RE: Feral Twilight (PG-13/Chapter Two up; Ronac Fakedex updates: new as of 6/28/2010)
*cracks knuckles* Awriiiight, it's about time I got back into the critiquing scene. I've been letting Zyflair have all the fun for the most part. Granted, Zy got to it before I did, but ehhh, technicalities. I'm here, bro, and hopefully you'll be able to get something out of my little...wall. ^^';
Where to start, where to start...Zyflair left this one fairly open in terms of being able to pick and choose what I want to cover. So I think I'll dabble a little bit in each section, if that's coo' with you; if you want more help in a specific area thereafter, I'd be more than willing to explain more.
So, I suppose I'll start with the barebone basics- spelling and grammar.
Spelling is perfectly fine, although I do have a personal beef with the way you try and dodge the forum censors. (Shut up Zyflair this will not be 25% of my critique. ._.) Personally, given how you talk about body fluids and organs being nearly pulled out of a body in the prologue, and given how you have in fact said that the fic is PG-13 right off the bat, I don't see that much of an issue in twisting the word filters a little. (I know goddammit or a variation of it will work for instance...;D) I dunno. The stars not do any sort of justice to the dark theme of this story. Really, it makes it quite silly each time I see them. And, as has been discussed, there are ways to otherwise use the words on their own...just beware of wild moderators. I'm sure if we have at least PMJ/gamercal/Zyflair's backup on this, we'll be okay, but ehhh...just be careful if you go down that route.
As for grammar, I'mma go with what Zyflair has already stated and say that sometimes the grammar can be a little funky. I'm not gonna nitpick or anything for specific sentences (because most of the time I'm not actually that much of a sp/gr Nazi!), but they are there. The whole transition from 3rd to 1st was a bit sudden and choppy and LIEK WHOA OUTTA FREAKIN' NOWHERE. I'm sure that it has plenty of reasoning as to how it affects the story, so it's not the biggest deal yet...but I would keep it in mind, definitely.
There were also a few times in which things were a do you say, awkwardly introduced. Like, in the middle of a sentence, you revealed Felicia's name, when you could have revealed it in dialogue her name as you did with the Professor. On other notes, sometimes you write out numbers, and othertimes you don't, which confuses me. 99% of the time you should ALWAYS write out numbers. There are generally three occassions where this rule can be omitted:
-Time. This is the biggy for me. I have found there is no good way to try and write it out, so I wouldn't bother.
-Proper things, such as car models.
-Weird numbers above a hundred. Generally I'll even go as far as a thousand, but that's me. More even numbers such as nine-thousand are easier on your eyes. (Speaking of that number, you may as well just go ahead and say 'over nine-thousand residents'. LOLOLOL-*shot*)
Follow these three guidelines and generally your story will flow a LOT better; numbers really break up the constant, solid-word boundaries of a story. And really, you do not want this. At all. Breaking the vital flow will make people snap out of the situation and make them go 'huh? what?' At least, that happens to me.
There were a few times...where I was confused what was going on, in the dialogue. I dunno, maybe I went over something way too fast, but I got lost on the whole 'Ditto not being able to return to a Ditto form' bit. It just seemed so...out of place. What purpose did that serve? I'm clueless... >>'
Other than that, there were times where the explaining of certain aspects of the story were borderline fourth-wall-breaking. The best example I can come up with right now is the bit about Orion's species in the last bit in Chapter 2. I'm not sure how to describe it, but it seemed like the narrator took over, instead of Jay explaining it. I'd be wary of that, maybe perhaps giving Jay's personal voice to the description? It'd be best if you could even mask it so far as to have him start out with 'Haha, the pain was going to rain down on the insolent fools that insulted the Skunter; they were probably amongst the majority of people that had no idea that Orion's species...' Granted, that's a poorly worded example, but you get the gist. I'm not sure. It just...didn't feel right to me, you know? :/
Okayyyy, so we have the main boring stuff outta the way! Now we get to the really fun stuff: plot, character development, and other various fun non-mechanical workings.
The story on its own is actually really interesting thus far! It's really rare to see a fic where the character is Champion already, because a lot of people don't know how to go about that. It's a difficult thing because you somewhat have to have the inner workings of the story already set in stone; the background of the lead character and what troubles they have been through as a trainer before they become Champion (or ex-champion, in this case...) are inevidibly important within any sort of story of this nature. It was really nice to even see part of a battle as him being Champion for the last time. Showing the character is not perfect and suffers their own wins and losses, to me, is the first big step in making a great story.
I'm not gonna lie- the pictures really help me to figure out what each character looks like. (Without them, I keep imagining Lupudle as...well, a wolf-poodle mix. XD) Granted, I do think some of the artwork needs updating, but that's the crazy art lady talking. Ignore her. POINT IS, you have the description coupled with the necessary artwork for the beasts. Personally, I would even go and relate the creatures more to already existing Pokemon, or other animals, but again, that is personal taste. (I even remember seeing something like that in my friend's fanfic, Mighty Wings, where she likened the tip of the tail of a Lugia to a Salamence's, I believe!) Sometimes it's hard to keep up with all the shapes and the like, where it would be easier simply to say, 'with a slimmer body of that of a Typhlosion' or something like that. Again, just an opinion, since you seem to be a pretty geometric person. ;D Whatever floats your boat!
As it stands, we don't have too much plot development thus far; this seems like it's gonna be a loooooooong story of sorts. (I could relate if that's the fact...*coughcoughRQOcoughcough*) I can't really talk too much about that, but from what I've seen so far, something of sorts will happen at the University, and there will be some other Orre references involved. (I'm not gonna lie, I had a good laugh with Miror B. and his two goonies. X3 Something about seeing such lulzy characters from the games makes me smile once in a while...) So far we've seen a lot of sluggish plot movement, so I can't really see where this is going...I guess I'll have to stay put and continue reading, huh?
