Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo-EX Discussion Thread

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I have playtested several games and found that Shaymin Ex is useless. What is the function of Regigigas EX in this deck? I really think Tornadus is better.
Regigigas is basically there as a back up attacker and the way the deck works he can be powered up very quickly. \
But likt...6/10 times he's not really needed. I'm constantly taking him and shaymin ex out of the deck and putting them back in.
PUAthelas said:
I have playtested several games and found that Shaymin Ex is useless. What is the function of Regigigas EX in this deck? I really think Tornadus is better.

It is kind of situational. Tornadus is usually better, but late game Regigigas can take a few hits while Tornadus is only out there for a turn. Shaymin EX is usually useless, but you can use it to OHKO Terrakion or Take the last prize off of anything
iisnumber12 said:
It is kind of situational. Tornadus is usually better, but late game Regigigas can take a few hits while Tornadus is only out there for a turn. Shaymin EX is usually useless, but you can use it to OHKO Terrakion or Take the last prize off of anything

this is pretty much why I have such a hard time keeping them out of my deck. lol
The thing with Shaymin-EX is when it's down to last prizes, your gonna hit more with Shaymin than with Mewtwo or Tornadus. the former taking a lot of setup to hit what Shaymin does, and the latter not being able to hit that high.
Yeah, I pretty much keep going back to this build. It's what I feel most comfortable with at the moment.
Pokemon (14)
1 Shaymin (UL)
1 Terrakion (NV)
1 Shaymin EX
1 Regigigas EX
2 Mewtwo EX
4 Tornadus
4 Celebi (Prime)

T/S/S (31)
2 Plus Power
3 Skyarrow Bridge
3 Switch
3 Pokemon Catcher
4 Junk Arm
4 N
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Professor Juniper
4 Dual Ball

Energy (15)
2 Fighting Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
9 Grass Energy
Plus Power is essential in the deck; that's what I found.
Otherwise there's no good answer to Eelektriks.
Forget about Terrakion. I played Eelzone before, and I find that if Terrakion comes out and it's the only answer to Magnezone, then Zekrom can 1-shot it and problem solved. It's better I think to starve it of energy by killing all the Eelektriks.
Flips, ehhh. This deck works really well the way it is. SSU would be a very nice card to have in here, but its hard to do it effectively without taking out important stuff. If you use cards like Reggigas EX you can always take that out as its really just an extra card in there. Maybe cut a grass or two, and then you're left with 3 spots, in which you could put in SSU.
pokemonjoe said:
Has anyone thought of ssu? It would deny prizes really well and conserve energy.

Wouldn't really work, the only pokemon that can really survive a hit from anything are Regigigas and Mewtwo, and Mewtwo would be immediately KOd by a different Mewtwo and Regigigas would need 2 turns to power up.
alexmf2 said:
Wouldn't really work, the only pokemon that can really survive a hit from anything are Regigigas and Mewtwo, and Mewtwo would be immediately KOd by a different Mewtwo and Regigigas would need 2 turns to power up.

It's good in theory, but it doesn't work. You will be OHKOed most of the time, so you can't avoid it. It is also better to have room for draw and things like catcher.
I tested Terrakion with basic fighting energy, and the problem is I can't find the fighting energy easily.
Would a tech of say Energy Exchange Unit help? The list is pretty tight though.
petertclo said:
I tested Terrakion with basic fighting energy, and the problem is I can't find the fighting energy easily.
Would a tech of say Energy Exchange Unit help? The list is pretty tight though.
BTW, you posted the exact same thing on your thread "MTC How it should be run" I guess I'll also post my answer here.
Yes, the energy exchanger tech helps a lot. I would play 1 more Fighting/Prism than you have Terrakions. LAte game, you will usually have a Fighting in your hand and it's really easy to search out Terrakion.
petertclo said:
I tested Terrakion with basic fighting energy, and the problem is I can't find the fighting energy easily.
Would a tech of say Energy Exchange Unit help? The list is pretty tight though.

You coul tech a Cilan instead o EE too.
Another problem that this deck faces is it finds it hard to OHKO Reshirams and Zekroms.
These dragons hit 120 to OHKO Tornadus, and 2HKO Mewtwo/Gigas. There is no reliable way to OHKO them.
petertclo said:
Another problem that this deck faces is it finds it hard to OHKO Reshirams and Zekroms.
These dragons hit 120 to OHKO Tornadus, and 2HKO Mewtwo/Gigas. There is no reliable way to OHKO them.

Regigigas can be ok for that, you can soften the Reshiram with Tornadus, then use Regigigas' first attack, and then when it is damaged use it's second. Against Zekrom you can just use Terrakion, but TyRam is a hard matchup.
Does anyone think the deck could function with only 3 Celebi Prime? The reason I ask is because I find that after I get set up my hand is clogged with Celebi that I can't use. (though when I get the chance I shuffle them away or discard them with Oak/Juniper and/or Junk Arm)
Best to use 4 just so you can start with it.
In all honesty, if you could cheat and always start with Celebi, then 2 would be enough.
The Aura Is With Me 8 said:
Does anyone think the deck could function with only 3 Celebi Prime? The reason I ask is because I find that after I get set up my hand is clogged with Celebi that I can't use. (though when I get the chance I shuffle them away or discard them with Oak/Juniper and/or Junk Arm)

That isn't a bad idea, but you always want to start with Celebi Prime. This card helps you deck set up really fast and win the game quickly. If your hand always gets clogged with Celebis, play more Junk Arm and Junipers (or any draw supporter). These will help you get Celebis out of your hand and give you cards you need like Energies and Catchers.
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