Cardfight!! Vaguard Group Discussion

I will warn you that you'll need 3-4 Perfect Guards for Spike Brothers cause since it's an Aggro deck it lacks alot of defense to keep itself going but it's pretty good for putting alot of pressure on your opponent though with Dudley Dan and Dudley Emperor. If you're going to run Spike Brothers make sure you run 8 Critical Triggers as well.

Fortunately for you Spike Brothers isn't quite as popular Anime-wise compared to Kagero so
Cheer Girl, Marilyn (Spike Brothers Perfect Guard) I think is going for $15 a piece or lower instead of $20 or higher like Wyvern Guard, Barri in Kagero. Both Kagero and Spike Brothers are really good so If you want get the Kagero deck for $135 and get Spike Brothers over Nova Grapplers you can.
I think what I decided to do is run the goku kagero you mentioned and just proxy perfect gaurds for now and build a spike bros with no perfect guard cause I feel the deck doesn't need perfect guards Il buy them later if they do
Been thinking about quitting Vanguard due to a lack of players, think it's a good idea? Before you go and jump at me I'm not allowed to sell cards online. Yu-Gi-Oh! Players will never change, they still think their TCG is the best next to Magic and Pokemon...
Card Slinger J said:
Been thinking about quitting Vanguard due to a lack players, think it's a good idea? Before you go and jump at me I'm not allowed to sell cards online. Yu-Gi-Oh! Players will never change, they still think their TCG is the best next to Magic and Pokemon...

My opinion may not weigh much, since I've never played Vanguard, but I always say "If you still enjoy it, then don't quit."
I know it's just that I've already spent like $200+ on 2 decks that will probably be worth no money by next year. I still enjoy playing Vanguard but not having a solid playerbase for tournaments on the weekends is what really frustrates me about it. In my area when we hold Tournaments for Vanguard we only get about 5-6 people at most and in other places 1 or 2 max. It's pretty bad although
Perfect Guards (same price as Pokemon Catcher) and Crossrides have hurt the game to some degree.

Pokemon, Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and World of Warcraft TCG are pretty big in my area so alot of my friends don't have the money to get into Vanguard. One of my friends who plays World of Warcraft TCG is unemployed so he wanted me to build a Vanguard deck for him yet he doesn't really like the TCG all that much let alone the Anime series which he considers a big flop since it wasn't as good as Yu-Gi-Oh! was on KidsWB! 10 years ago. It doesn't have the same spark that Yu-Gi-Oh! had with Yugi Motou and Atem as the Main Protagonists of the series.
the game is still pretty new being only less than a year old
stick around for a bit and see if it picks up
i know in my locals or even in my area i only have 1 store that even sells the cards much less has a tourney
here in washington we have 12-15 people at the tourney every week
last week was 8 but only because of the magic sneak peek
its still kinda new so give it another year give or take and try to get ur friends into it and ur friends friends and so on spread the news of this game and try to expand it
see if u can get different shops to sell the cards awell that will help popularity

unlike yugioh, magic and pokemon
this game has only been around for not even a year in the states and barely 2 years in japan
no one really knows about it right now
compaired to yugioh, magic and pokemon that have been around for 12+ years in their own and millions around the world r playing
It seems to me that Bushiroad is only focused on expanding Cardfight!! Vanguard outside the United States cause it's doing much better internationally than it is in the United States alone. Yu-Gi-Oh! still has too much of a grip in the United States compared to other countries where other TCG's are vastly superior and more popular especially in Japan where Duel Masters/Kaijudo and Pokemon are more popular than Vanguard and Yu-Gi-Oh! over there. Heck Magic isn't even that popular in Japan like it is in the United States or even in Canada for that matter. World of Warcraft TCG has it's own niche in the U.S. and Czech Republic but still not doing as well as Magic being just as established.

You want to know the reason why nobody knows about Cardfight!! Vanguard in the United States? It's because Bushiroad refuses to distribute the English Dub to U.S. TV Networks like Cartoon Network or TheCW via Cable and Satellite to help boost the TCG's sales. You can't expect to be a company like Bushiroad and expect the game to take off by just posting episodes of the English Dub on YouTube alone to help boost the sales of the Vanguard TCG. Look what Singapore did, they ACTUALLY aired the Dub on Cable and Satellite Television to help boost the sales of the TCG but will they do it in the United States or even Japan? Heck no! Do you realize how much negative feedback the Anime has gotten? It's pretty bad compared to the success of the 1st Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime Series.

You also have to look at how much a competitive deck is in Vanguard with Perfect Guards which are the equivalent of a playset of Pokemon Catchers in the Pokemon TCG being around possibly $80 a playset with both being Staple cards in EVERY deck. Do you honestly believe that people who also play established TCG's like Magic, Pokemon, or even Yu-Gi-Oh! where they are already coughing up alot of money for those games are going to have the disposable income to afford another TCG that isn't only not that well established as it's predecessors but also just as expensive If not more? Especially when the global economy is in the toilet? Oh but Kaijudo is probably alot cheaper when that TCG only has like what 2 expansions out right now where Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro are more focused on Magic than they are on Kaijudo especially with the recent release of Return to Ravnica?

