future ex's

RE: Future EXs ideas

Beedril ex
160 hp
poke-body: Poison Reaction
Whenever Beedril ex is attacked, the defending pokemon is now posioned.
GGC Miracle Sting 30x
Flip 3 coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads. If you get 2 or more heads, choose a special condition. The defending pokemon is now affected by that special condition.
GGGGG Emergency Sting 100+
This attack does 100 damage plus 30 more damage for each special condition on the defending pokemon. After damage calculation, remove all special conditions from the defending pokemon and put 2 damage counters on Beedril ex for each special condition removed in this weakness:fire,psychic
retreat cost:1

Delibird ex
130 hp
WW Present
Flip 5 coins. If 1 is heads, put 4 damage counters on the defending pokemon. If 2 are heads, put 2 damage counters on Delibird ex. If 3 are heads, put 5 damage counters on the defending pokemon and defending pokemon is confused. If 4 are heads, remove all damage counters from the defending pokemon. If all are heads, put 12 damage counters on the defending pokemon. If none are heads, remove all damage counters on all of your opponent's pokemon.
retreat cost:2

Ludicolo ex
150 hp
poke-power: Collect
Once during your turn, before you attack, you may draw 2 cards. If you do, Ludicolo ex is now asleep. This poke-power can't be used if Ludicolo ex is affected by a special condition.
WWC Return Guzzle 30
You may search your discrad pile for up to 3 cards and put them in your hand.
WWWW Shuffle Tsunami 10x
This attack does 10 damage times the number of cards in your hand. After damage calculation, shuffle your hand into your deck and draw 5 cards. (All if there is less than 5.)
retreat cost:3

Shiftry ex
150 hp
poke-power: Discard Festival
Once during your turn, before you attack, you may discard up to 2 cards from your hand. This power can't be used if Shiftry ex is affected by a special condition.
GD Unhelpful Errand 30
You may search your deck for up to 2 cards and discard them. Shuffle your deck afterward.
GGGDD Sudden Payback 10x
This attack does 10 damage times the number of cards in your discard pile. After damage calculation, shuffle your hand and discard pile into your deck and draw 5 cards. (All if there are less than 5.)
retreat cost:3
RE: Future EXs ideas

i have 1

metagross ex delta species (electric/metal) 150 hp
when metagross ex delta species is knocked out you may draw one prize card.
(metal) (metal) (metal) (metal) holy winds 10 damage
this attack lets you take a combination of 3 energies from your hand discard pile and/or deck and attach them to metagross ex delta species. you may do 50 damage to metagross ex delta species to do knock out the defending pokemon.
(metal) (metal) (metal) (metal) (electric) (electric) (electric) electric burn

the defending pokemon is now burned . this burn does 100 damage per tails. for every heads this attack does 50 damage. damage done by your opponents pokemon are reduced by 30 damage. metagross may retreat for free now.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Shedinja EX
Type: Grass
Evolves from Nincada
Pokebody: Hollow Body
Prevent all effects of an attack, including damage, by attacks from pokemon without types listed on Shedinja Ex's Weakness.

(G)(C) Cursed Counter: Place a Cursed counter on one of your opponent's defending pokemon. Between turn's, if Shedinja EX was fainted the turn before, faint the pokemon with Cursed counter. You do not take any prizes for this effect.

(G)(G)(G) Spectre Slice 10 : During your opponent's next turn, reduce damage Shedinja takes by 20 (Before Applying weakness and resistance)

Weakness: Fire, Dark
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)

Rapidash EX
Type: Fire
Evolves from Ponyta
Pokepower: Firetorch
For each (G) Energt attached to a defending pokemon, Rapidash Ex does +10 Damage (Before applying Weakness and Resistances)

(R) Fastfire: Choose an opponent's pokemon, this attack does 20 to that pokemon.(Do not apply Weakness and Resistance for benched pokemon.)

(R)(C)(C)Flame Stomp 60
Weakness: Water
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost: (C)

Ruling By Power
Trainer- Stadium
Any pokemon with 50 Hp Or less cannot use Pokebodies or Pokepowers. If an Evolved pokemon is affected by Ruling by power, place a Damage counter on it between turns.

Ursaring EX
Type: Normal
Evolves from Teddiursa

Pokepower: Bear Hug Party
When you play Ursaring from your hand to evolve a pokemon, choose an evolved pokemon you have in play(Excluding pokemon EX). Remove 2 damage counters from that pokemon for each pokemon you have in play.

