BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

RE: In-game Team Rates

I'm trying to make a battle tower team but I don't want to waste time with something that won't work so I'm posting a team before I actually build it.

Latios: Soul Dew
EV:252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP
Calm mind
Dragon Pulse

Heatran: Expert Belt
EV: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP
Earth Power
Dragon Pulse

Weavile: Life Orb
EV: 20 HP, 252 Atk, 236 Spe
Sword Dance
Ice Punch
Brick Break
Night Slash

They work individually, as I've seen before, but I'm not sure if they have good team synergy. Help!
RE: In-game Team Rates

It looks okay, but you seem to have a big Ground issue, and in my experience, those are very popular in the Battle Tower. I would lose either Weavile or Heatran for something like Gyarados or Togekiss.

On Latios Remove Thunder for Thunderbolt. Thunder has such a low accuracy it will hardly ever hit. Not to mention, against the Pokemon you would actually Bolt, it would OHKO them anyway.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Sooo, lately i've been just playing the original GBC Silver Version with my Pokemon Stadium 2 game. Me and my friends haven't really gotten around to the ds yet, any who, here is my current team:

Typhlosion Lv. 78
holding charcoal
1. Earthquake
2. Flamethrower
3. Thunderpunch
4. Swift

Golem Lv. 77
holding soft sand
1. Explosion
2. Earthquake
3. Headbutt
4. Rollout

Lugia Lv. 78
holding Sharp beak
1. Hydro Pump
2. Aeroblast
3. Psychic
4. Recover

Gyarados Lv. 79
holding mystic water
1. Hyper Beam
2. Surf
3. Bite
4. Twister

Raichu Lv. 78
holding n/a
1. Thunder
2. Mega kick
3. Thunderbolt
4. Quick Attack

Tyranitar Lv. 78
holding blackglasses
1. Hyper Beam
2. Earthquake
3. Crunch
4. Rock Slide

Now, I can beat human players with almost no problem, but in stadium, i have trouble beating most of the pcs. I know this is pretty old school but some constructive criticism would be appreciated.
RE: In-game Team Rates

A few suggestions:

Typhlosion, make it lose Swift. Swift = No when battling.

Golem, make it lose Headbutt. Not very useful at all >.>

Gyarados, make it lose Hyper Beam. It's not very strong, and it doesn't get STAB and leaves you vulnerable for a turn. Replace with Dragon Dance, it'll help far more. Also, Idk why, but Bite seems out of place there.

Raichu, make it lose Thunder. Already gets STAB from Thunderbolt, and Thunder misses a lot more. Also, Quick Attack...Eh, take it out. Put in Thunder Wave, it'll help you to outspeed threats that are faster than you.

Tyranitar, make it lose Hyper Beam. Replace with Thunderbolt, so that if you encounter a water Pokemon when you switch T-Tar in, it'll have a nice, super effective move to hit with.

Those are my suggestions, and I apologize for sounding so...pushy =P
RE: In-game Team Rates

Ah but this is what i've been askin for so no worries and thanks for the input.
RE: In-game Team Rates

This is HGSS.

Thunder Wave
Thunder Shock

Water Gun
Body Slam

Flame Wheel

Currently on route 45.

Looking for anything really. Trying what to decide on for my last 3 pokemon.
RE: In-game Team Rates

This is the team I have planned out for my SoulSilver version. I know I should evolve Haunter, but I like Haunter better than Gengar. :p

- Magical Leaf
- Body Slam
- Synthesis
- Reflect

- Fly
- Return
- Steel Wing
- Roost

- Discharge
- Power Gem
- Signal Beam
- Thunder Wave

- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Hypnosis - for catching
- Mean Look - for catching

- Close Combat
- Blaze Kick
- Mega Kick
- Earthquake

- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Psychic
- Confuse Ray
RE: In-game Team Rates

Kevin Garrett said:
As the title suggests, this is where you put all in-game team rates. This forum is meant for competitive teams, but I understand some people don't play competitive. If you don't have enough information to follow the rules of the forum, then post your team in here. I will post my planned in-game Platinum team here as an example.

Gyarados @ Life Orb
Adamant Nature
-Dragon Dance
-Ice Fang

Magnezone @ Choice Scarf
Naive Nature
-Flash Cannon
-Signal Beam

Scizor @ Life Orb / Leftovers
Adamant Nature
-Swords Dance
-Bullet Punch
-X-Scissor / Roost

Garchomp @ Life Orb / Yache Berry / Haban Berry
Jolly Nature
-Swords Dance
-Dragon Claw
-Fire Fang

Yanmega @ Life Orb / Leftovers
Modest Nature
-Air Slash
-Bug Buzz

Infernape @ Life Orb
Timid / Naive / Hasty Nature
-Nasty Plot / Close Combat
-Fire Blast
-Grass Knot
-Vacuum Wave / Stone Edge
you got a good team i would suggest that you teach your infernape some different moves though

Rotom479 said:
FireRed E4 team:
(all lv 57, most will probably level up along the way)
-Aerial Ace

-Secret Power
-Brick Break


-Water Pulse
-Aurora Beam

-Wing Attack
-Shock Wave
-Dragon Claw
-Dragon Rage

-Giga Drain
-Silver Wind

Any quick fixes? I could also use some held items.
i like your team but if i were u i would change the venomoth for somethin else
RE: In-game Team Rates

Right this is my Pokemon Firered team.