Another reason why Cardfight!! Vanguard will probably fail in the United States is due to a lack of deck creativity especially with the lack of running a consistent Mixed-Clan Deck that tops a Sanctioned Event. Really when it comes right down to it every deck plays EXACTLY the same way and the strategies they have are pretty much just gimmicks and nothing more like every deck is designed to be on auto-pilot like in Yu-Gi-Oh!. The reality of the matter is that Vanguard's card pool is still relatively small and it's hard to run a creative deck in Vanguard when the entire deck is centered around your Vanguard where everything else just falls into place from there. It's almost like every deck is in some ways a "one trick pony" but that's the irony of the TCG considering that it's based on your "Vanguard". You look at a format in Magic such as EDH/Commander and it's in some ways designed to be a "one trick pony" but with a massive card pool behind it you have way more options than just relying on your General or Vanguard per say to win games. Vanguard doesn't have the option like Magic does unfortunately.
^ Gee, for someone who likes the game, you sure do a good job doing to reverse of advertising it which is to completely say every negative thing that you can about the game.

IMO, CFV > Pokémon in terms of gameplay, I have won games when misriding, I have never won a Pokemon game when i draw 0 supporters/get donked.

You wanna talk creativity?

My GP deck has Ezel, Garmore and SDD all in the same deck, my Pale Moon was able to incorporate Luquier into a Beast Tamer build. Great Nature has at least three different build. Oracle also has at least two.
It's not my fault that Vanguard lacks a strong playerbase in my area compared to how popular Magic, Pokemon, and Yu-Gi-Oh! are and it's hard for me to help get this TCG to become successful when several of my friends but not all succumb to the fact that it can be very difficult to fight against TCG's that have proven themselves to be so established that they feel unsure in a TCG that hasn't been doing all that well in the United States where it's hit and miss in alot of states, moreso miss where I live in Missouri. The truth hurts sometimes but there comes a time when you got to accept reality for what it is ya know.

You live in the Phillipines where it's pretty successful, I can't really judge that but hey at least you live in a TCG Community where players aren't so shallow when it comes to playing new TCG's especially with a lack of stuck up Yu-Gi-Oh! players that have their doubts about Vanguard like in the United States. As for your point on deck creativity, I'm not really sure If running 2 Ride Chains in one Gold Paladin deck is consistent but hey If it works it works. I don't even run Spring Breeze Messenger in my Gold Paladin deck because running more than 17 Grade 0's would be overkill and the Superior Ride with Ezel is too strong to take out especially when Ezel is getting a Crossride next year in BT09.
Who said I ran the Vortimer chain lol

I just tossed in Spec Duke for final turn purposes and it has amassed a decent tourney record regardless of who used it.
@Riskbreakers mind sharing your Pale Moon list? I'm trying to work up on mine and I still need help. :p
I've looked at the game, and one of my local hobby shops said the distributor who also sells CV was severely cutting back in CV product, meaning he personally thought the game was going to fail. Right now my girlfriend has kind of got me back into yu-gi-oh so I probably won't start another TCG. Just wondering though, is there a "dark" attribute or starter deck or something that looks pretty epic. If I do get CV it will probably also just be 1 deck to mess around with. I got burned by VS system after I spent 100 overall and the game flopped within 2 years of when I go into it.

Card Slinger J said:
Yu-Gi-Oh! still has too much of a grip in the United States compared to other countries where other TCG's are vastly superior and more popular especially in Japan where Duel Masters/Kaijudo and Pokemon are more popular than Vanguard and Yu-Gi-Oh! over there.

Didn't Duel Masters die like..5 years ago? I got a starter deck and that was it
there r currently 4 "trial decks" out right now with two more on the way early next year
royal paladin
gold paladin

each deck is 50 cards
and is 20 bucks each
the gold paladin and narakumi can win tourneys right out of the box if u know how to use them right!!_Vanguard_Trial_Decks
Emperor_Gaius said:
Ah so no Dark Zone type decks out yet?

Not theme decks, but CFVG decks are based around one clan. There is a Dark Irregulars clan which is really interesting.
Emperor_Gaius said:
I've looked at the game, and one of my local hobby shops said the distributor who also sells CV was severely cutting back in CV product, meaning he personally thought the game was going to fail. Right now my girlfriend has kind of got me back into yu-gi-oh so I probably won't start another TCG. Just wondering though, is there a "dark" attribute or starter deck or something that looks pretty epic. If I do get CV it will probably also just be 1 deck to mess around with. I got burned by VS system after I spent 100 overall and the game flopped within 2 years of when I go into it.

Yeah I've been thinking about selling my Vanguard decks but I feel like I'm going to regret it If the TCG picks up in my area more. Looks like I'm probably going to just stick with Pokemon,
Magic: The Gathering, and World of Warcraft TCG for now like usual but I've kinda been noticing Pokemon dying just a tiny bit in my area cause the cost of the TCG has gone up in the last 2 formats. My playerbase ain't what it used to be when the game wasn't all about Basic Pokemon, when Stage 2's and Rare Candy were actually better than it is today, and when we didn't have a Gust of Wind reprint that made Strategic Setup decks irrelevant.

Emperor_Gaius said:
Didn't Duel Masters die like..5 years ago? I got a starter deck and that was it

It did but Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro brought it back in the form of Kaijudo. Unfortunately it doesn't have as many expansions as Cardfight!! Vanguard does only the Base Set which is available right now and Evo Fury which doesn't come out til next month based on what I hear. There was also the Dojo Edition which is the prelude to Base Set for Kaijudo as well.

What's known about Kaijudo is that the game mechanics and design are exactly the same as
Duel Masters except that they made a few changes from their reprints of classic cards from the first several expansions like Mighty Shouter, Tornado Flame, Holy Awe etc. while throwing in some completely new cards in the mix. Water Civilization is going to be played very heavily cause it's the only Civilization in the TCG that has any sort of draw power.
I saw that a Wal-Mart I go to has started carrying a Blond Ezel starter deck and a different starter deck (forgot the name of the Vanguard) with Kai on the box, so I was looking at them -- considering picking one up -- but then, I saw the price: $20! Why do they cost so much?