Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*The team arrives right behind Bella.*
Emerald- "Whoa... This town is completely destroyed... I've never seen anything like it!"
Shade- "I have. I did this once... But we'll have time to talk about that later. For now, we need to find out who did this."
{I stink at other peoples characters sorry}

~Bella watches as the team runs by her, Mysticwater stops}

Mysticwater:"So does that mean Shatter is here too."

~Bella just smiles, meanwhile Lucrecian and Shatter are walking through the town~

Lucrecian:"Wow, not half bad...."


Lucreciam:"What, oh well lets go find some survivors and see who did this"
~They turn around~

Shatter:"Well, we were at a island, but he said he sensed a evil presence."

Lucrecian:"We needed to come back, the world is in danger at this very moment, this new evil is very interesting"

~He snifes around~

Lucrecian:"We need to search for survivors"
*They comb the town. It seems that Glameow was the only survivor. Just as they're about to give up and go home, a shadow moves in one of the destroyed houses.*
~Lucrecian looks at the house~

Lucrecian:"Hello, you!!!! is anyone there?"

~He stands a reasonable distance just in case the object strikes~
~Lucrecian shakes his head~

Lucrecian:"That is why you stand prepared..."

~He gets his sword just in case and slowly walks into the house~
~Lucrecian knocks it to the side with his shoulder~

Lucrecian:"WHAT IS IT!!"

~Stands his guard, the others stand outside~

Mysticwater:"Shade are you ok!!!"
*Shade gets up. The shadow flies towards him, but he grabs it this time and throws it outside, into the light. Standing there, panting, is Moonlight. Shade stares at her, shocked.*
~Lucrecian walks outside into the light, everyone shocked~

Lucrecian:"Well, well, well I sense the source of evil coming from you"

~He puts his paw on her chest so she doesn't move~

Lucrecian:"Who are you???"

Shatter:"What do you mean?"
~He slightly slides to the side~

Lucrecian:"Your love blinds you, you fool and your pathetic little brain, can't you sense the evil coming from her..."

~He looks at shade with a grin~

Lucrecian:"You know too little"
~Lucrecian stands up straight and looks at shade with disappointment~

Lucrecian:"Now who said I was going to hurt her..."
"Okay, I'm sorry I overreacted. I just thought- OOF!"
*He gets tackled by Moonlight again. Moonlight growls and makes a Shadow Blade. She swings it at Shade's throat...*
(Please step in, I don't feel like losing my main character.)
~Lucrecian tackles her to the ground before she can do anything, Mysticwater, Shatter, and Emerald run over to Shade~

Lucrecian:"See, you little rat who are you?!?"
*Moonlight fires a Shadow Blast into Lucrecian's face, sending him flying. She tackles MysticWater to the ground and holds her Shadow Blade to her throat.*
Moonlight (With a voice that's not hers)- "This is for taking him from me..."
~Lucrecian lands and shakes it off~

Lucrecian:"Wow I was on fire for a second"

~Shatter swiftly knocks Moonlight off of Mysticwater with her sword and then uses Ice beam on her~
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