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EvilHamster's Trade Thread Updated Today!

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RE: {H}HGSS + PR Sleeves,Garchomp X MD,4 Kingdra LA,2 Gengar SF,2 Uxie LA,2 Claydol GE

Well they are both pending right now so I'll get back to you
RE: {H}HGSS + PR Sleeves,Garchomp X MD,4 Kingdra LA,2 Gengar SF,2 Uxie LA,2 Claydol GE

Rikko145: I'm mostly looking for HGSS cards right now. Do you have any?
RE: {H}HGSS + PR Sleeves,Garchomp X MD,4 Kingdra LA,2 Gengar SF,2 Uxie LA,2 Claydol GE

RE: {H}HGSS + PR Sleeves,Garchomp X MD,4 Kingdra LA,2 Gengar SF,2 Uxie LA,2 Claydol GE

EvilHamster said:
Rikko145: I'm mostly looking for HGSS cards right now. Do you have any?

Not yet. I am going to my pre-release on saturday. Is there something on my list that you want? If you're looking for rares, I don't update those much, so just ask for rares. I update the X's, SR's, and important stuff only, really.
RE: {H}HGSS + PR Sleeves,Garchomp X MD,4 Kingdra LA,2 Gengar SF,2 Uxie LA,2 Claydol GE

The rares that I mainly want are 2 cresselia GE (normal holo) and 2 giratina PT #10 (regular holo). If you want to trade anything after the prerelease, LMK. I'm open to all primes (except meganium) and legend pieces and lots of other cards.
RE: {H}HGSS + PR Sleeves,Garchomp X MD,4 Kingdra LA,2 Gengar SF,2 Uxie LA,2 Claydol GE

EvilHamster said:
The rares that I mainly want are 2 cresselia GE (normal holo) and 2 giratina PT #10 (regular holo). If you want to trade anything after the prerelease, LMK. I'm open to all primes (except meganium) and legend pieces and lots of other cards.

Sleeves are sealed, right?
RE: {H}HGSS + PR Sleeves,Garchomp X MD,4 Kingdra LA,2 Gengar SF,2 Uxie LA,2 Claydol GE

Yes and I can get Arceus sleeves, too. But you're going to a pre-release anyway, so you're going to get a pack of hgss sleeves for entering. Do you want more? If you're willing to trade primes for sealed sleeves, i can give you 2 sealed packs of sleeves per prime. The one I'm looking for the most is donphan prime. feraligatr second most, then ampharos.
RE: {H}HGSS + PR Sleeves,Garchomp X MD,4 Kingdra LA,2 Gengar SF,2 Uxie LA,2 Claydol GE

EvilHamster said:
Yes and I can get Arceus sleeves, too. But you're going to a pre-release anyway, so you're going to get a pack of hgss sleeves for entering. Do you want more? If you're willing to trade primes for sealed sleeves, i can give you 2 sealed packs of sleeves per prime. The one I'm looking for the most is donphan prime. feraligatr second most, then ampharos.

Well, I have no HGSS things. Any X's I have that you want?
RE: {H}HGSS + PR Sleeves,Garchomp X MD,4 Kingdra LA,2 Gengar SF,2 Uxie LA,2 Claydol GE

I mean after the pre-release, if you get any primes. The only X I want is flygon, but only for trade fodder because I already have one. Can I add something for it?
RE: {H}HGSS + PR Sleeves,Garchomp X MD,4 Kingdra LA,2 Gengar SF,2 Uxie LA,2 Claydol GE

Nah, I don't want the sleeves THAT badly, because that's a little extreme.
RE: {H}HGSS, Blissey Prime, Garchomp X MD, Salamence X, Claydol {W} Donphan Prime, HGSS

Bump to the very top
RE: {H} Blissey Prime, Red Gyarados #123 {W} Primes, Alph Lithograph

Bump! Updates with new haves and wants
RE: {H} Blissey Prime, Red Gyarados #123 {W} Primes, Alph Lithograph

1x Meganium Prime
1x Ampharos Prime

For your
1x Azelf LA
1x Unwon G

LMK thanks.
RE: {W} HGSS {H} Blaze X, 4 Claydol, 4 Roseanne's Research, Blissey Prime, 2 Red Gyarados

I don't have any PR sleeves atm
RE: {W} HGSS {H} Blaze X, 4 Claydol, 4 Roseanne's Research, Blissey Prime, 2 Red Gyarados

would you do meganium prime (pack) and a ninetales HG/SS RH for blaziken fb lv x?

i also need 2x roseannes and have a charizard AR if we can work something out with that also
RE: {W} HGSS {H} Blaze X, 4 Claydol, 4 Roseanne's Research, Blissey Prime, 2 Red Gyarados

coach4312 said:
would you do meganium prime (pack) and a ninetales HG/SS RH for blaziken fb lv x?

i also need 2x roseannes and have a charizard AR if we can work something out with that also


Blaziken FB X
2x Roseanne's Research LP


Meganium Prime
Typhlosion HGSS
2x Manectric PT
Ninetales HGSS
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