you can have as many Arceus on your deck as you want. Sounds great, but I think Arceus-cards are cool only for collection. I can't make good deck about Arceuses, but I like all the Arceus cards how they look. And some my favourite cards was released on this serie: Salamence LV.X and Shiny Bagon! And a new Charizard also ^^ And Expert Belt was good new card.

But I must say that Rising Rivals was defenately the best set of 2009. Flygon <3
RE: Best set of 09

It amazes me every time exactly how bad half the people on this site seem to be...

Seriously... first Mother Gengar is winning for BDIF, and now RR is the best set? Really? *face palm*

Need... intelligence.... so... dumb... nooooooooooooooooooo!!!! THE DUMB IS SETTING IN!!!!! IT'S TAKEN OVER POKEBEACH.

Really guys. Build real decks and test real decks and THEN tell me what the BDIF/Best set/Best what ever is.
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