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I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: Please make prices on my cards. That's all I ask.

Nothing too high? It is the rarest card in the game!

I need these LV X's:

Dusknoir LV X
Raichu LV X
Leafeon LV X
Gardy LV X
Lugia EX

bye now.
RE: Please make prices on my cards. That's all I ask.

I dunno...I don't really want to trade any of those X's for it ATM. Sorry.
RE: Please make prices on my cards. That's all I ask.

Well, that is really all I need, so if you want to trade, PM or give me a ring-ring-ring because I want you to come over.
RE: Please make prices on my cards. That's all I ask.

Nah. I don't need to trade then...ONLY SELL!! :p
RE: Please make prices on my cards. That's all I ask.

Blaziken ex CG
Swampert ex TMvsTA
Mew ex LM
Feraligatr ex UF
Jolteon ex DS


Shaymin Lv. X or Leafeon Lv. X
RE: Please make prices on my cards. That's all I ask.

I would much rather have you add money than cards. I need $$$ more than exs...give me a ballpark figure on how much you are willing to spend.
RE: Need $30.00 fast!! YOU make the price. YOU make the offer! Help me out!

Both, just make your deal please. Without ex's and with the ex's. I do like your selection of ex's though....are they all mint and without bends and writing on them?
RE: Need $30.00 fast!! YOU make the price. YOU make the offer! Help me out!

yes they are all mint. how much do you value your X's & which shaymin is it? (40+ or 50).

I go by Ebay prices (just so you know, which i think you know already)
RE: Need $30.00 fast!! YOU make the price. YOU make the offer! Help me out!

Yeah, I'd go from 40-50 dollar price range.
RE: Need $30.00 fast!! YOU make the price. YOU make the offer! Help me out!

T-Tar Master said:
It is apparent that you are a collector. Would you trade for my charizard ex?

geo15721 said:
Blaziken ex CG
Swampert ex TMvsTA
Mew ex LM
Feraligatr ex UF
Jolteon ex DS


Shaymin Lv. X or Leafeon Lv. X

Dudeman1993 said:
Sorry, no deal. :(

Wow John, wow! You are NOW A COLLECTOR since you quit. So the ex's are all you want, not the LV Xs...

Anyway back out of your buisness and into ours. So, what 2 LV Xs would you trade for char ex?
RE: Need $30.00 fast!! YOU make the price. YOU make the offer! Help me out!

I don't want to trade 2 Lv.X's for Charizard ex ATM. Sorry...plus, Charizard ex is bent as you said. You're asking too much from me for my standards.

geo: Don't need Blaziken ex anymore. Getting that from RG.
RE: Need $30.00 fast!! YOU make the price. YOU make the offer! Help me out!

shaymin lv X is $22 on eBay. Just so you know
RE: Need $30.00 fast!! YOU make the price. YOU make the offer! Help me out!

Naw! That's sky forme! Remember, this is how I value Shay X. I'll be nice and say 40 dollars on Shaymin X.
RE: Need $30.00 fast!! YOU make the price. YOU make the offer! Help me out!

Dudeman1993 said:
Naw! That's sky forme! Remember, this is how I value Shay X. I'll be nice and say 40 dollars on Shaymin X.

why should i pay $40 for yours if i can pay less than $25 on ebay.

Here, Check these:


RE: Need $30.00 fast!! YOU make the price. YOU make the offer! Help me out!

Oh, I see. The Skymin I could care less about, (sorry!) but the Shaymin X IFDS, I try to make a "profit." Remember, you're also throwing exs, so the cost will go down. 40 dollars flat - ex cards.
RE: Need $30.00 fast!! YOU make the price. YOU make the offer! Updated today! [H]: Gliscor X JPN, Magmortar X and Gardy

Bump power! #1
RE: Need $30.00 fast!! YOU make the price. YOU make the offer! Updated today! [H]: Gliscor X JPN, Magmortar X and Gardy

Hey dude. Will you trade for the Raichu LV X?
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