Counter That Pokemon! - Round 20

RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 9

Fire Punch to Skarmory: 48.5 - 56.88%

I'm pretty sure that's a guaranteed 2HKO after SR, so that counter is a little risky, Emvee. Also, Dragonite out speeds that set, so it can't Roost stall it.

Anyway, this Dragonite is almost impossible to counter because of not assuming SR and assuming we're switching in on it. The only real counter is smart prediction and switching in on a Choice locked move. I'll try to think of something, and if I do, I'll edit the post with it.

Edit: Use a physically defensive Jirachi and hope that you flinch hax it to get the KO. I'll post the set.

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 248 HP / 216 Def / 40 Spe
Nature: Impish (+Def, -SpA)
-Iron Head
-Body Slam

Fire Punch to Jirachi = 50.99 - 59.9%

Iron Head to Dragonite (Multiscale) = 13.6 - 15.97%
Iron Head to Dragonite (no Multiscale) = 27.21 - 31.95%
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 9

Bronzong @ Leftovers
252 HP/252 Def/4 Sp Att
Relaxed Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Gyro Ball
- Hidden Power Ice
- Earthquake

The issue with countering this Dragonite is knowing it doesn't have Earthquake. Heatproof Bronzong is definetly not standard and may even be considered a gimmick, but it really isn't all that gimmicky at all. Bronzong will be able to shrug off any of Dragonite's attacks and hit back with Hidden power Ice.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 9

With rain everywhere, I consider it a bad gimmick. Taking Spikes damage and no longwer countering Landorus / Dragons with EQ doesn't help Heatproof at all.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 9

Yeah, but unless your opponent has Spikes up they don't know you don't have Levitate.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 9

@ Yoshi: Nobody uses Physically Defensive Jirachi, unless they are someone like you who is trying to counter a specific Pokemon, in this case Dragonite. But it doesn't work and I'll tell you why. It's because relying on flinch hax doesn't make it a counter.

Also, Skarmory is a great counter, because if Dragonite is already in, it's most likely going to use Outrage (unless you have something like Scizor out in which case you obviously wouldn't switch to Skarmory), which means when you can make a predicted switch in to take Outrage and Roost/Brave Bird stall it. If Skarmory is already in, and Dragonite comes in to Fire Punch, you simply phaze it out with Whirlwind and heal while it's away. If you're smart and you have Stealth Rocks up, it'll make Skarmory's work a lot easier. Skarmory is a counter.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 9

Bippa said:
-To be considered a counter, a Pokemon must be able to switch into any of the opponent's moves under normal battle conditions, including taking damage from Stealth Rock, and reliably KO the opponent before the counter is KOed itself.

It cannot switch into Dragonite because it will be 2HKOed, and it is outsped so there's nothing it can do about it. Its not even close to a counter.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 9

This set doesn't really have any counters. The way it is set up no common metagame Pokemon can meet the expectation of switching safely into ALL of it's moves. You just have to predict. It's the same with a lot of choiced sets.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 9

47bennyg said:
This set doesn't really have any counters. The way it is set up no common metagame Pokemon can meet the expectation of switching safely into ALL of it's moves. You just have to predict. It's the same with a lot of choiced sets.

Pretty much this. Countering Banded pokemon is much harder to do on paper than in a battle situation. It depends on teams, player skill levels, and state of momentum.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 9

Only thing that actually counters that set is RU's Eviolite Metang, which is.... lol in OU.

So try this instead:

Volcarona @ Leftovers
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Timid Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Hurricane
- Fire Blast

Assume rain. Go!
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 9

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Spd / 8 Spe
Calm Nature
- Lava Plume
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic
- Protect
Rain causes Lava Plume to do lol damage to volc but Toxic + Protect will eventually wear it down, not to mention volc can't do any real damage to it. Heatran doesn't even fear +6 Hurricane.
252SpAtk +6 Volcarona (Neutral) Hurricane vs 248HP/252SpDef Leftovers Flash Fire Heatran (+SpDef): 48% - 56% (185 - 218 HP). Guaranteed 3HKO. 11% chance to 2HKO with Leftovers.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 9

Emvee said:
@ Yoshi: Nobody uses Physically Defensive Jirachi, unless they are someone like you who is trying to counter a specific Pokemon, in this case Dragonite. But it doesn't work and I'll tell you why. It's because relying on flinch hax doesn't make it a counter.

It was a joke, Emvee. I was just trying to explain that relying on flinch hax is one of the most reliable ways to efficiently "counter" Dragonite (as per the OP rules). Anyway:

Jellicent @ Leftovers
Trait: Cursed Body
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Nature: Calm (+SpD, -Atk)
-Shadow Ball

Not going the Terrakion route, because it's very obvious to counter Volcarona. The counter is a little unorthodox, but it still works efficiently. Assuming Volcarona goes for the Quiver Dance, Jellicent can poison it and start Recover stalling it, until Cursed Body activates and disables Hurricane. Then, Jellicent can comfortably 2HKO with Scald. Nice counter in my opinion.

Hurricane to Jellicent (+0) = 23.51 - 27.72%
Hurricane to Jellicent (+1) = 34.9 - 41.08%

Scald to Volcarona (+0) = 71.38 - 83.6%
Scald to Volcarona (+1) = 48.87 - 57.87%
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 9

The Yoshi said:
It was a joke, Emvee. I was just trying to explain that relying on flinch hax is one of the most reliable ways to efficiently "counter" Dragonite (as per the OP rules).

Oh ok lol.

Anyways here's pretty much the easiest way I counter Volcarona:

Chansey @ Eviolite
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SDef
Bold/Calm Nature
- Wish
- Softboiled
- Toxic
- Seismic Toss

Even at +6 Volcarona is gonna have a tough time taking down Chansey, especially when it's Poisoned and has no immediate form of HP/Status Recovery. But it's never really gonna get to +6 in time before Chansey KO's it.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 9

Dragonite @ Leftovers
252 HP/108 SpA/148 SpD
Sassy Nature

-Dragon Tail

Tank Rain Dragonite is a fairly good counter to Volcarona. Hurricane and Waterfall hit for Super Effective damage, and if Volcarona gets uncomfortably high in boosts Dragonite can phaze.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 9

+1 Hurricane is a 2HKO after SR, while Dragonite's Hurricane fails to OHKO. You could Dragon Tail, but that does less than 50% and leaves Dragonite crippled for the next mon.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 9

Now you just made it a bad mixed Dnite. Stick to Thunder for possible parafusion. Otherwise you're ruining the playability of tank Dnite.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 9

But it does counter Volcarona, and while it may be bad it is still viable.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 9

Hmm, okaaay.

Dragonite @ Choice Band
252 Att/252 Spe/4 Sp Def
Adamant Nature

- Outrage
- Waterfall
- Fire Punch
- Extremespeed

Okay, here we go. Standard Rain CB Dragonite. Outrage kills stuff, Waterfall hits Steel types (and overkills Volc). Fire Punch for Sun Teams, but really this is just a filler. Extremespeed is priority.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 9

Hurricane on the switchin 2HKO after SR. ESpeed fails to OHKO. Check at best since it does live a +1 Hurricane after SR.