GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist" [Art trades! Collabs! Whatever! Alright!]

Should we have a monthly/weekly featured piece?

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RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

Really like the Alakazam font.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

I see what you mean about the was on the same line, 6-D. Reuniclus was my first line though, and I didn't know it was gonna be a typography thing yet.

@both of you: I get all my fonts from
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

Ooooh Art group... *want*
I hope I can join you guys.

Oh yes, in regards to the poll, I think a monthly or so featured piece would be awesome, maybe whenever there's a challenge, choose the featured one from there? :)
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

But what are they specifically?
@DarkChomp: Glad to see you're interested!
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

So, I've made a blog for my new comic, but I'm not going to throw out links until I have the first page done. To give you guys a little sneak-peek, the title of the comic is "(The Better Version of) Mount Everest)"

I think it should be fun to write, so...enjoy!
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

@6-Dimension: Thanks dude, I hope I can join up. :)
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

Oh yeah, hey guys, there's a new member. YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHO.
Looking forward to the comic AG. I wish I had the patience, attention span, or inspiration to do a comic.

The Reuniclus one is called coalition, the Alakazam one is called Astro 867, and the diglett one is called rockdafonkybit.

I added the texture to the diglett one BTW.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

I'm gonna post a drawing here too.
If only I had the courage...
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

Doooooooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

Okay ;)
I'll start drawing it, I've putting it off for quite some time.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

:eek: You hate all animals?! MC no approve.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

I honestly do. Especially cats.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

xD x.x Well ehh. Humans are animals too xD I`m amazed you like pokemon lol
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

Oh I've got humans covered. I hate those.

I mean, art.

This is a collab with me and 6-D. We did it on the head of a pin.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

We did it on the head of a pin.

Your kidding.

MC-Yes, yes I do. If you saw me in person, you would realize how anti-social.

But pokemon have super-powers. Therefore, they're cool.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

xD I'm pretty cynical myself lol you've not *seen* that side of me, I keep it to myself here as I'd prolly get in trouble.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

I'm having trouble with PM's so I'll just post my application.

What we should call you: Shinx
Favorite style of art to do: pencil, pen, and paper(not really sure if that's a style, but...)
Favorite style of art to see:^
Favorite color(s): orange and green
Anything else we should know: I draw a lot but don't have access to a scanner often, so I will mostly be posting things that are in my art thread right now. Sorry if you have already seen them.;)
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

K I cannot believe I forgot to add this girl as one of my inspirations. I could never hope to be that good O_O;; she's my god.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

No AG, I'm not kidding.

Shinx is a member now.

Also, commitment win for the win?
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