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Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... Major Rising Rivals Update! Luxray GL Lv.X! Some H

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RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... I have 2 Roseannes among Lv.X's!

I would trade the Roseanne but I just made a trade for 2 more, so if you saw something else maybe??
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... I have 2 Roseannes among Lv.X's!

For two more Roseannes?
If so I need them as well.
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... I have 2 Roseannes among Lv.X's!

Oh no you misunderstood I'm going to need the Roseanne's now that I'm getting more.
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... I have 2 Roseannes among Lv.X's!

Spoony - Oh, sorry then, nothing worth the cost of shipping.
Brandon - $5? For an Absol G rh? My previous offer is still available.
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... I have 2 Roseannes among Lv.X's!

Well do you need any other T/S/S's? I have some Bebe's and other good ones.
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... I have 2 Roseannes among Lv.X's!

Both of you - Sorry, nothing.
Updated with Ninetales MT
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... I have 2 Roseannes and a Ninetales MT among Lv.X's!

nabby101 said:
I do value my Absol a bit higher since it's a rh.
How about my:
Palkia Lv.X (tin) $8
Absol G rh $10
For Your:
Moltres reprint $6
Lucario Lv.X (pack) $5
Gliscor LA (holo) $? (don't know what you value it at)

So you would do this deal?
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... I have 2 Roseannes and a Ninetales MT among Lv.X's!

If you thow in a Volkners, yes.
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... I have 2 Roseannes and a Ninetales MT among Lv.X's!

Ehh IDK that is a preyyt fair deal.
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... I have 2 Roseannes and a Ninetales MT among Lv.X's!

I really like that Absol G...
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... I have 2 Roseannes and a Ninetales MT among Lv.X's!

Bump #2 for week
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... I have 2 Roseannes and a Ninetales MT among Lv.X's!

CML for your Leafeon MD
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... I have 2 Roseannes and a Ninetales MT among Lv.X's!

Sorry that would be too small of a trade to send to the UK.
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... I have 2 Roseannes and a Ninetales MT among Lv.X's!

No worries, CML for something bigger, I can always find something I need :)
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... I have 2 Roseannes and a Ninetales MT among Lv.X's!

I like your Rare Candy x3, Arcanine RR holo x1, Azelf LA x1, and Blissey PT x1.
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... I have 2 Roseannes and a Ninetales MT among Lv.X's!

My RH Mesprit for your Unown G?
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... I have 2 Roseannes and a Ninetales MT among Lv.X's!

ace - I don't want Mespirit
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... I have 2 Roseannes among Lv.X's!

So what about your Absol. I have an arcanine that I nothiced that you liked.
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