• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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H: Staff Gabite Darkrai EX, RH Collector/DualBalls W: All Cilans, BW Promos, Shinies!

RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs. My Flygon X for your Luxray GL X!

Nah. Staraptor isn't high enough of a level X
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs. My Flygon X for your Luxray GL X!

darksoulSP said:
Ah ok. :)

Would you do my Surfing Pikachu and Cherrim SF for your 2 Blaziken FB?

I would like to replace one of the Blaziken FB's for a RH Scyther SF, since you are a scyther/scizor collector.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs. My Flygon X for your Luxray GL X!

What if I threw in another Cherrim SF?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs. My Flygon X for your Luxray GL X!

darksoulSP said:
What if I threw in another Cherrim SF?

That sounds alright. PM me to confirm. =)
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs. My Flygon X for your Luxray GL X!

skipped I'd like to ASAP if possible k thx
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs. My Flygon X for your Luxray GL X!

darksoulSP said:
How about my Shiny Duskull and Surfing Pikachu for Time Space Distortion?

Eevee: Nothing for the Glaceon, sorry! You sure you can't throw in the holo energies?

Everyone else: Sorry! Nothing I need ATM! :(
The holo energy is scratched. If you still want it, do you have any Premier Balls or Pokemon Rescues? Also if you happen to have any more old cards, please let me know.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs. My Flygon X for your Luxray GL X!

I think I have an extra Premiere ball...
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs. My Flygon X for your Luxray GL X!

I like the deal of the week, and I have a Luxray GL Lv.X incoming, so do you want to trade?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs. My Flygon X for your Luxray GL X!

I think I responded with a PM, right?
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Tangrowth X and other PA stuff NEED MONEY!

CML for infernape 4 lv.x and dialga G lv.x
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Tangrowth X and other PA stuff NEED MONEY!

I like Blaziken FB X, but I can't do just Infernape for it (worth more). Could you throw in an Expert Belt?
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Tangrowth X and other PA stuff NEED MONEY!

BUMP #1 of the week
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Tangrowth X and other PA stuff NEED MONEY!

my: rhyperior sv (RF)
2 japanese scizor sf
garchomp sv

your: kingdra la
rayquaza la
electivire sw

RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Tangrowth X and other PA stuff NEED MONEY!

How about your 2 Japanese Scizor SF for holo Electivire SW?
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Tangrowth X and other PA stuff NEED MO

darksoulSP said:
How about your 2 Japanese Scizor SF for holo Electivire SW?

ya but i need 2 e-vire if possible
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Tangrowth X and other PA stuff NEED MONEY!

Hm... Can I see your other trades?
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Tangrowth X and other PA stuff NEED MONEY!

Any Arceus stuff? I need Spiritombs, Arcues, Charizards, Expert Belts and such.