Help me guys,,,Booster picking tips

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I have never done the weight test before. You need to get one of those pocket scales that have been mentioned. Then you weigh each booster and the ones that are slightly heavier are rumoured to have the ex cards in.
beautiful-swablu said:
Then you weigh each booster and the ones that are slightly heavier are rumoured to have the ex cards in.

that trick would not always work as i try it before...
sometimes i get an ex & sometimes i get a good/bad card....
so don't rely too much on that trick....
Yeah I do agree that the weight test is unreliable. All of the tests are unreliable but I would use the other tests instead of weight test because the weight test only works for a small amount of people. Just thought I would explain it anyway.
Well the thing is that it wont work every single time. In fact most of these methods actually work quite rarely but they work for some people. Luck is still the most important factor.
I havent had amazing luck with exes, but i have had some:

2 packs of deoxys and 7 packs of legend maker from target: 2 Armaldo EX and one Manectric ex
3 packs legend maker from target: Regice star
3 packs holon phantoms from target: Pikachu star
10 packs of holon phantoms from a local card shop: Gyarados star
4 packs unseen forces from a different shop: Blissey EX
2 packs delta species from shop above: Vaporeon EX
The rayquaza, kyogyre and groudon tins (1 of each) Regice ex, regirock ex, registeel ex, and kyogre ex (cg)
3 packs cg from target: celebi star

I went to a couple of the prereleases for crystal guardians and got:
Swampert ex
Jirachi ex
Kyogre ex
Groudon EX
Aggron ex

I've had really bad luck with Dragon frontiers and exes though. It seems like my luck stems to every other set, so if all goes well, my cards that i get this weekend will be decent. I would love to get an eeveelution star, preferably vaporeon.
The EX are really in the bottom half. In my prerelease, My starting packs were from the top and guess what, no EX
my prizes, SAME!
Just let your relative pick which one they like, when I was in school, I messaged my Mom to get a booster for me(the lastest set then was CG), there was where I got my Aggron ex.Also, my classmate said:"Count from either left or right, the 12th one has an ex."I didn't try this yet though.But he did and got:Wailord ex, Rocket's Raikou ex and Rocket's Persian ex.
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