Flannery is interesting. Technically it could remove the need for you to play a higher count of stadiums to bump Path to the Peak, and with the amount of special energies in the format it probably won't be too hard to make full use of it and do both things, but I don't think "regular" decks can afford to use a turn on this rather than Research or Marnie. Maybe it finds a home in some sort of control build?
The energies are the most interesting cards to me here. Not because they're interesting themselves, they're not particularly, but because of the implications for the decks that would play them. Single Strike and Rapid strike toolbox decks are apparently really being pushed by them. SS really suffers to execute that approach compared to RS though, at least so far, nothing seems to exempt SS from having to run Houndooms. While any SS build seems to demand a 4-4 line in the form of Houndooms, RS just uses RS energy, something they would already do anyway and are left with a whole bunch more bench space and deck space. Blaziken, Urshi, Zeraora...deck's shaping up interestingly, if apparently a bit clunky. With this push towards these toolbox-y builds I wish more and more that they would print SS and RS balls that search any pokémon with the tags, even if it had an ultra ball-like drawback or something.
Another interesting consideration is how greedy these decks can get with special energies, it's not hard to envision decks running nothing but specials, but Fan can really ruin your day if you go that route. Then again, those Rapid Strike toolbox decks probably won't have much of a choice, so...