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H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

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RE: Mega HUGE COMPLETE UPDATE! New Sales! Come and SEE!

bubba235: Sry, i didnt see anything I could use on your list
RE: Mega HUGE COMPLETE UPDATE! New Sales! Come and SEE!

AnthonyG said:
George2FRESH: I dont need the wager anymore, would you do you remaining 3 cards for the 3 Great Ball (RH)? LMK thanks

So you're saying

Drakes Stadium (PK Holo w/ Logo)
Quick Ball (RH)
Boost Energy (Holo)

For your:
Great Ball x3 (RH)

I could do that. But I really need that Mew. Anything I can trade for it?
RE: Mega HUGE COMPLETE UPDATE! New Sales! Come and SEE!

Gman: $25 sound ok? If not counter

George2FRESH: Sry i didnt really see anything for the mew ex, but i did like your SW Absol x3 if you want to trade for those
RE: Mega HUGE COMPLETE UPDATE! New Sales! Come and SEE!

CML for anything you might have on my wants list. (I need to update it.) But anyways, I might be willing to buy.

RE: Mega HUGE COMPLETE UPDATE! New Sales! Come and SEE!

have 4 porygon2 ge
i want
1 gallade
3 windstorm (1 rh)
RE: Mega HUGE COMPLETE UPDATE! New Sales! Come and SEE!

Birdpoop37: Sry I didnt see anything I could use, but I do have lots of your wants if you wanna buy, but ill double check your list in case I missed something

Pokeric: How much for it?

Yuyuman345: Cool, can you make an offer?

InFaMoUs: PMd you
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Have Lv. X, Good Holos from SW and down! GE Coming SOON!

Need these from you:
Holon Mentor x2 (2x RH)
Scott x3 (2x EM RH, 1 PK RH)
Celio’s Network x4
DRE x4 (3x CG, 1x EM)
Rare Candy x2 (HP)
Holon Adventurer x1 (1x RH)
Super Scoop Up x3 (2x DS RH, 1x FR/LG RH)
Great Ball x3 (2x DS RH)

Larvitar (52/100) x2 (Holo w/ Logo?)
Pupitar (59/101) x1 (Holo w/ Logo?)

RH Trainer ($1.00 each):

And I got these:

Porygon 2 x4 (GE)

Other Wants:
Chansey (MT, RH only) x1
Team Galactic Wager (MT, RH only) x2
Quick Ball (MT, RH Only) x1
Boost Energy (RH Only) x1
Holon Energy FF (RH Only) x1
Drake's Stadium (PK, Holo Only) x1

LMK what we can work out.
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Have Lv. X, Good Holos from SW and down! GE Coming SOON!

CML for Celio's and D.R.E
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Have Lv. X, Good Holos from SW and down! GE Coming SOON!

G2F: You never PMd me to confirm the trade that we agreed on before, do you still want to do that trade + add more? Or do you want a whole new trade? LMK Thanks

Serebii1997: Do you have any of my wants?


New States Wants!!!

3x Typhlosion (MT)
3x Pachirisu (GE)
3x Felicity's Lottery
3x Magmortar (SW)

Wants needed by Friday!!!

Ask for GE cards!!
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Have Lv. X, Good Holos from SW and down! GE Coming

AnthonyG said:
G2F: You never PMd me to confirm the trade that we agreed on before, do you still want to do that trade + add more? Or do you want a whole new trade? LMK Thanks

Let's just do a whole new trade out of the new cards I need/have. Can you come up with an offer?
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Trading GOOD for States wants! Some GE in!!

G2F: LMK what you think about this trade:

Chansey (MT, RH)
Quickball (RH)
Holon FF (RH)
Boost (RH)
Drake's (RH)


Scott (PK, RH)
1x Larvitar (DF, RH)
1x Pupuitar (DF, RH)
1x Super scoop up (RH, whatever set you want)

LMK, Thanks
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Trading GOOD for States wants! Some GE in!!

What about this:

DRE x4 (3x CG, 1x EM)
Holon Mentor x2 (2x RH)
Celio’s Network x4
Holon Adventurer x1 (1x RH)
Super Scoop Up x3 (2x DS RH, 1x FR/LG RH)

Larvitar (52/100) x2 (Holo w/ Logo?)
Pupitar (59/101) x1 (Holo w/ Logo?)
PETM x2 (RH)

Porygon 2 x4 (GE)
Chansey (MT, RH only) x1
Team Galactic Wager (MT, RH only) x2
Quick Ball (MT, RH Only) x1
Boost Energy (RH Only) x1
Holon Energy FF (RH Only) x1
Drake's Stadium (PK, Holo Only) x1

RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Trading GOOD for States wants! Some GE in!!

No thanks,

DRE, Celio's, alone are worth more that what you have listed, the stuff that you listed is not nearly enough for them, so they are out of the question.

The reason I did not include the TGW or Porygon 2 was because i dont need them anymore, I cant really edit my have list because I am on my Nintedo Wii and can not do it untill I get on a real computer.

So if you want to make another offer, please do that, cause I dont think I will be giving away a lot for stuff I dont really need, I am only trading big for my states wants and thats all.
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Trading GOOD for States wants! Some GE in!!

Yea I figure that was too much.. sorry about that. Ok how about this:

Chansey (MT, RH only) x1
Quick Ball (MT, RH Only) x1
Boost Energy (RH Only) x1 (Um, mine is holo, but doesn't have the logo on it. Did you want the logo on it? I don't have that one =\)
Holon Energy FF (RH Only) x1
Drake's Stadium (PK, Holo Only) x1

Holon Mentor x2 (2x RH)
Holon Adventurer x1 (1x RH)
Super Scoop Up x3 (2x DS RH, 1x FR/LG RH)
Larvitar (52/100) x2 (Holo w/ Logo?)
Pupitar (59/101) x1 (Holo w/ Logo?)
PETM x2 (RH)

Also, lmk if there's anything else I can throw in. I already listed everything I have from your wants though.
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