Señor Noobnerd said:From what I read at first, I thought you meant "noe rulez". Ok, now everything's clarified.
Señor Noobnerd said:Of course not. This thing doesn't even need rules; it will get locked at once.
Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:I have edited the first post formalizing a new rule that you may not use the avatar of any staff member. Please make a note of it.
By chatspeak, do you mean "lol" or "yea u suk"? These two are different things. The first is allowed. Omg, wth, gtg, bbl, etc.Tobi_Akatsuki's_Idiot said:I'm pretty sure that about this whole no "chatspeak" on PB WPm put up, dude not to sound disrespectful, i'm expressing my opinion, but ahem...
Why put us down like this, chatspeak although not appropriate all the time isn't all that good of reason to ban someone, its a convenient form of communicating in the 21st century...
Link fixed.Blazing_Monkey said:WPM, the newbie guide link doesn't work, it says " The specified thread does not exist ".
Señor Noobnerd said:3) Abbreviations... They're fine, but not too many.