Best set released so far

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RE: what's the worst card

Delta Magikarp. Why would you attach a Special Energy card to a 30HP Pokemon??
RE: what's the worst card

Base set Gastly anyone???

Ironically, if they didn't have the discard 1 P when using Destiny Bond, it would be one of the more overpowered stalling card. :X

Mine is Porygon from Base Set

It's a cool card with Mew EX though. :cool: Change the opponent's weakness to psychic and do x2 damage every other turn. Although, I don't know the rulings if Mew EX could change it's resistence with Porygon though (he has none in the beginning.)
RE: what's the worst card

Well, let's say, if u make a deck with 4 Gastlys, 50 energies, 4 Pokémon Retriever and 2 Holon Farmer, it wouldn't be so would be like this:

Pokémon = 4

4 Gastly (BS)

Trainers = 6

4 Pokémon Retriever
2 Holon Farmer

Energies = 50

50 Psychic
RE:  what's the worst card

Lord9511 said:
Well, let's say, if u make a deck with 4 Gastlys, 50 energies, 4 Pokémon Retriever and 2 Holon Farmer, it wouldn't be so would be like this:

Pokémon = 4

4 Gastly (BS)

Trainers = 6

4 Pokémon Retriever
2 Holon Farmer

Energies = 50

50 Psychic
no mentors, you mustn't take cards out of your deck, it would be useless, cause you'd give your deck less cards, giving your opponent a chance to win.
RE: what's the worst card

Lord9511 said:
Well, let's say, if u make a deck with 4 Gastlys, 50 energies, 4 Pokémon Retriever and 2 Holon Farmer, it wouldn't be so would be like this:

Pokémon = 4

4 Gastly (BS)

Trainers = 6

4 Pokémon Retriever
2 Holon Farmer

Energies = 50

50 Psychic

Well (S)ER would destroy it since it costs 2 energy to use destiny bond.

Maybe adding Chaos Gyms would work. :X
RE: what's the worst card


It's first attack is okay, but it's second screws the first attack up and since it can't do any damage it's worthless.
RE:   what's the worst card

Nice art on that Nosepass, though. :D
Abhorsen said:
And what are you talking about superswampert? Kabuto from Fossil has 30 HP... no "pokemon" card has less than 30 HP.
It's a stage 1, that's the thing. Seriously, this thread has been started 50 billion times. And as for terrible cards, ones like Magikarp are MEANT TO BE EVOLVED. They don't just crank out cards like that for the intention of someone running a deck centered around that Pokemon. So whatever, I've already posted this card IN THE 50 OTHER THREADS ON THIS SUBJECT, but here's the worst non-evolving Pokemon.
I don't think I need to explain why.
RE: what's the worst card

imakuni's doduo:
Power: Run Around: Hold this card and throw it, because Doduo is running away. Throw the card horizontally with a snap to get the furthest distance.
[2] Make Harmony (30) When you use this attack, you must sing from the moment you use it and during your play. Afterward, do 30 damage to the defending Pokémon.
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Fighting -30
RE:   what's the worst card

Abhorsen said:
xxashxx said:
Magikarp because all he does is flail.:)
Flail = uber cool

I.e. Evolve into Gyarados, play Meteor Falls, wait till you have lots of damage... BANG!

And what are you talking about superswampert? Kabuto from Fossil has 30 HP... no "pokemon" card has less than 30 HP.

I always thought that Slowpoke from Fossil was pretty bad.
Oh sorry your right I must have looked at it wrong
RE: what's the worst card

yeah imakuni's dodrio is the worst, would u embarass urself by throwing ur card and sing in the tornament?
RE:  what's the worst card

(TYranitarFReak) said:
yeah imakuni's dodrio is the worst, would u embarass urself by throwing ur card and sing in the tornament?
you know, it might be cool, an opponent with a card in his eye and you singing a victory song
RE: what's the worst card

Maybe Raichu from somewhere I don't know now? 4 (L) energies for 30 and 10 to 3 Benched...
RE: what's the worst card

Base set porygon. Just a free prize, and playing it just for porygon2 is ewwww.
What is your most wanted card?

My most wanted card is the base charizard from the base set.:)
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