Future Metagame Speculation Thread

RE: Future Metagame Speculation

2-2 Musharna
4 Ether

That's the same ammount as EtherDex. You get to use the Pokedex-like Ability (while I will admit it is weaker) every turn, so it's waiting until you get an energy in the top two cards of your deck, or waiting until you get two cards you can't really do anything with without the other half. You also draw a card off of Musharna, which is always useful. I think the combination of energy acceleration and draw/topdeck control would make it worth including into some decks that would need the energy acceleration. It's certainly not as broken as Dark Patch. Maybe we'll get something soon that could really use the Musharna/Ether engine. I would like to point out that if you have two Musharna in play, you can use the first Ability. Then if you don't get it, you can use a Supporter, play a search card, or something to shuffle your deck, and then use the second Musharna's Ability.

I don't think it'll be BDIF by any means, but I do like that it encourages original ideas (no matter how viable) like Quad Giratina.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Why musharuna?
You get the draw support, but you dont need it. I rather just play 4 pokedex cause its easier to hit (skyla) without wasting bench space
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

I see it being used in some big Basic deck that has plenty of Bench space for Musharna. Four Pokedex is certainly an option, but I feel that Musharna would be more useful overall. No matter how consistent your list is, there will be
instances in which you dead draw (say being N'd down to one or two). I think that Musharna does more for a deck, making it more justified rather than eight cards for just an unreliable (having to have both pieces at the same time and with the most common Supporters right now being N and Juniper make it a bit harder) energy acceleration engine. That's just my opinion, though.
Future Metagame Speculation

Why not include Musharna and pokedex? Both can help you through dead draws and they can work together well. I would play a 1-1 Musharna line and 2-3 pokedex.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

I really don't see etherdex being a big deal at all. The reason? Hypnotoxic Laser. It's much more aggressive, It's one item card that deals damage and disrupts your opponents play with the possibility of sleep. I'm willing to bet you will see 10/10 people show up to tournaments with hypnotoxic laser in their big basic deck instead of etherdex. I feel like it missed its chance because it wasn't released in boundaries crossed. It's the difference between four spots or seven-eight spots out of your deck. Two cards played from the hand for only one energy attachment is just too much. Colress machine can accelerate energy for 1 card and can retrieve it from any part of the deck. Why not play four hypnotoxic laser and three-four colress machine? I think there are just too many options that will be more consistent than etherdex.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Jakeupp said:
I really don't see etherdex being a big deal at all. The reason? Hypnotoxic Laser. It's much more aggressive, It's one item card that deals damage and disrupts your opponents play with the possibility of sleep. I'm willing to bet you will see 10/10 people show up to tournaments with hypnotoxic laser in their big basic deck instead of etherdex. I feel like it missed its chance because it wasn't released in boundaries crossed. It's the difference between four spots or seven-eight spots out of your deck. Two cards played from the hand for only one energy attachment is just too much. Colress machine can accelerate energy for 1 card and can retrieve it from any part of the deck. Why not play four hypnotoxic laser and three-four colress machine? I think there are just too many options that will be more consistent than etherdex.
Because Colress Machine can only get plasma energy for plasma pokemon. Etherdex is great in fighting decks, which were lacking energy acceleration in the past.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Ehhhhh I know. I was hyped about fighters/ether before boundaries crossed came out. But then ether didn't come out-__-. I just feel like ether engines aren't consistent enough to keep up with hypnotoxic deathcannon. I think BW-BC etherdex would have been top tier. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Why the hell would you get a musharana line in there? why not just throw in 2 lunaton
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

TrainerNaru said:
Why the hell would you get a musharana line in there? why not just throw in 2 lunaton

Because Lunatone just looks at the cards. You can't draw any, and you can't manipulate them. Why would you run Lunatone? At that point, you might as well just use Pokedex.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Maybe I'm biased toward stasis inflictors, but I think the virbank gym is going to be a huge deck type. If anything, just for the combo with hypno beam. Inflicting 3 extra damage that easily is just broken. Not to mention it gives rogue decks like raticate, ninetails/amoonguss, a fighting chance. There are so many ways those two cards can be abused that I would be extremely surprised if they don't have a huge impact on the metagame. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is the extra power this gives donk decks.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Don't worry about donk decks; it's a really bad strategy to build a deck around because donking EX's is next to impossible and if your opponent starts more than one Pokemon, the game just ends there.

However, Virbank is going to play a massive role in the metagame. The Hypnotoxic Laser/Virbank combo is going to be played in any deck that can find room for it. I disagree with you about the rogues though; in fact, the existence of Hypno/Virbank is actually going to destroy any chance of Rogues succeeding because the format is going to be too fast and damage heavy for anything like that to succeed.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

It looks like Hypnotoxic Laser & Virbank will ruin an already bad format.

Hand Denial, here I come.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Teal said:
It looks like Hypnotoxic Laser & Virbank will ruin an already bad format.

Hand Denial, here I come.

It's why I hate Plasma Storm so much.

And ssssshhhhhhh that was my idea :p Unfortunately, they of course decide to hold Ghestis back, so even that is barely workable.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

I was dissapointed that Ghetsis wasn't there, but it's not like I expected it to be there. :C
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

That's what I mean. EXs and few big basics are fine against donk strategies, but everything else is just going to get killed instantly. Most of the pokemon in each set are evolution lines, many of which are completely unplayable outside of limited, but even the ones that do have potential get destroyed by a select few (mainly mewtwo, lando, darkrai, tornadus) before they even hit the field. It's almost gotten to the point where you could completely write off any evolution lines and the format wouldn't change much. We're not there yet, but with power creep, it's possible in the future of PTCG.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Blah said:
Teal said:
It looks like Hypnotoxic Laser & Virbank will ruin an already bad format.

Hand Denial, here I come.

It's why I hate Plasma Storm so much.

And ssssshhhhhhh that was my idea :p Unfortunately, they of course decide to hold Ghestis back, so even that is barely workable.

How did they decide to hold ghetsis back when it's in the next set, not this one.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

r3skyline said:
Blah said:
It's why I hate Plasma Storm so much.

And ssssshhhhhhh that was my idea :p Unfortunately, they of course decide to hold Ghestis back, so even that is barely workable.

How did they decide to hold ghetsis back when it's in the next set, not this one.

It was actually in a promo set in between this set and the next one, so it really could have gone either way.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Blah said:
r3skyline said:
How did they decide to hold ghetsis back when it's in the next set, not this one.

It was actually in a promo set in between this set and the next one, so it really could have gone either way.
No other cards from that gift set were in plasma storm.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Speaking of which, how awesome would it be to get some kind of plasma gift set with that plasma Darkrai? It's highly unlikely, but it would be really awesome!