(C)(C)(C)Big Bear Roar 50+ : This attack does 50 damge +30 more damage if the defending pokemon is a basic pokemon.

(C)(C)(C)(C) Hyperbeam 120 : Ursaring Ex cannot use Hyperbeam during your next turn.

Weakness: Fighting
Resistance: Psychic
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)
RE: Future EXs ideas

shedinja ex.. way to low hp, dude. make it 70Hp at least.
there should be a
i) Gligar ex
ii) Smeargle ex
iii) Torkoal ex
iv) Absol ex
v) Spinda ex
RE: Future EXs ideas

^Point of this thread is to make them.. >_>

Shedinja.. the reason that Wonder Guard doesn't exist in the TCG is because you can't have a deck with every type of attack in it, unlike in the game... so the power's broken. That card has 'autoloss' written all over it. :/
RE: Future EXs ideas

Thats why I made Ruling by power. Shedinja Ex has less than 50 hp and is evolved so it takes a dmg counter. Plus there are alot of cards that get past that effect, such as Swift. The whole point of 10 hp is hes one hit koed easily, so it's a risk running him. Im sure theres something better I could do, but really, there are alot of dark types and a fire deck would eat it alive. Besides, with the ex lately, its not so bad.

I could change it to any pokemon with an energy of that type equiped so multi and rainbow let him take the hit.
RE:  Future EXs ideas

mathace said:
there should be a
i) Gligar ex
ii) Smeargle ex
iii) Torkoal ex
iv) Absol ex
v) Spinda ex
Your wish is my command...

Gligar ex
130 hp
FF Cling and Glide 20
You may remove 2 damage counters from Gligar ex.
FFFC Swift Glide 80
Don't apply weakness and resistance for this attack.
retreat cost:1

Smeargle ex
100 hp
poke-body: Bon Appetiet
In between turns, you may remove 2 damage counters from Smeargle ex.
CCCC Super Strike 20x
This attack does 20 damage for each damage counter Smeargle ex needs to be knocked out. (Don't apply weakness and resistance for this damage.)
retreat cost:2

Torkoal ex
140 hp
poke-power: Hot Coals
once during your turn, before you attack, you may choose one of your opponent's pokemon. Put 2 damage counters on that pokemon.
RRC Flame Ring 60
The defending pokemon cannot retreat during your opponent's next turn.
RRRRR Overheat 250-
Don't apply weakness and resistance for this damage. The next time you use Overheat, reduce that damage by 40.
retreat cost:3

I already made an absol ex, but I'll make another one!
Absol ex
140 hp
poke-power: Dark Moonlight
Once during your turn,b efore you attack, you may search your discard pile for a dark energy card and attach it to Absol ex.
DCC Quick Slash 40+
You may discard as many dark energy cards as you want attached to Absol ex. This attack does 40 damage plus 30 more damage for each energy discarded in this way.
DDDCC Intimadating Stare 90
Flip a coin. If heads, the defending pokemon can't attack during your opponent's next turn. (Benching either pokemon ends this effect.)
retreat cost:3

Spinda ex
120 hp
CC Dizzy Blast 30
Spinda ex and the defedning pokemon are now confused.
CCCCC Miracle Comeback 20x
This attack does 20 damage times the number of damage counters on Spina ex.
retreat cost:2
RE: Future EXs ideas

Gligars Hp is too high for a basic, at most it should be 110. with a healing attack especially. Smeargle is way too strong. Healing 40 each round is too powerful. thats a sitrus berry on an ex every turn. OHKo's would be the only real chance against it, plus the wording on his atack is off. Use wailord Ex's attack as a suggestion. If he were to keep his pokebody which should be a power at the least, that attack should do 20x the dmg counters on him.
RE: Future EXs ideas

YO YO YO there should be a jr.mime ex, tyrogue ex, igglybuff ex, azurill ex, magby ex, pichu ex, elekid ex, bonsly ex, munchlax ex, tamanta ex, manyula ex, cleffa ex. it would be so HOONIE if someone made those exs
RE: Future EXs ideas

^ Tha's impoosible. OH NOES ITS A POWERED UP BALL OF WATER!!!!111fordfocus!!!

Now it's time for the most ultimate ex's ever thought up on this board!

Slowking ex 100 HP [W]
Stage 1- Evolves from Slowpoke

Picture: In a Himeno style (See deoxys beutifly), a Slowking is sitting on a rock in an ocean, most of it concealed by holofoil, staring at you. A giant wave is seen behind him, and Slowkings eyes are glowing a brightish pink and seems to be mad!

