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I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: [H]: AWESOME STUFF. Closing in 6 days: MAJOR SELLOUT! Shaymin Lv.X IFDS, Shaymin IFDS, Claydol GE are HERE!

Will you trade for it...

I have just in:

Southern Island Mew
Southern Island Slowking
Celebi ex POP 2
Glossy Shiny Duskull
Glossy Shiny Voltorb
English Gliscor X
RE: [H]: AWESOME STUFF. Closing in 6 days: MAJOR SELLOUT! Shaymin Lv.X IFDS, Shaymin IFDS, Claydol GE are HERE!

Naw. I'm selling, remember? :D Southern Mew could deduct price, though. As well as Shiny Voltorb. I don't value cards highly anymore. Nonetheless when I'm trying to MAKE money! :p

BTW: BUCKEYES FTW! (Weren't you going?)
RE: [H]: AWESOME STUFF. Closing in 6 days: MAJOR SELLOUT! Shaymin Lv.X IFDS, Shaymin IFDS, Claydol GE are HERE!

Okay...Well I am not going to buy a magmortar for that much...

How much is shaymin LV X?
RE: [H]: AWESOME STUFF. Closing in 6 days: MAJOR SELLOUT! Shaymin Lv.X IFDS, Shaymin IFDS, Claydol GE are HERE!

No, I think you misunderstood me. Southern Mew would deduct the price a little, like a coupon.

Shaymin X, you said you valued at 50 dollars. I will accept that amount!
RE: [H]: AWESOME STUFF. Closing in 6 days: MAJOR SELLOUT! Shaymin Lv.X IFDS, Shaymin IFDS, Claydol GE are HERE!

Which link now? :D On eBay, it goes for $49.99.

Plus, you said it yourself when you asked for my Leaf X for your Shaymin X which you said was 50 dollar value! :p
RE: Need Shaymin X? Only for 40 dollars. Closing in 6 days: MAJOR SELLOUT! Shaymin IFDS, Claydol GE are HERE!

At the time! I have seen it for 30 USD and the magmortar...14 USD.

SO my S.I. mew for your Magmortar is my final offer!
RE: Need Shaymin X? Only for 40 dollars. Closing in 6 days: MAJOR SELLOUT! Shaymin IFDS, Claydol GE are HERE!

Ehe, funny story. 17 USD with shipping and handling. SI Mew for Magmortar? No way. I can do 17 WITH the Mew though.

Remember, I do not value Mew very highly. I'm trying to get rid of my cards. I may just "collect" the rare ones, but that's it.
RE: Need Shaymin X? Only for 40 dollars. Closing in 5 days: MAJOR SELLOUT! Shaymin IFDS, Claydol GE are HERE!

Hey Dude!!!
I need this!
Magmortar Level X (yeah, not Shaymin x!)
Magmortar SW (RH or not)
Azelf RH
What Trainers and Energy do you have?
RE: Need Shaymin X? Only for 40 dollars. Closing in 5 days: MAJOR SELLOUT! Shaymin IFDS, Claydol GE are HERE!

Hey dudeman...how many SW Weavile do you have?
RE: Need Shaymin X? Only for 40 dollars. Closing in 5 days: MAJOR SELLOUT! Shaymin IFDS, Claydol GE are HERE!

how much u selling your leafeon lv x mate?? PM me a price or post at my thread

RE: Need Shaymin X? Only for 40 dollars. Closing in 5 days: MAJOR SELLOUT! Shaymin IFDS, Claydol GE are HERE!

Leaf X...is pending ATM with Rocket...but he's banned. :( I don't know what's going on.
Catbus: 2...I think. I know I have 1 RH.
shaymin: I can do all those cards for...sent you a PM. :p
RE: Need Shaymin X? Only for 40 dollars. Closing in 5 days: MAJOR SELLOUT! Shaymin IFDS, Claydol GE are HERE!

#15) Claydol Yah. It's up for grabs. For sale only.
#19) Azelf RH
-Cool Porygon (Mint, and in plastic wrapping!)

I will give you 10-15 dollars? DEAL OR NO DEAL? I will nagotiate...

-Charizard JPN Promo VERY RARE Will get a picture when possible.
-Kids WB Pokemon Drawing Contest Promos (Torchic, Treecko, Mudkip, and Wurmple) VERY RARE!! Mint! Only 301 copies made!

Can i get a pic o charizard?
AND how much for these also^^^
RE: Need Shaymin X? Only for 40 dollars. Closing in 5 days: MAJOR SELLOUT! Shaymin IFDS, Claydol GE are HERE!

Claydol is gone, sorry, and Charizard...can't get a pic aTM. @ the library. :p Otherwise, make your price on Charizard. It's rare. 301 copy cards are 7 dollars per card, but 25 dollars total if you buy all 4.
RE: Please make prices on my cards. That's all I ask.


Magmortar LV X--15 USD
Torterra LV X tin--6 USD
Supporters--offer USD

Being a beast: price less

(LMK thanks!)
RE: Please make prices on my cards. That's all I ask.

Hmm...because I just want to get the heck out of this game...


20 MINIMUM on the Mag X.
But...I can do 8 for the Tort X.
Supporters...I still have Kevin's. Make a price on what you'll give me, like the list before and such.

I also want the incoming Charizard ex...sorta.
RE: Please make prices on my cards. That's all I ask.

Well, for the charizard ex, I expect at least 2 LV X's as it goes on ebay for 80 USD.

I already got a torterra X tin, not for 8 USD...

Magmortar, I will buy on ebay.

John, if you are trying to sell and you do not want your cards, my suggestion (not being mean) is to sell for less or equal to ebay, or you won't make any money. The key to buisness is low pirces. Who knew?
RE: Please make prices on my cards. That's all I ask.

Well, the key to "earning" money is profit. I can make more than 15 dollars off of Magmortar X.
RE: Please make prices on my cards. That's all I ask.

Well, not really, anyways, what do you want for my charizard ex? Willing to sacrifice a few LV Xs?
RE: Please make prices on my cards. That's all I ask.

Um. I do not really care! Just make an offer! :p Nothing too high, I don't care much for Charizard. It's just kinda cool..

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