Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(6? Ha, that's amateur-time. Try 12, let's see how you do. And yes, I'm on 12 RPG's right now. I'm very active ^_^)
*Shade opens his eyes.*
(This, Elite, Shade and Solaria, Tkan, a warriors one, and the last one is just kinda chating :p Zigg...12?! Your Crazy!! I whould have a meltdown if i was doing 12 at the same time :p )
(Most are on other sites. Go to Supercheats, they've got lotsa sites! However, I hav to use my brother's account on SC... :()
*Shade takes Silver's paw.*
(Usually I'm on 14. and here, FalcoVet: )
*Looks at Shadow.*
"Who's... He...?"

*Garret kisses Sarah for a long time.*
"" *Tears falls down face and i use teleport to go behined a bush but is still close*
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