Aaaand now, we get to the good part: character development. Let us start with Mr. Jay, our lead narrator and jerkwad supreme. :3 We start where he's apparently incompetent enough to claim victory over his sister in some last-ditch move he knew would probably not end out working well. Then again, his sister is somewhat of a cheat, calling back a move after it's been already put out there, so who knows? Maybe it was a fluke. Regardless, he loses his position as Champion to his sister, of all people. If that was me, I'd be crushed over such a stupid loss and beat myself up over it a lot. It seems that in his subconscious he is kinda sorta, minus the weird additions at the beginning and the end of the nightmares. (It was given through the fact you said they were repeated nightmares, iirc...) On top of that, you've also had him 'let himself go' (to nearly quote) with his lack of taking care of facial hair. (He really needs to tend to that...I wanna see his spark come back so he can just -shave-, man.) This can really show some sort of depression within the character, aaaand apparently no-one has been catching on thus far to it. (Unless that wasn't the intent of his character design...?) Regardless, there's a lot of room for some great character development!
The only thing that seemingly got me a bit ehhh on his character design thus far is that he seemed...eager to set out his little destroyer pal Orion on Miror B. He seems ruthless at best, not even caring that he may very well kill someone down the line. Granted, it falls into place with possible depression, yet is he really going to be smart for him later on? This destructive nature kinda does not hit me well for a protagonist. Again, my opinion, but I wanna see someone call him out on his antics.
Now, onto his Pokemon. What? Character development on Pokemon? Heck yeah, I'm going there. A lot of people don't realize it, but Pokemon are just as much a character as any other human character in the story. I'll start with Apollo, our starter Pokemon of choice. I'm...kinda disappointed, in all honesty. As a starter, I've only seen one battle so far with him, and he was given maybe two or three lines later on. (You may wanna use quotes hand in hand with italics, BTW, for his speech. People may get it confused with Jay's thoughts.) I do hope we see much, much more of him, as it is vital, given you have named him the starter! Don't be afraid to give him more human-like characteristics as well. Make him as much a person as you can to really take advantage of the fact we can understand him.
Now, we have our little Lupudle friend, Spunky. Contrary to his name, he seems not too spunky at all, yet rather quite meek and mild. If anything, he seems like a simple little tagalong Pokemon incapable of fighting right now. He seems more like a family pet, if anything. What kinda irks me personally is that he has more screentime than Apollo right now. I dunno...he may be needy, but I think this somehow needs to be addressed later. You could have him battle or something, to show he's not there just as a pet. I'm not too sure as to what to do with the lil' pup.
Ahhh, and then there's Orion. The beastly, crazy, gonna stab you in your face motha-you know the rest. Ill-tempered, it really contrasts with the fact that he speaks English, given only 'smart' Pokemon can really do that. He seems more animalistic in nature, being one to jump the gun if ONE little thing was said against him. This definitely makes him a dangerous Pokemon, yes, but it just...contrasts. A lot. I'm not so sure I like it. I would personally prefer to see a calmer version of this beast, the non-dark side of him. It would really help his character out as it stands. I dunno...if you give the ability to have him speak like a human, the same Pokemon should have an inch of rationality to him. It'd help if Miror B. and Co. went on insulting him for a bit before he just...outright attacked and then spoke. That would be most desirable, in my eye, because it shows he has a bit more intelligence to have self-restraint. Again, my opinion...just be wary about that.
We then have the cocky sister that beat him. Nothing really stands out about her right now, so if she's gonna become a bigger part later on, that's okay. Just make sure to give her some great development.
Same thing with his muscly friend-bro. All I'm seeing is a stereo-typical Brock-like guy right now, mixed with a touch of a common body-builder from Colosseum/XD. If you're gonna be a lady's man, I'd go straight to the point, rather than heading in the Brock direction of 'love', if you know what I mean. ;D Something to that extent, at least...I'm not sure again what you have in store for him, but it's something to keep in mind.
We have the Professor that invited him, as well. She seems very uptight right now from what we've heard so far, so I guess we'll have to see just how she develops when we meet her. *shrugs*
At last, but not least, we have our comedic villain trio from Colo/XD, Miror B., Trudly, and Folly. If there was anything I hated about them three, it was Miror B.'s Ludicolo team. My. God. There's like nothing that can seriously kill those things. I was somewhat disappointed that you didn't bring them in, but hey, you did have another dancing, peacockin' Pokemon (which was a pretty cool idea, I will admit!). They seem on-par right now with how they are acting, but only time will tell. (God I love how freakin' FABULOUS you made Miror B. Just...fabulous. XD) Just keep 'em canon to the games and you'll do fine here. PS: If you don't bring out the Ludicolo team and make them as hard as heck to beat, I WILL cry.
Uhhh, what else is there to talk of...there was one minor little hole I've spotted thus far in the story, that being when Miror B. calls out Jay being Feral. Granted, he is the ex-Champ, but something felt out of place...given how it seems assumed Miror B's fairly new to the region, him being able to know who he was so easily felt stalkerish. :/ I'm not sure at this point, but again, it just seemed like it was thrown out there randomly. Something to keep in mind.
I... can't really think of anything else to say right now. The fic itself right now is fantastic with its potential, and you definitely have all the key ingredients. Work over some of the grammar errors, add a couple more character development points, beware of newbie characters knowing right off the bat who Jay is, and I think this will be fine. I'll look forward to seein' more, bro! :3 Again, if you ever want a deeper nitpick on any of the subjects I brought up later on, lemme know. I'll be happy to oblige so you can polish this thing 'till it SHIIIIIINES.