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H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

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RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS! Old Cards Ad

I can mostly use anything PL-RR. I have a ton of SV and am waiting for the next good set to come out. Do you have more than what is listed? Also do you have any Pikachus? I collect them.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS! Old Cards Ad

Well, what from PL-RR do you want for those? Its kinda difficult to know exactly what you want if I have tons of cards from each of those sets and your not really saying what you need lol.

Anyway yea I have tons of stuff not listed (mostly harder to trade, rare cards). And I should have a good amount of Pikachu's and I do have the SR Red Check Pikachu from RR as well.

So yea. LMK.

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS! Old Cards Ad

I am mainly interested in Pikas. I just got the RR secret Base one yesterday so i no longer need that one. But if you have any older ones or newer ones just let me know(please not SV I have a ton of those).
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS! Old Cards Ad

Hey, CML for:
EX Unseen Forces: Lanturn (just for collection)
1x Call Energy (English)
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS! Old Cards Ad

Richkid: Alright well ummm...let see:

I should have the Pikachu from SF, MD, MT, POP9.

Older sets, I should have, Gym Challenge/Heroes (whichever one they came in), Base Set, and Base Set Shadowless.

I am probably missing some but those are the ones I know off the top of my head.

Dichromate: Sorry, I don't see much. Do you possibly have anything off my wants I may have missed?
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS! Old Cards Ad

Okay i like them all anyway can you check my list for my SV wants? I only need 13 more to complete the set.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS! Old Cards Ad

Lol, isn't this my thread? So everything you may need is listed, anything other than that you can ask for NH.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS! Old Cards Ad

Okay we'll change it to this do you have any of the following?

Arcanine G
Articuno #16 Not the SR
Empoleon FB
Skarmory FB
Staraptor FB
Charizard G
RAYQUAZA C X Tin or Pack
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS! Old Cards Ad

AnthonyG said:
Dichromate: Sorry, I don't see much. Do you possibly have anything off my wants I may have missed?
Well, nothing that's listed, but I'm probably dismantling my SP Deck so I can probably spare a few parts from it. How much do you value the Call at, in terms of non-holo Poke Turns and Night Maintenances?
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS! Old Cards Ad

Richkid: Um...I think these are the only ones:

Numel (I think, I have to double check)
Skarmory FB
Chingling (I think, I have to double check)

Dichormate: Well, I would be more interested in the Poke Turn more than Night Maintenance. But yea, make me an offer I suppose.

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS! Old Cards Ad

Alright, well actually I think I can also offer a BTS since most gengar decks run only 2. So it'd look something like:

1 Poke Turn and 1 BTS for 1 Call and maybe the Lanturn if you're willing to throw it in?

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

Hmmm...I will get back to you on that. I'm leaning more on the no side, but will PM you if I do change my mind.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

Any chance I could throw in some other non-holo trainers to give that final push? IE, an extra Flint's and a Power Spray thrown in, or something to that effect?
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

Hey, are you interested in:
Floatzel GL Lv. X
Skymin Lv. X (Pack)

If so I like these:
Nidoqueen RR x3
Arceus Sleeves

I could throw something in if you wanted...
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

Thanks but no thanks. I don't really need any of those.

Thanks anyway.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

CML for Blaziken FB and Azelf
I am willing to trade a Lv.X for those two cards
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

All I really see is Luxray GL Lv. X, if you wish you can make me an offer.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

I can't offer Lux X for those 2 cards sorry.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

CML for
1 Moonlight Stadium
1 Broken Time Space
1 Gengar (SF)
2 Cynthia's Feelings
1 Absol G
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, SV, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

CFOURCOLTSFAN: I guess I can use some Rare Candies. LMK an offer.

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