Charizard level 73 Moveset:
Swords dance,
Hyper beam,
Fire blast.

Blastoise level 64 Moveset:
Body slam,

Venusaur level 79 Moveset:
Razor leaf,
Sleep powder,
Solar beam,
Power whip.

Rhydon level 63 Moveset:
Rock tomb,
Rock slide,
Focus punch.

Primeape level 59 Moveset:
Brick Break,
Mega kick,
Mega punch.

Dragonite level 70 Moveset:
Dragon claw,
Dragon rage,

Also I might change my Primeape for a Hypno, which I am in the process of training, so please some feedback on this decision.

Hopefully this team will be able to defeat the Elite 4. Please give feedback!
RE: In-game Team Rates

Soul Silver Team!
Currently my pokemon are all lvl 37, and I'm going for my 8th Gym Badge. Not worried about movesets so i wont post them, and i havent EV trained any because i'm too slow to understand it :D

Togetic - Will Evolve when i have the national dex
Victreebel - Would like to swap for another grass pokemon

I dont have any means of trading, so i'd like to stay with the pokemon available in Soulsilver.
For a 6th i'm either thinking Haunter/Gengar or Umbreon (but if i go umbreon, i'd be inclined to go an all EeveE team).
So any suggestions on how i could improve my team, and change victreebel for would be freaking awesome!
RE: In-game Team Rates

I'm just gonna name the Pokemon and not the movesets except for Arceus. No hacks and no Action Replay!:D

Arceus@no item (event, legitimate) Lv. 100 (My Favorite Of All Time)
Hyper Beam

Dialga@Adamant Orb Lv.100

Palkia@Lustrous Orb Lv.75

Giratina@Grisious Orb Lv.75

Empoleon@no item Lv.81

(Various. I want yor opinions for which one to use.)

RE: In-game Team Rates

The Assassin said:
This is the team I used to beat E4 first time around:

Lv. 58 Gyarados@Leftovers
- Waterfall
- Dragon Dance
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

My lead who started up a sweep. Part sweep, part sleep talker.

Lv. 57 Gliscor@None
- Earthquake
- Strength
- Ice Fang
- Swords Dance

sadly, I got a minus attack nature with 31 IV's in HP, Atk, and Spe. but it was basically a physical Wall and attacker.

Lv. 59 Garchomp@Dragon Fang
- False Swipe
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Swords Dance

False Swipe was for when i was catching other pokes so I wouldn't KO. Otherwise he is basically the reg SD set.

Lv. 57 Crobat@ None
- Fly
- Poison Fang
- Defog
- Air Slash

He basically was a Scout for the team. Didn't do much else good. ;)

Lv. 60 Empoleon@Wave Incense
- Surf
- Flash Cannon
- Grass Knot
- Waterfall

Basically a mixed sweeper without LO. Unfortunately I got a 0 in SpD and that bit me in the butt facing Lucian when he got a lucky KO on Empy.

Lv 62 Gallade@Razor Claw
- Psycho Cut
- Close Combat
- Night Slash
- Thunderbolt

Man This thing is beastly in the E4. He used to be the lowest lv pokemon on my team before the E4 but he jumped up to the highest. He got some nice crits with Razor Claw + Night Slash and Psycho Cut. Thunderbolt was for the multiple flying types i expected to see in the E4.

Overall, I made a very Electric/Ice weak team that could sweep really well to there not being many ice moves in the E4.

i can beat that, i beat the E4 first time round with a team thats lower level, here it is

Torterra Lv. 58
nature: Stubborn
razor leaf Earthquake
leaf storm Rock climb

Empoleon Lv. 52
nature: Serious
Drill peck surf
Flash cannon Avalanche

Luxray Lv. 53
nature: Relaxed
Scary face Thunder Fang
Charge Beam Crunch

Staraptor Lv. 55
nature: Gentle
Fly Close combat
Brave Bird

Rapidash Lv. 51
nature: Lax
Fire Blast Bounce
Poison Jab
RE: In-game Team Rates

Dustin said:
I'm just gonna name the Pokemon and not the movesets except for Arceus. No hacks and no Action Replay!:D

Arceus@no item (event, legitimate) Lv. 100 (My Favorite Of All Time)
Hyper Beam

Dialga@Adamant Orb Lv.100

Palkia@Lustrous Orb Lv.75

Giratina@Grisious Orb Lv.75

Empoleon@no item Lv.81

(Various. I want yor opinions for which one to use.)


