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H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

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RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

It sorta is and sorta isn't. I haven't had time to update it in a while.

But yea, I saw that but I really didn't feel like those were enough for Luxray GL anyway.

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

AnthonyG said:
Rikko145: Umm...sorta interested in these depending on what set some of these come from:

unown G (x3)
Nidoqueen x5 (Whatset?)
gengar (What set?)
mewtwo holo/RH x2 (What set?)

Baltoy GE RH x7 (How many of these are actually RH?)


Send me a PM.

Actually, I don't need those anymore. I need Leafy X, a plain color deck box, and some cool sleeves.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

Never mind then. You don't have anything else I need that is worth the value of those things.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

could me do my
gyardos sf x4
x1 luxary gl
lmk or counter
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

I understand Uxie Promo's aren't worth a WHOLE lot. But Would you maybe do,


4 Uxie Promo


Arceus Mega Deck Box

I know this isn't a very good offer to you most likely. But I have to start somewhere am I right? xP
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

Lucario_aura_wielder: As long as their mint than yeah I can do that. Send me a PM to finalize

SotS: No thanks. I don't need/want Uxie Promos
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

Well, how many Xs are needed for it then? I know you said "2-3 Lv.Xs for a Deck Box. May ask for throw-ins" But does that als include Mega Box? If so could you please CML and let me know which ones would absolutely HAVE to be in the trade? I can offer if you want me to. But you always seem to make the better offers, lol.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

Yea, thats probably the only one I am going to ask for a throw in because the shipping for it is ridiculous as that thing is huge lol.

Anyway, I took a look at your list and really only saw Garchomp C Lv. X but thats not really enough to get really anything as its a tin X and don't value it highly (like $3-$5 max).

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

2 Uxie LA

Blaziken FB Lv. X
Blaziken FB x2

I'm not sure if this is a stupid trade, i did it of your prices, you have uxie LA's (RH) for $25 so i took of $5 since mine arnt RH and then the blazikens are $39.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

AnthonyG said:
Yea, thats probably the only one I am going to ask for a throw in because the shipping for it is ridiculous as that thing is huge lol.

Anyway, I took a look at your list and really only saw Garchomp C Lv. X but thats not really enough to get really anything as its a tin X and don't value it highly (like $3-$5 max).


No problem. I'll get the thing someday off of Ebay maybe. xP
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

Shuckle the Snail: No thanks. I would get into the reasons but I don't really feel like typing a lot.

Thanks for the offer but I am going to have to pass and thanks for posting.

SotS: Lol, alright cool.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

AnthonyG said:
Shuckle the Snail: No thanks. I would get into the reasons but I don't really feel like typing a lot.

Thanks for the offer but I am going to have to pass and thanks for posting.

SotS: Lol, alright cool.

Ok, thats fine. But CML for a Claydol. Please. Sorry for being annoying. You just have a big collection.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

No, no worries. Your not annoying so don't worry about it lol.

But I really didn't see too much, sorry.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: 2 Blaze FB Lv. X [& Holo], Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! ARCEUS ITEMS!

I ave 2 Gyarados SF holos and 2 Nidoqueen RR non holos. I am lookin to get a heatran X.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: NEW Arceus Set! 2 Blaze FB Lv. X, Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! Need LOTS

Would you be willing to trade anything from the new set for it?



EDIT: Also Updated list with Arceus Stuff. New wants in bold.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: NEW Arceus Set! 2 Blaze FB Lv. X, Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! Need LOTS

yes i would depending on what stuff you may want. And did you get any X's at all from Arceus?
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: NEW Arceus Set! 2 Blaze FB Lv. X, Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! Need LOTS

CML for lucky egg and Bench shield
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: NEW Arceus Set! 2 Blaze FB Lv. X, Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! Need LOTS

Well, I checked and all I really need is Expert Belt.

So I guess all I need from you is:

Blaziken FB
Nidoqueen RR x2
Gyrados SF x2 (How many are Holo?)
Expert Belt (How ever many you have)

LMK an offer.



YourP1mp: All I really was was Call Energy. I guess make me an offer?

BTW did you get your cards yet? I haven't heard anything from you. Please LMK.

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: NEW Arceus Set! 2 Blaze FB Lv. X, Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! Need LOTS

How much do you value all those cards at individually? and both gyarados are holo.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: NEW Arceus Set! 2 Blaze FB Lv. X, Uxie LA, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! Need LOTS

Hmmmm...Well the main thing I want on that list is Expert Belt. Everything else is really a low want. I have tons of Nidoqueens, and a a couple of Gyrados, and Blaze FB. So IDK if you want to me to put a value on it I can but everything else I can live without my main thing I would want is Expert Belt.
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