Poké-Power: Breif Mind Game
Once during your turn (before your attack), When you play Slowking ex from your hand to evolve one of your Pokémon, look at the top 5 cards of your opponent an place them back in any order you like.

[C] Glassy Gaze 20
If the Defending Pokémon tries to retreat during your opponent's next turn, flip a coin. If heads the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.

[W][C][C] United Shell 60+
This attack does 60 damage plus 10 more damage for each Slowpoke, Slowbro, and Slowking on your bench.

W: (L)
R: N/A
RC: (C)(C)

Parasect ex 120 HP [G]
Stage 1- Evolves from Paras

Picture in a Kaike style (See Medicham ex) a Parasect is looming over you, coming from the right side of the frame, going Diagnol. we can make out a small lump of dirt that paraesct is on, and there is a blackish-green backround.

[C] Infected Pollen
Flip a coin. If heads, you may treat the Defending Pokémon as any type of your choice until the end of your next turn. Either way, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep.

[G][C] Shroom Slash 10
Flip 4 coins. For each heads, choose a Special Condition. The Defending Pokémon is now affected by each of those Special Conditions. Parasect ex does 10 damage to itself.

[C][C][C] Cut 50

W: [R][C]
R: [W][P]
RC: (C)

Machamp ex δ Delta Species [L] 150 HP
Stage 2- Evovles from Machoke

Picture: In an Arita style (See Dustox ex), A machamp is standing in the middle of the frame, with zigzag lines of yellow emitting from it, in an orange backround. There is a yellow aura surroundon Machamp.

Poké-Body: Hand Compatibility
Reduce all damage done to Machamp ex by 10 for each card in your hand. You can't reduce more than 40 damage in this way.

(L)(C) Hammerdown 20x
Flip 4 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. If at least 2 are heads, the Defending Pokémon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn.

(L)(L)(L)(L)(L) Mass Delta Panic 250
All of your Pokémon besides Machamp ex are now Knocked out. Machamp ex does 130 damage to itself. Machamp ex is now Poisened, Confused, and Burned.

W: (P)
R: N/A
RC: (C)(C)(C)
RE: Future EXs ideas

Charizardian said:
^ Tha's impoosible. OH NOES ITS A POWERED UP BALL OF WATER!!!!111fordfocus!!!

Now it's time for the most ultimate ex's ever thought up on this board!

Slowking ex 100 HP [W]
Stage 1- Evolves from Slowpoke

Picture: In a Himeno style (See deoxys beutifly), a Slowking is sitting on a rock in an ocean, most of it concealed by holofoil, staring at you. A giant wave is seen behind him, and Slowkings eyes are glowing a brightish pink and seems to be mad!

Poké-Power: Breif Mind Game
Once during your turn (before your attack), When you play Slowking ex from your hand to evolve one of your Pokémon, look at the top 5 cards of your opponent an place them back in any order you like.

[C] Glassy Gaze 20
If the Defending Pokémon tries to retreat during your opponent's next turn, flip a coin. If heads the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.

[W][C][C] United Shell 60+
This attack does 60 damage plus 10 more damage for each Slowpoke, Slowbro, and Slowking on your bench.

W: (L)
R: N/A
RC: (C)(C)

Parasect ex 120 HP [G]
Stage 1- Evolves from Paras

Picture in a Kaike style (See Medicham ex) a Parasect is looming over you, coming from the right side of the frame, going Diagnol. we can make out a small lump of dirt that paraesct is on, and there is a blackish-green backround.

[C] Infected Pollen
Flip a coin. If heads, you may treat the Defending Pokémon as any type of your choice until the end of your next turn. Either way, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep.

[G][C] Shroom Slash 10
Flip 4 coins. For each heads, choose a Special Condition. The Defending Pokémon is now affected by each of those Special Conditions. Parasect ex does 10 damage to itself.

[C][C][C] Cut 50

W: [R][C]
R: [W][P]
RC: (C)

Machamp ex δ Delta Species [L] 150 HP
Stage 2- Evovles from Machoke

Picture: In an Arita style (See Dustox ex), A machamp is standing in the middle of the frame, with zigzag lines of yellow emitting from it, in an orange backround. There is a yellow aura surroundon Machamp.

Poké-Body: Hand Compatibility
Reduce all damage done to Machamp ex by 10 for each card in your hand. You can't reduce more than 40 damage in this way.

(L)(C) Hammerdown 20x
Flip 4 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. If at least 2 are heads, the Defending Pokémon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn.

