Gengar Prime Discussion

How do you think Gengar will fare in the upcoming Metagame? Please post why you chose what you did.

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Okay combo gengar prime with spiritomb LL, with hunter and maybe noctowl or mr.mime LL to see your opponents hand and some lucian's assigment to re-use energies and tech lucario from hs 2.
Gengar Prime is ok. But its pokebody requires that Gengar be in the active spot. That being said, gengar must rely on its own attacks to KO pokemon and use its body.
Its second attack is crap. Placing 4 damage counters in any way you like.
....Okay, its not a bad attack, but you wont be KOing anything very quickly.
And its other attack, Plunge into Darkness, IS the wonder attack, but there will be ways around it.

Plus Gengar is weak to Dark. Or Absol G Lv X.
Even with Level Down, Dialga won't be dying very easily to Gengar Prime neither will any other SPs with Garchomp C and Poketurn.
Garchomp Player: Garchomp C X, "Healing Breath," Poke Turn.
Gengar Player: "Plunge into darkness," later Garchomp X!

Yeah. that ends Garch arguements.


Garchomp Player: Holds Garchomp C X in hand to heal next turn
Gengar Player: I'll take that

Lets face it, you won't throw down Garchomp C X immediately.
SotS: I dont know about that. You should be expecting Gengar Prime whenever your opponent has a Gastly out.
With that in mind, I'd rather waste a healing breath and have Garchomp around, then save it and lose Chomp.

but thats just me.
You could always shuffle garchomp back in after using healing breath, but it is extremely hard to get around plunge into darkness.
Gengar Prime doesn't have to rely on his own attack to use his body. You can use Gengar AR to Shadow Skip and Shadow Skip into Gengar Prime, which will cause the pokemon that was koed by Shadow Skip to be sent to the Lost Zone by his body. Getting two Gengars out can be difficult and it's not the quickest thing to do, but it can be an effective strategy.
The thing is, if someone can build a list consistent enough to get a T2 Gengar consistently with a lot of trainers,it will be a troubling card. Plus, it can abuse the Twins Supporter so much. Geting any 2 cards out of your deck could easily turn the tide of some games. However, I find that Gengar has the curse of being stage 2, greatly lowering the chances of spamming Gengars.
That's where Mew Prime comes in. You don't have to worry about building up a Gengar before you can get an attack off because Mew Prime can just use Gengar Prime's attack. The only problem with Mew is the low hp.
Who cares about Mew's HP when you're lost zoning stuff for game anyways? Eventually, you'll have a Gengar in play that doesn't die in one hit.

Also, + counters Deafen.

Koed <ews work to your advantage as well as they put you in down in prizes allowing you to take advantage of Twins.

I think Lost Remover to remove the sp metal energy from Dialga is more effective than gulpin.