Charganium's Fakes: It's been 3,000 years.

What set should the next 6 cards be from?

  • Kanto

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • Johto

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • Hoenn

    Votes: 12 17.4%
  • Sinnoh

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • Unova

    Votes: 23 33.3%
  • Delta

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • VS

    Votes: 7 10.1%
  • Final Frontier

    Votes: 3 4.3%

  • Total voters
RE: Charganium's fakes UPDATE: 8/14/11: Mew EX!!! 54 cards so far!

47bennyg said:
Whats up with the little unowns at the bottom?


That's what's up.


Trying out the new holo..I'm running out of non-HGSS ideas, lol
RE: Charganium's fakes UPDATE: 8/17/11 Charizard & Meganium LEGEND! 56 cards so far!

I'd suggest moving Meganium up; it would allow for better placement of the attacks (which seem a little too jumbled right now).
RE: Charganium's fakes UPDATE: 8/17/11 Charizard & Meganium LEGEND! 56 cards so far!

I'd have bunged charizard to the bottom right and meganium on the left side (tilting meganium a bit to the right)

Great choice in background holo though char!
RE: Charganium's fakes UPDATE: 8/17/11 Charizard & Meganium LEGEND! 56 cards so far!

The art lacks movement. The key thing about the broken text for a Legends card is that it is assumed to be caused by movement of the Pokemon. Without that, the card overall looks incredibly fake. That said, Flare Blitz's messed up text looks like absolutely nothing possible could have caused it to be like that. It's a decent card, but the problem is that when you're making a Legends card, you have to take into account the layout of the text due to the picture, because the card utilizes the picture. Keep that in mind. ;3
RE: Charganium's fakes UPDATE: 8/17/11 Charizard & Meganium LEGEND! 56 cards so far!

@ CMP: But I like the jumbliness :( Will edit, when I get the chance.
@ aschefield101: "It is known to unintentionally cause forest fires."
@ Zyflair: Charizard used Flare Blitz on the Flare Blitz text and swept the pieces into a pile using a broom :p
RE: Charganium's fakes UPDATE: 8/17/11 Charizard & Meganium LEGEND! 56 cards so far!

Sure didn't look like it.
RE: Charganium's fakes UPDATE: 8/17/11 Charizard & Meganium LEGEND! 56 cards so far!

Zyflair said:
Sure didn't look like it.

Well, that's because the broom got caught in the forest fire and turned to ashes.
RE: Charganium's fakes UPDATE: 8/17/11 Charizard & Meganium LEGEND! 56 cards so far!

Charganium said:
Well, that's because the broom got caught in the forest fire and turned to ashes.
You get what I mean. ._.
RE: Charganium's fakes UPDATE: 8/18/11: Rayquaza EX! 58 cards so far!

Dunno why, but the font looks off. Also, there's just no words to described how off-the-charts your cards are in terms of broken-ness.
RE: Charganium's fakes UPDATE: 8/18/11: Rayquaza EX! 58 cards so far!

Charizard with 200 HP.

Lol k.

120 for 3 is INSANELY broken. 20 damage to itself is extremely low, even more so when you see its HP. With 200 HP it can use that broken attack 20 times before killing itself, and by then it will have probably KO'd 6 of your opponent's Pokémon. It does not deserve a resistance, and it's double weakness to two types don't even come close to making up for its brokeness

Rayquaza is slightly less so. Very cool art for Rayquaza.

I realize that they are fake cards and all, but wow. XD

And yeah the fonts are off.
RE: Charganium's fakes UPDATE: 8/18/11: Rayquaza EX! 58 cards so far!

Fine, I'll make it do 30 damage to itself.

And the fonts are the exact same ones I used on my other BW cards.

Charizard is a S2, and you have to go to the trouble of making a 3-type deck for Rayquaza.
RE: Charganium's fakes UPDATE: 8/18/11: Rayquaza EX! 58 cards so far!

Hey Char, where'd you get your evo icon from?
RE: Charganium's fakes UPDATE: 8/19/11: Starmie δ. 59 cards so far!


My first HGSS fake in a zillion years. Art is by the almighty Gliscor.
RE: Charganium's fakes UPDATE: 8/21/11: Meganium. 60 cards so far!


Last card until Wednesday or Thursday since I'm going on vacation and those stupid hotels don't let you use the computers.

60th card!!!
RE: Charganium's fakes UPDATE: 8/21/11: Meganium. 60 cards so far!

Gosh... Do you really need any more Meganiums!?!?!? lol. Very nice Char. The background to Meganium is beautiful.