(L)(L)(L)(L)(L) Mass Delta Panic 250
All of your Pokémon besides Machamp ex are now Knocked out. Machamp ex does 130 damage to itself. Machamp ex is now Poisened, Confused, and Burned.

W: (P)
R: N/A
RC: (C)(C)(C)
Slowking ex is good.

Parasect ex is not fair. With four flips, chances are you will get at least one heads. All you have to do is choose Paralyze and they will never attack. Maybe once when they evolve.

Machamp ex δ is pretty stupid. You have no reason to use Mass Delta Panic, ever. For any reason. Way to go, your opponent just took a bunch of Prizes, and Machamp ex is going down when it's your turn.

And "baby" Pokémon-ex would be dumb. With the rule, the evolution power, you have room for maybe one attack that does nothing but damage. And they'd have what, like 50 HP?

Sneasel evolves into Manyula, not the other way around.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Parasect IS FAIR. Even if they can't briney, scoop up, or evolve, Parasect dies in 12 turns of using it.

Machamp is not stpid, it's an auto-KO, and he's ost of the time left at 90 HP, or 60 at the end of your next turn, giving you a chance to bench another Pokémon.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Charizardian said:
Parasect IS FAIR. Even if they can't briney, scoop up, or evolve, Parasect dies in 12 turns of using it.

Machamp is not stpid, it's an auto-KO, and he's ost of the time left at 90 HP, or 60 at the end of your next turn, giving you a chance to bench another Pokémon.
Dying in twelve turns? Not likely if you're using double STM/Life Herb, Potion, Oran Berry, or Blissey ex.

EM Sceptile solves Machamp ex's Special Condition problem (use Rainbow or Holon's Magtrode). Mass Delta Panic is still dumb because it kills off your Bench and cuts Machamp ex's HP in half, and that's only assuming you can take full advantage of his body. Otherwise you get your face rocked. And either way, your entire Bench dies. Hello Safeguard.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Deoxys Shelgon dies, too.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Slaking EX
180 HP(C)

Poke Body: Laziness
When ever Slaking EX uses one of the attacks printed on it's card, it cannot use that attack during your next turn. This Poke Body cannot be prevented by any other card.

(C)(C) Rest
Remove 7 damage counters from Slaking EX. Slaking EX is now asleep.

(C)(C)(C)(C) Frustration 140-
This attack does 140 damage minus 10 damage for each damage counter on Slaking EX.

Weakness: (F)
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)(C)(C)(C)
RE: Future EXs ideas

Golem EX
160 HP(F)

(F)(C) Rock Power 30+
This attack does 30 damage plus 20 more damage for each Fighting Energy attached to Golem EX. You can't add more than 80 damage in this way.

(F)(F)(C)(C) Rockslide 60+
You may discard any number of Fighting Energies attached to your Pokemon. If you do this attck does 60 damage plus 20 more damage for each energy card discarded in this way.

Weakness: (W)(G)
Resistance: (L)
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)(C)(C)(C)

I'm not sure if this is right for a Golem EX, but I like it. I would seem cool to play. You know... if it was real:)
RE: Future EXs ideas

I got some:
Whiscash ex 120 HP {W}
{WF} Shaking Tremor 50
This attack does 10 damage to each Benchjed Pokemon.
{WWW} Surf 80
Weakness: Grass
Resistance: N/A
Retreat Cost: {CCC}

Gligar ex 70HP {C}
{C} Posion Fang 10
The DEfending Pokemon is now Poisoned
{CCC} Fly 40
Weakness: N/A
Resistance: N/A
Retreat cost: {CC}
RE: Future EXs ideas

i also got 1:

granbull ex 180 HP[C]
Pokepower:short temperred
When granbull ex is damaged by a oppenents pokemon,granbull ex does 50 damage to it.

[cc]Mega Bite 30+
If the pokemon is effected by short tempperred last turn,this attack does 30 more damage.

[cccc]punch butt 70+
If the defending pokemon is a evoled or pokemon ex,this attack does 50 more damage.

retreat cost:[c]
RE: Future EXs ideas

i still got 1:

hourdoom ex[FD] 160

pokepower:dark flame
once during your turn(before your attack),if you attach a dark or fire energy to hourdoom ex,the defending pokemon is now burned.

dark flamethrower[fdd] 50
the defending pokemon cannot retreat during your opperners next turn.

dark fire blast[ffdd] 90+
if the defending pokemon is burned,this attack does 30 more damage.

retreat cost:[ccc]