Writing I Can't Live Without You (Pearlshipping PG-13)

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Dawnfanboy said:
I couldn't post Chapter, was it again, 8 ? because my internet was down. But brief detail--Ash wants to go out with Dawn for Valentines' Day but they have no one to look after the kids (about 2 months after Dawn delivered the babies, so they're about 1 1/2 months old)
OMG, so very exiting, I really can't wait :O
Will they find someone to take care of the babies?
Will there be more stomach rubbing?
Where is Pikachu?
What happened to all the other Pokémon?
Why is this story going nowhere?
What's the point?
Why could this story be just as well about 2 random other people?
Why does Dawn even like Ash?

... no, really, why?
1. No, no one's steals the babies
2. No, Dawn already delivered the babies, no more stomach rubbing (at least for now, maybe in the future, there might be
3. Pikachu is at Prof. Oak's Lab
4. Same as Number 3
5. I need some more time
6. It's a fanfic, there doesn't have to be a point
7. It wouldn't be a good fanfic
8. Dawn clearly loved Ash to an extent before Ash proposed, that's why she came to Kanto to live with him, but she had a crush on him and didn't want to "lose" him
Will they find someone to take care of the babies?
Yes, they do need a babysitter. I hope that the babysitter will be the antagonist.

Will there be more stomach rubbing?
Yes, and from now on, there will be quadruplets that'll be kicking.

Where is Pikachu?
Doesn't exist anymore, Dawn devoured it for sure.

What happened to all the other Pokémon ?
They were eaten by Dawn. You know, Dawn's motto is "Rend, Slaughter, Devour"

Why is this story going nowhere?
The couple will just stay on the house jacking up multiplying their babies. There's nothing we can do.

Why could this story be just as well about 2 random other people?
DFB wouldn't like it. He like the story to be boring, centered to one point, multiplying babies.

Why does Dawn even like Ash?
That's DFB's beliefs, we can't do anything. He's the author.
Dawn did not devoure Pikachu and all the other Pokemon ! Bello, how could you say that *sobs*

DarkRaichu--Thanks for the positive criticism
Dawnfanboy said:
Dawn did not devoure Pikachu and all the other Pokemon ! Bello, how could you say that *sobs*

DarkRaichu--Thanks for the positive criticism

Now, now, people jokes, DFB. Sorry if that hurted your feeling. I didn't mean to criticize you and your favorite character. Sorry, again. I'll promise not to do that again.
Chapter 8 ? (Is it 8 ?)--This chapter was schdueled for Valentines' Day

It was about 2 months since Dawn delivered the babies. They kept them up all night, and Ash and Dawn never got more than 4 hours sleep, as they seemed to cry every 30 minutes. Today was Valentines' Day and Ash wanted to go out to eat. But, Dawn, tried to get a babysitter, but no one would bite at the oppurtunity
"I can't get a sitter!" Dawn replied, sitting down at the table
"But, we've planned this dinner for months!" Ash replied
"Oh! So it's MY fault I got pregnant, hm?" Dawn replied, furiously
"No, that's not what I meant!" Ash replied
"Ash, no one would want to babysit two children who wake you up every 30 minutes!" Dawn replied
"Why don't we drop them off at my mom's?" Ash questioned
"That sounds good. After all she said she would want to look over them several times" Dawn replied. They dropped off the kids at Ash's old house and drove off to their resturant. It was the same one where Ash proposed to Dawn a year ago (not excatly, and Dawn and Ash were married in August)
"This place hasn't really changed in a year" Dawn stated
"But you know what has?" Ash questioned
"What has?" Dawn replied
"You. You look even more amazing since when I proposed to you" Ash replied
"Oh stop it Ash, you're embarassing me!" Dawn replied, her face blushing
"It's true! I mean it!" Ash replied

After finishing their meal, they went to Mrs. Ketchum and picked up the kids
"Were they a problem?" Dawn said in a quiet tone
"Oh no. They were fine" Mrs. Ketchum replied
"Well, best be getting on home now" Dawn replied
"See you soon" Mrs. Ketchum replied. And so, with the sun set behind the mountains, Valentines' Day offically came to an end

END Chapter 8?!

The big question of "Will they find someone to take care of the babies" has been answered, which is a great relief!

Needs more stomach-rubbing, though :(

... oh, that and a decent plot, more text and something exiting or at least remotely interested, but especially stomach-rubbing.
HS, Ash has rubbed Dawn's stomach enough in his lifetime :p, but maybe, possibly, a new baby will join the Ketchum family. (But, don't get your hopes up)
Dawnfanboy said:
HS, Ash has rubbed Dawn's stomach enough in his lifetime :p, but maybe, possibly, a new baby will join the Ketchum family. (But, don't get your hopes up)

Ash is gettin' busyyyyyyyyyyy.

/me has been stabbed by PMJ
Dawnfanboy said:
HS, Ash has rubbed Dawn's stomach enough in his lifetime :p, but maybe, possibly, a new baby will join the Ketchum family. (But, don't get your hopes up)
0__0 OMG. Ash is getting verrryyyyy busy.
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