RE: Best set of 09
There is something on these all sets that I like.
Platinum was the first Platinum-set and it gave us Pokemon SP- cards. It also had Shaymin's and Giratina's first time. Platinum had many good cards, like Palkia G LV.X, Dialga G LV.X, Shaymin LV.X Land Forme, Blastoise, Manectric, Blaziken, Rampardos and good Trainers for Pokemon SP (Cyrus's Conspiracy, Energy Gain, Power Spray, PokeTurn...)
Rising Rivals gave as again so much good new cards and the 2 most played cards on the format: Flygon and Luxray GL. It also gave lot's of more good cards, and repints of Flying Pikachu and Surfing Pikachu (I just love them!)
Supreme Victors was not so good set. I love all LV.X- cards from this serie but that's it. This serie is full of rubbish expect of some cards :/
Arceus was again a good set. It gave us Arceus, and a rule that you can have as many Arceus on your deck as you want. Sounds great, but I think Arceus-cards are cool only for collection. I can't make good deck about Arceuses, but I like all the Arceus cards how they look. And some my favourite cards was released on this serie: Salamence LV.X and Shiny Bagon! And a new Charizard also ^^ And Expert Belt was good new card.
But I must say that Rising Rivals was defenately the best set of 2009. Flygon <3