Well, from my point of view, I don't like teams loaded with legendaries. It lessens the creation of the team and makes it a little lazy. For Arceus, I recommend spreading the moves out more like Flamethrower, Thunderbolt and such. As for weakness for your team, there is a big loss to fighting. Personally, I would use Gallade as the extra as it resits fighting and has Psycho Cut, and it can learn a wide range of moves.
RE: In-game Team Rates

raichupika33 said:
Well, from my point of view, I don't like teams loaded with legendaries. It lessens the creation of the team and makes it a little lazy. For Arceus, I recommend spreading the moves out more like Flamethrower, Thunderbolt and such. As for weakness for your team, there is a big loss to fighting. Personally, I would use Gallade as the extra as it resits fighting and has Psycho Cut, and it can learn a wide range of moves.

Thanks for ur opinions. Personally the reasons that I have Arceus on my team is because one:it is my favorite pokemon two:I have judgment as a main attack as well as hyperbeam; recover is to heal all hp, and refresh is to heal any status condition(for pesky poision types and psychic types that can put you to sleep or poision you or even paralyze you). I like having a team of legendaries so i dont really loose a battle, but you never know when you are going to win or loose.

Ya i think i will take your sugesstion and use Gallade.

Thanks Again
RE: In-game Team Rates

Your welcome. :)

My HG/SS team, for the E4:


  • Ice Punch
  • Surf
  • Crunch
  • Earthquake
The reason why I have chosen this moveset is because I know that Feraligatr is a physical attacker. Sure, I know Surf is a special move, but I need a surfer! Earthquake is already a nice and steady ground move for FerFer, so that would do nicely. Crunch is another good physical move, Ice Punch is average I would say but I prefer it to Avalanche. I like Feraligatr a lot because of its wide moveset options and that it is a good physical attacker. Better than Typhlosion I say.


  • Dragon Claw
  • Fire Fang
  • Stone Edge
  • Crunch
I love Tyranitar, a true powerhouse with some very good stats. Sure, its a hard one to raise but you can't resist Tyranitar, great stats, great looks, popular, good moves etc. Dragon Claw is a good choice for 'Itar, physical and basically a good all rounder move. Fire Fang, this one is interesting, a slight risk as again, it is for the physical attacking but is less powerful than the special flamethrower. It's tic for tac really on that one. Stone Edge, great, STAB for 'Itar and physical while it is a strong move. Slightly low on accuracy but oh well. Crunch, basically the same as Stone Edge, STAB and physical. My guess that Tyranitar will be the ruler of the team.


  • Heat Wave
  • Thunderpunch
  • Fly
  • Dragon Pulse
Charizard will be a great addition to the team with bulky stats and its flying type counterpart. Heat Wave is a good move for 'Zard, good attack power, STAB and its special attack use. Thunderpunch may be a little useless I understand but you might as well have it as a filler move. Fly, I know, its physical but I need a flyer! Dragon Pulse, special move so that means it might do some decent damage, it all depends on the opponent.


  • Fire Punch
  • Thunderbolt
  • Giga Impact
  • Brick Break

    Amphy has got decent special attack power so that is why I picked Thunderbolt for STAB and of course, thunderbolt is a special based move. Fire Punch, similar to Charizard, it is move of a filler move but still, the attack power for Amphy is quite nice. Giga Impact, I'm expecting this to be the killer move with its raw attack power and the added physical power. Last but maybe least is Brick Break, maybe useful battling as it can brake barriers.


  • Signal Beam
  • Psychic
  • Hyper Beam
  • Shadow Ball
Espeon will take the leader as main special attacker of the team. It is one of the most powerful special attackers out of all 493 Pokemon. Fist all, Psychic, beautiful, STAB with the killer special attacker power. Signal Beam, can take out the fellow Psychic Pokemon and such, great. Hyper Beam, will be similar to Psychic I think as the power makes up for the STAB and Shadow Ball, another special move. To be honest, Eevee is very hard to evolve into Espeon so I may have a little difficulty on this one.


  • Thunder
  • Giga Drain
  • Dark Pulse
  • Shadow Ball
Gengar is quite similar to the case to Espeon, same special attack power and such. So, we start off with Thunder, low accuracy I know but, the special attack power will make up for it. Next, Giga Drain, attack with a decent move aswell as restore health at the same time. Dark Pulse, another special move, will hit off decent damage aswell as the combined special attack. Shadow Ball I predict will be the killer move, STAB, good move and the special attack power. Yes!
RE: In-game Team Rates

Raichupika33 to add on to your suggestion(well not really) I recently obtained a Dusknoir. Should I add it to my team?
RE: In-game Team Rates

Um, yeah Dusknoir is decent. Give it something like this:

-Fire Punch
-Ice Punch
-Shadow Punch/Shadow Sneak
RE: In-game Team Rates

raichupika33 said:
Um, yeah Dusknoir is decent. Give it something like this:

-Fire Punch
-Ice Punch
-Shadow Punch/Shadow Sneak

WOW!!!! O_O
You're like a psychic!!!! Those are the exact same moves I have on mine, but one more question. Should I put my Spiritomb in my party instead?