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    Thank you!

I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: ONLY SIX WANTS LEFT! Have 3x Bebe's, 4x Rare Candy! NEED 2 TOGEKISS GE!!! Have LOTSA Quick Ball!

EspeonROX said:
No Roseanne's left. :( Sorry! I have 1 HP Rare Candy, 1 GE Rare Candy I can trade. I mistook a GE one for an HP Rare Candy. Please! I need that Typhlosion ex!!

thats not enough for the typhlosion ex
RE: ONLY SIX WANTS LEFT! Have 3x Bebe's, 4x Rare Candy! NEED 2 TOGEKISS GE!!! Want to swap my RH Palkia DP for a holo on

Suicune ex, 2 Bebe's, 2 Rare Candy, and a Giratina IFDS?

Jaimonster...eh...I dunno right now. Could it be 2 Bebe's 1 Rare Candy? Then I might consider.
RE: ONLY SIX WANTS LEFT! Have 3x Bebe's, 4x Rare Candy! NEED 2 TOGEKISS GE!!! Want to swap my RH Palkia DP for a holo on

Ill do it for 2 Bebes and 1 Candy.
PM me to Finalize =D
RE: ONLY SIX WANTS LEFT! Have 3x Bebe's, 4x Rare Candy! NEED 2 TOGEKISS GE!!! Want to swap my RH Palkia DP for a holo on

EspeonROX said:
Suicune ex, 2 Bebe's, 2 Rare Candy, and a Giratina IFDS?

Jaimonster...eh...I dunno right now. Could it be 2 Bebe's 1 Rare Candy? Then I might consider.

if you change giratina for rampardos pt. i'll do it
RE: ONLY SIX WANTS LEFT! Have 3x Bebe's, 4x Rare Candy! NEED 2 TOGEKISS GE!!! Want to swap my RH Palkia DP for a holo on

I traded my last one off. Plus, it was Japanese...

Jaimonster, I'll PM you! Thanks!
RE: ONLY FOUR WANTS LEFT! NEED HOLO HO-OH SW!! Want to swap my RH Palkia DP for a holo one. Help me out!

Bump 1 until 2/25/09.
RE: ONLY FOUR WANTS LEFT! NEED HOLO HO-OH SW!! Want to swap my RH Palkia DP for a holo one. Help me out!

Bump 2 until 2/25/2009.
RE: ONLY FOUR WANTS LEFT! NEED HOLO HO-OH SW!! Want to swap my RH Palkia DP for a holo one. Help me out!

Hey I have the [H] P7 Latias you're looking for along with a Togetic - GE.
Will you trade your:
[RH] Mudkip - GE
[RH] Jigglypuff - GE
and [RH] Slowpoke - GE
for them?
RE: ONLY FOUR WANTS LEFT! NEED HOLO HO-OH SW!! Want to swap my RH Palkia DP for a holo one. Help me out!

I don't need the Togetic. In fact, I took it off my Wants. :p

I can do the RH Jigglypuff, (if I have it, I can't remember), and the Slowpoke for the Latias, though. I'm sending your stuff out tomorrow. Thanks for being so patient!! :)
RE: ONLY FOUR WANTS LEFT! NEED HOLO HO-OH SW!! Want to swap my RH Palkia DP for a holo one. Help me out!

CML for 4 Absol SW.

I don't have ANY of your wants. But maybe you can find something there anyways.

Thanks :p
RE: ONLY FOUR WANTS LEFT! NEED HOLO HO-OH SW!! Want to swap my RH Palkia DP for a holo one. Help me out!

Nope...nothing there. Sorry!
RE: ONLY FOUR WANTS LEFT! NEED HOLO HO-OH SW!! Want to swap my RH Palkia DP for a holo one. Help me out!

Alright, can we do the Mudkip and Jigglypuff?
And is there anything on my list you're interested in by chance?
RE: ONLY FOUR WANTS LEFT! NEED HOLO HO-OH SW!! Want to swap my RH Palkia DP for a holo one. Help me out!

I'd rather give away the Slowpoke. -.- The Mudkip is part of the collection I'll be keeping when I leave the TCG...which is very soon. Nothing I see on your list.
RE: ONLY FOUR WANTS LEFT! NEED HOLO HO-OH SW!! Want to swap my RH Palkia DP for a holo one. Help me out!

Alright that's fine. I might still have your address, I'll have to check.
RE: ONLY FOUR WANTS LEFT! NEED HOLO HO-OH SW!! Want to swap my RH Palkia DP for a holo one. Help me out!

OK. I'll send your stuff out...when I get your Latias from this trade. (To save a stamp and an envelope.)
RE: ONLY FOUR WANTS LEFT! NEED HOLO HO-OH SW!! Want to swap my RH Palkia DP for a holo one. Help me out!

CML for:
Phione MD x2
Magnezone DP x2
RE: ONLY FOUR WANTS LEFT! NEED HOLO HO-OH SW!! Want to swap my RH Palkia DP for a holo one. Help me out!

Hello I have Togekiss GE x2, Togetic (throw in) and Ho-Oh secret wonders, do you have any PT-GC Rampardos
RE: ONLY FOUR WANTS LEFT! NEED HOLO HO-OH SW!! Want to swap my RH Palkia DP for a holo one. Help me out!

The Hybrid: I'll take cash. :p I also wanna swap my Palkip DP RH for your holo Palkia.

Rodiqio: Don't have any Rampardos.
RE: ONLY FOUR WANTS LEFT! Need holo Ho-Oh SW!! HAVE DUSKY X IFDS!! Want to swap my RH Palkia DP for a holo one.

what about GC-PT blastoise?
RE: ONLY FOUR WANTS LEFT! Need holo Ho-Oh SW!! HAVE DUSKY X IFDS!! Want to swap my RH Palkia DP for a holo one.

What you see on my list is what I have. I have Dusknoir X if you're interested. I have no Platinum, I'm trying to get out of the game, because I'm not buying.
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