Forum Rules Question Thread

RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

Absol said:
Señor Noobnerd said:
3) Abbreviations... They're fine, but not too many.

IMO abbreviations like IMO, IIRC, FTW, QFT, PokéBeach Forums, etc is fine, while abbreviations like plz, pls, nvm, gg, gtg, bb are just plain n00bish.

Enjoy my 2 cents.

Well, abbreviations like IMO, QFT etc are natural. No one ever says; In my opnion or Quoted For Truth. Abbreviations like gtg, pls; They just look messy/n00bish etc.
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

Oh yeah, loads of members have started to post links to trick sites like So, IMO, you should include a rule that linking trick sites in your post woulod result to you being banned, and you can only post trick site links in your sig/PMs/profile.
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

Question: If another user steals your avatar/signature, will they get in trouble?
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

Only if it's an avatar/signature of a staff member. Otherwise, it's up to the member to discuss the matter over PMs with the member who stole the avatar/signature.
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

When it says "linking to other Pokemon sites to advertise"... Is it ok if we let friends know about sites? Or...still no?
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

You an tell them through PMs or in your ignature but you can actually make posts with links in them.
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

Silver, why would you be qualified to answer this question?

Advertising through PM is also a no-no. Let me refer to rule 9: "Linking to other Pokemon sites only for the sake of advertising will result in a permanent ban. If you want to advertise your own site, use your signature.", nowhere does it say anything about advertising through PM being allowed. If you want to tell your friend, do it through AIM/MSN/whatever or hope that they look at your signature enough ;)
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

Absol said:
Oh yeah, loads of members have started to post links to trick sites like So, IMO, you should include a rule that linking trick sites in your post woulod result to you being banned, and you can only post trick site links in your sig/PMs/profile.

Seeing as your question was overlooked, even though I am not a mod, I think I can shed a bit of light on your question.

Plain and simple, if a link says, then I would expect it to go to

If you see a trick link, report it. If a moderator wants to correct me. Do it.

2 cents <--- mine.
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Silver, why would you be qualified to answer this question?

Advertising through PM is also a no-no. Let me refer to rule 9: "Linking to other Pokemon sites only for the sake of advertising will result in a permanent ban. If you want to advertise your own site, use your signature.", nowhere does it say anything about advertising through PM being allowed. If you want to tell your friend, do it through AIM/MSN/whatever or hope that they look at your signature enough ;)

Well the fact I got in truoble for posting a link to prove my point kinda helps my knowledge....Oh ys a question going out there....What technicly stops you from giving people you know links through PMs? You technicly wouldn't know...(no I haven't done it because the only person I talked to often is now gone) Does WPM and the other Super Mods go through the PMs or something?
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

There's a "report PM" option, so once someone reports your PM, you're busted :)
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

And what if they don't click that? That mdos would never know.
See? I just poked a hole in your logic.
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

If they never read it, then your PM would be useless in the first place. :) The only way you can advertise is through a link in your signature.
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

Thanks Heavenly! It cleared things up.
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

Kevin Garrett said:
If they never read it, then your PM would be useless in the first place. :) The only way you can advertise is through a link in your signature.

Yes but what if they read it and DON'T report it?
THEN the mods would never know.
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

Advertising is meant to be irritating. If it's not irritating to that person, there is no need to report it, isn't it?
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

That's kinda my point. The only people that are gonna be sending PMs to people they don't know at all about joining forums are n00bs.
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

Krucifier said:
Absol said:
Oh yeah, loads of members have started to post links to trick sites like So, IMO, you should include a rule that linking trick sites in your post would result to you being banned, and you can only post trick site links in your sig/PMs/profile.

Seeing as your question was overlooked, even though I am not a mod, I think I can shed a bit of light on your question.

Plain and simple, if a link says, then I would expect it to go to

If you see a trick link, report it. If a moderator wants to correct me. Do it.

2 cents <--- mine.

Lol, it isn't easy to spot a trick link from a real one, especially if someone masks it (via tinyurl).

For example:


They may look alike, but they're different. So instead of getting pwned, complaining to the mods and losing hours of typing, why not create a rule that disallows members to post links that are difficult or takes a long time to escape from, once the site is entered. I mean, things like kevin brain (the zombie thingy) is okay, since nothing obscene or annoying pops up, but the artwork thief thingy is just plain annoying. So IMO these links cannot be posted into posts in any form, and if posted in sigs, it must give some sort of visible warning.
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

Someone did that and it was linked to rickroll. That just sucks.

I was also thinking about the rules for signitures. It is really annoying when people post large gifs in they're sig, I have seen quite a few people do it and it makes my computer lag. Can we stop it?
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

A good way to check a link, is to hover the cursor over the link, and look at your bottom-left corner of your browser. (for IE)
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

Hmm... I do not think that we have to come out with such drastic measures such as rule-making to prevent this problem. I don't see it anymore. The last time I saw it, it was Absol himself linking. :F
MylesPrower said:
A good way to check a link, is to hover the cursor over the link, and look at your bottom-left corner of your browser. (for IE)
A simple way to do it, and it also works for Firefox. After all, even if a rule is made, there will be some jokers who will not follow it.