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I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: REALLY need a Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 3x Uxie (Stitch Holo) and a Gallade 4 holo. PLEASE CML. Updated my Wants

Uh...what about Secret Wonders decks? :p

How many do you have?
RE: REALLY need a Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 3x Uxie (Stitch Holo) and a Gallade 4 holo. PLEASE CML. Updated my Wants

1st bump until next Saturday.
RE: REALLY need a Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 3x Uxie (Stitch Holo) and a Gallade 4 holo. PLEASE CML. Updated my Wants

EspeonROX said:
Uh...what about Secret Wonders decks? :p

How many do you have?

You mean Supreme Victors deck?
I have 6 reg and 3 RH Roseanne's Research cards.

I am putting together another deck so that list might shrink...

*edit* Yeah, 3 RH gone...
*re-edit* 4 reg gone...(wife needed a new deck too...GEEZ)
RE: REALLY need a Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 3x Uxie (Stitch Holo) and a Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X!

Hahaha!! I only need about 2 now. Or whatever you have left. XP I didn't know they came in SV! :D Great.

I can buy if you'd like.
RE: REALLY need a Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 3x Uxie (Stitch Holo) and a Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X!

EspeonROX said:
Hahaha!! I only need about 2 now. Or whatever you have left. XP I didn't know they came in SV! :D Great.

I can buy if you'd like.

They come in 1 of the SV theme decks. I think that is the only way besides SW boosters or POP packs... I so do NOT like to sell. It will have to be a nice trade offer. I take all the Roseys I can get and I really don't like to trade them.
RE: REALLY need a Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 3x Uxie (Stitch Holo) and a Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X!

OK then. Why don't you offer me?
RE: REALLY need a Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 3x Uxie (Stitch Holo) and a Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X!

There is really nothing I need right now...
Maybe when the new set come out we can work something out.
RE: REALLY need a Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 3x Uxie (Stitch Holo) and a Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X!

OK then. But you still want the Shiny Vulpix, right?
RE: REALLY need a Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 3x Uxie (Stitch Holo) and a Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X!

1st bump 'til next Thursday.
RE: REALLY need a Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 3x Uxie (Stitch Holo) and a Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X and $$$

Anything you see on my list for a NON REV HOLO Gardevoir SW?
RE: REALLY need a Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 3x Uxie (Stitch Holo) and a Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X and $$$

Sorry, I didn't see anything. :(
RE: REALLY need a Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 3x Uxie (Stitch Holo) and a Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X and $$$

Please CML for Gengar SF.
RE: REALLY need a Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 3x Uxie (Stitch Holo) and a Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X and $$$

I like Baltoy GE RH, and anything you have on my Wants list.
RE: REALLY need: Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 1x Primeape SV and 1x Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X and Gengar SF

Bump 1 until next Saturday.
RE: REALLY need a Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 3x Uxie (Stitch Holo) and a Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X and $$$

EspeonROX said:
I like Baltoy GE RH, and anything you have on my Wants list.

I have some Uxie Stitch-Holo. How about a 1 for 1? my uxie your gengar? If you have two gengar you will trade, I will throw in the RH Baltoy GE and another uxie.
RE: REALLY need: Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 1x Primeape SV and 1x Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X and Gengar SF

Call Energy x2
Primeape SV

Gengar SF x2
RE: REALLY need: Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 1x Primeape SV and 1x Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X and Gengar SF

Ah, Rikko, you pull a hard bargain! However, I need the Primeape SV a little bit more. Do you think you could throw that in too? Just one, thanks.

Sorry, Shuckle. I'll pass. I like the Call Energy, (both), so if there is anything else on my list you want, please let me know.
RE: REALLY need: Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 1x Primeape SV and 1x Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X and Gengar SF

EspeonROX said:
Ah, Rikko, you pull a hard bargain! However, I need the Primeape SV a little bit more. Do you think you could throw that in too? Just one, thanks.

Sorry, Shuckle. I'll pass. I like the Call Energy, (both), so if there is anything else on my list you want, please let me know.

yes, if I can take out the Baltoy GE RH.

(By the way, at tournaments I am often refered to as the "Ramphardos of Trades"! Just a nicname I have heard tossed around a few times! :rolleyes:
RE: REALLY need: Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 1x Primeape SV and 1x Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X and Gengar SF

Well, I'd do the trade, but you're banned. :|

Edit: I REALLY want the Rhyperior! Please help me get it!
RE: REALLY need: Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 1x Primeape SV and 1x Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X and Gengar SF

Bump #2 until this Saturday.
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