Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG

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RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

PokeMart please :]
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

I'll stop by the Pokemart to grab a few items. Then head to say buh bye to my mamaz. Maybe she might have something for me lol
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

I'm a bit confused. If people can do two things at once, we can stop at our mom's house, head to the Poke Mart and then continue one without it costing any time. Is there some rule I'm missing?
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Celebi23 said:
I'm a bit confused. If people can do two things at once, we can stop at our mom's house, head to the Poke Mart and then continue one without it costing any time. Is there some rule I'm missing?
Professor Zyflair: There is this one rule I didn't mention: Traveling takes time. You'll see how very soon...

oyeah1988 said:
O.K. send me home Professor Zyflair :D
* You head back home.
Mother: Welcome back! I've heard from Professor Zyflair. He says that you battle quite well. Anyway, it's great to see that you're going on an adventure. Why don't you rest for the night?
* You cannot undertake an action until tomorrow 3/14

Lenny said:
PokeMart please :]
George2FRESH said:
I'll stop by the Pokemart to grab a few items. Then head to say buh bye to my mamaz. Maybe she might have something for me lol
* There is a separate thread in this forum that is the PokeMart. If you have not looked for it, then do so now.

As for George...
* You head back home.
Mother: Welcome back! I've heard from Professor Zyflair. He says that you battle quite well. Anyway, it's great to see that you're going on an adventure. Why don't you rest for the night?
* You cannot undertake an action until tomorrow 3/14

Celebi23 said:
I shall therefore head to the Pokemart where I already bought some stuff. I'd like to go to Jubilife now unless I have to wait.
* You head onto Jubilife city. The route takes one day...
* You cannot undertake an action until tomorrow 3/14
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

I'll go to Jubilife City too :3
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Lenny said:
I'll go to Jubilife City too :3
* You head onto Jubilife city. The route takes one day...
* You cannot undertake an action until tomorrow 3/14
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Pwned. I thought I was going to get something.

Now I'm behind. That was a waste.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

You don't know that for sure, maybe she'll give you something on the way out :]
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

^Don't give Zyflair any ideas. :O I can't wait for Jubilife. The GTS will be awesome (hint hint Zyflair). Maybe I'll get myself some more Potions. This has actually inspired me to consider running a single Potion tech in one of my real decks. I never saw how effective it can be until this thing started.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

^^^ lol you 2?

And actually, I DID get rewarded for staying back. I just don't want to say anything yet because I don't know if Zy wanted to keep it secret.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Well too late on keeping it a secret. I have a question that probably won't get answered. Will the decks ever like advance? We're playing with 30-card decks based off of random Pokemon with pyramid lines. Will we ever move to good Supporters, good lines, higher-card decks, etc.? I think that would make it more fun.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Heck yes. What's to say you aren't going to get any Rare Candy or BTS? Do note that 30 cards burn fast, so draw supporters are insanely good later on.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

I'll go to the PokeMart and then head for Jubilife city.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Ill head home first

Since it was not stated in the front page (if im not mistaken) can we still battle others if ex. i was in twinleaf and my opponent is in jubilifie if not then Zyflair if you dont mind a list of all the players current locations will be nice
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Jariel said:
Ill head home first

Since it was not stated in the front page (if im not mistaken) can we still battle others if ex. I was in twinleaf and my opponent is in jubilifie if not then Zyflair if you don't mind a list of all the players current locations will be nice
No, not officially. You are not "physically" at the same location is the other person, so it wouldn't make much sense if you can play against each other. I'll set each player's location beside their name on the missions list soon if you want. As for the game...

* You head back home.
Mother: Welcome back! I've heard from Professor Zyflair. He says that you battle quite well. Anyway, it's great to see that you're going on an adventure. Why don't you rest for the night?
* You cannot undertake an action until tomorrow 3/14

Lenny and Celebi23
* You arrive at the city with the gates in sight... but there seems to be a line blocking your way. Wonder what's in front of you? You ask one of the people in line what's going on.
Passerby: You don't know? There's this kid that won't let anyone go into Jubilife city unless you beat him in a Pokemon TCG battle.
* ... ok then.
Mission - Required Status - Difficulty 3
* Defeat the kid, who you later learn is named Youngster Calvin, blocking the path in your way. A failed battle will cost you 10% of your money.
Reward: $300 and passage into Jubilife City.

George2FRESH and oyeah1988
* All rested and refresh, you leave Twinleaf Town with your mother's good wishes. To Jubilife you go!
* You still cannot undertake an action until 3/15

* You head onto Jubilife city. The route takes one day...
* You cannot undertake an action until tomorrow 3/15
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

I haz won w00t! Gimme mah money! >:D (j/k). What now?
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Lenny said:
I haz won w00t! Gimme mah money! >:D (j/k). What now?
* Jubilife City...
???: Hey!! Lenny!
* You turn to face into the direction of a young man, waving frantically at you.
Should you back away and make a run for it or punch him in the face?
???: You probably don't recognize me, but I'm one of Professor Zyflair's aides. He told me that you should contact him on the phones at the Pokemon Center.
* With that, he left.
* Choose an action:
Go to the Pokemon Center.
Go to the PokeMart.
Go sightseeing.
Travel to Oreburgh City.
Travel to Floaroma Town.
Travel to Canalave City.

*Welcome to the RPG.
* You have chosen a Chimchar and Friends starter deck.
Professor Zyflair: What an excellent choice! Before you head off so soon, I would like everyone to participate in a practice match. It's very simple; when another trainer comes on, both of you battle in a three-prize card match and then let me know who won (you post the result here, BTW). If you wish to be safe, you may also PM me the RS log of the match as well. However, if you don't find any trainers to battle in the meantime, you can battle my assistant Lunar Wing (sitting in that corner as always).

* Rival Lunar Wing is known as a CPU. To battle a CPU, please refer back to the original list of CPUs. If any of these users are on Hamachi, you may ask to battle against them. Please specify that you are battling Lunar Wing's deck, since we have many decklist hanging around.

Well now then, get to it!

Mission - Required Status - Difficulty 3
* Battle a fellow trainer with a deck, or battle the CPU, Rival Lunar Wing.
Reward: ???
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Go to the PokeMart.

(Then I'll go to the Center and talk to Professor Zyflair because I'm nice =D)
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Yeah. I've got nothing to lose, I'm practically broke. And if Lenny did it, I shouldn't have any trouble at all. :O (Jk Lenny). Who exactly are we battling, though. Do we look for someone named Calvin in the Hamachi?
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Celebi23 said:
Yeah. I've got nothing to lose, I'm practically broke. And if Lenny did it, I shouldn't have any trouble at all. :O (Jk Lenny). Who exactly are we battling, though. Do we look for someone named Calvin in the Hamachi?
You search for a CPU on Hamachi and ask them to get out that deck (Clavin's deck that is).
Lenny said:
Go to the PokeMart.
I'm making their inventory, so hold a little longer.
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