Foreign Card Banning Petition. If you signed, post your POP ID!

RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

You may as well count up the number of pokebeach members and say thats how many signed up because there are only a few people in the world who play pokemon who wouldn't sign up.:)
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I agree with the rules we all speak english and understand it so we should use cards we can understand and not a bunch of lines i have no idea what it does. Translation or no translation I think its very fair. Also Japnesse cards have a different back then the english cards,so people can cheat if they have bad sleeves.
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I said I'd sign it, so I'll sign it.

*pulls out a ridiculously large pen THAT WRITES IN BLOOD*
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I'll sign. This new rule is so dumb. I dont use Japanese cards but if I got some I would use them.
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I actually don't care, so I won't sign it. I do laugh at you for thinking this may do something though. There are very few things that could change their mind, and I'd be willing to bet nobody here has the proper contacts (let's say, the players from every level that were in the top 10) and could convince them all to create a website and handsign a petition to the head of PUSA, and even then it may not work.
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I am MOST defanitly in. I dont want to even get into how dumb this ruling s, it makes me sick. I might have to quit, if they dont fix it.
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I'm signing this because they just gave a HUGEMUNGASAUR reason to up the ratios.
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I do not think a bunch of screen names that could easily be the same person over and over with new accounts, forced on by the petition maker, made up by the petition maker, and so-on is going to convince PUSA to change this new ruling.

RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

I sign if it can help. I think it's a totally stupid rule with nuts motivation and that we'll loose a lot of good players in this way...
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

sign me in pls. I to hate this new rule, all because people don't have the minimum interest in reading or studying the translations
RE: Foreign Card Banning Petition

How about a petition online with the POP-ID as ref and shared in the most biggest sites of Pokemon TCG