Finished Crush A Wish! (you-person-person-you)

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Granted, but then God gives it back our poverty.

I wish that I can get to level 100 on the Call of Duty zombie mode!
Granted, but your game crashes the second that you get there.

I wish for a magical pie that tells me compliments when I eat it.
Granted, it compliments you in the language of pie, which no human can comprehend.

I wish for pi.
Granted, but then I become an angel and live peacefully. (I really hope it happens...)

I wish that Chuck Norris and Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee had a fight against each other.
Granted, but they all killed each other so they can't make movies anymore.
I wish I had every pokemon on my Diamond Version.
Granted, but your lack of education makes you a menace to society causing you life in prison.

I wish for sleep.
Granted, but you develop a deseise in the middle of the night that makes it so that you can never fall asleep again.

I wish I had all of the cards I need to complete my deck.
Granted, but then you'd have no more fun in collecting them.

I wish i won the Monthly banner contest :p
Granted, but you wished for a million peanut butter and jelly sandwhich's and they came down from mars and devoured you!

I wish I was a gym leader.
Granted, but it takes every living thing down with it.

I wish I could go inside a video game and play it.
Granted, but you are stuck in there for ETERNETY.

I wish for my LEGO Town Plan stickers to come in the mail.
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