Foreign Card Banning Petition. If you signed, post your POP ID!

RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

Sign, even though I don't really care that much.

dmaster out.
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I'd like to be on it. Someone finally made it :p
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

Sign me up, i don't really care, but this sucks for a lot of people
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I'll sign, although I own no jp cards.
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I'll sign, as I just traded for a JPN Uxie LV.X before I heard of this. :(
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I'll sign, especially since I think Japanese Cards are a much better deal than North American Cards.
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

2 people i know were hit HARD by this so even though i don't play with foreign cards i will sign this to support the players who do.

I don't think the ban should of happened but it did and were stuck with it so i hope pop learned their lesson
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

We should start like just not buying American cards to tick em off and then when they realize nobody will buy their cards anymore they'll change it. Let's buy ur-ga-yo(for those who don't understand joke that means Yu-Gi-Oh).
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

Hey guys, want to NOT look like an ignorant bunch of little kids?

Nintendo couldn't care less if you give them a bunch of potentially made up fictional screen names on a website from people who supposedly care about an issue.

We should start like just not buying American cards to tick em off and then when they realize nobody will buy their cards anymore they'll change it. Let's buy ur-ga-yo(for those who don't understand joke that means Yu-Gi-Oh).

LOL, a few people not buying cards is meaningless to them. There are plenty of people who will continue buying their product, even if you choose not to.
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

Okay guys, i'll update with all of your names soon. Also, someone here said that we should put our POP ID numbers. I agree with this, as it actually lets them know that we're real people, and not some person who doesn't like the ban making up screen names. So everyone, if you want post your POP IDs or PM them to me, and I'll out them on the list next to your name!
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

Mines 22274. Please, I want my Japanese Garchomp X allowed again!
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

Mine's 114201.

dmaster out.