Drohn said:I just finished trading with Aika, but I really have to rush to class now. I'll be home around 5pm my time (GMT+1).
And thanks for the trade Aika!
No problem. That works.Jaime Runt said:could you clone them and make the clones shiny? that way I'll get back the original intact...
I'll be available at 10:00 am (GMT-5) That's like 4:00 pm for you if I'm not mistaken...
Minous2 said:Hello, Drohn!
I was wondering if you still have the 6IV ditto to clone for me. If not, would you clone the one that I have?
I would offer you my soul, but I'm a ginger. On a serious note, I have tons of 5 IV breeding leftovers.
Drohn said:Minous2 said:Hello, Drohn!
I was wondering if you still have the 6IV ditto to clone for me. If not, would you clone the one that I have?
I would offer you my soul, but I'm a ginger. On a serious note, I have tons of 5 IV breeding leftovers.If you don't have a human soul, a pet is fine too.
I have a lot of 6IV Ditto. When would you like to trade? Any 5IV Pokémon are nice to have.![]()
Drohn said:What timezone are you in? Would Saturday 6pm GMT+1 work for you?
A Dratini with its HA would be nice! For the other two, anything works.![]()
Equinox said:Alrighty Drohn, I need my Kakuna, Larvesta, Ho-oh, and Lugia cloned