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I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: REALLY need: Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 1x Primeape SV and 1x Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X and Gengar SF

Sup Johnny! Long time no talk! Listen, I need:

-Roseanne (x4)
-Bebe's (X4)
-Dusk Ball (X2)
-Pokeball (X2)
-Pokedrawer+ (X4)
-Pokeradar (X2)
-Warp Point (X4)
-Machamp SF
-Any noteable trainers

Whatever you got from this list, I need. I have $, $10, but I have 2 Uxie stitch and 1 Normal Uxie, but I need these cards. LMK what we can do. Thanks!
RE: REALLY need: Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 1x Primeape SV and 1x Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X and Gengar SF

I do not have the following:

4x Roseanne's
4x Bebe's
4x PokeDrawer+
2x PokeRadar
4x Warp Point
Any Machamp SF.

I have Dusk Ball and PokeBall, but that's all I have on the list you wanted. I don't need the Uxie as of now; I'm in the middle of a trade where I'm getting a few. Thanks for the offer, though.
RE: REALLY need: Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 1x Primeape SV and 1x Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X and Gengar SF

Hmmmm...well if you see anything on my list worth some dusk ball, let me know dude.

RE: REALLY need: Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 1x Primeape SV and 1x Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X and Gengar SF

CML for Honckrow X i have ryperior(D+P)
RE: REALLY need: Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 1x Primeape SV and 1x Gallade 4 holo. Have a Dialga G LV.X and Gengar SF

I don't really see anything that I need, but I do want that Rhyperior. Do you see anything else on my list?
RE: REALLY need: Perior and Horn DP, 2x Call Energy, Primeape SV and Gallade 4 holo. Have Dialga G LV.X and Gengar SF x2

Final bump 'til tomorrow.
RE: REALLY need: Perior and Horn DP, 2x Call Energy, Primeape SV and Gallade 4 holo. Have Dialga G LV.X and Gengar SF x2

1st Bump until next Sunday. C'mon! I need those cards in my title! (Especially the Rhyperior DP)
RE: REALLY need: Perior and Horn DP, 2x Call Energy, Primeape SV and Gallade 4 holo. Have Dialga G LV.X and Gengar SF x2

i have uxies and tons of hem just make me an offer
RE: REALLY need: Perior and Horn DP, 2x Call Energy, Primeape SV and Gallade 4 holo. Have Dialga G LV.X and Gengar SF x2

I have a Gallade 4 RH and Call Energy. If you are interested.
RE: REALLY need: Perior and Horn DP, 2x Call Energy, Primeape SV and Gallade 4 holo. Have Dialga G LV.X and Gengar SF x2

I need the Call Energy more than the Gallade 4 RH, but whatever.

I have a couple SSU's, and...anything else off my list other than that?
RE: REALLY need: Perior and Horn DP, 2x Call Energy, Primeape SV and Gallade 4 holo. Have Dialga G LV.X and Gengar SF x2

Bump 2 until next Sunday.
RE: REALLY need: Perior and Horn DP, 2x Call Energy, Primeape SV and Gallade 4 holo. Have 4 Uxie League Promos for grabs

Final bump 'til Sunday.
RE: REALLY need: 2x Call Energy, Primeape SV and Gallade 4 holo. Have 4 Uxie League Promos up for grabs.

i have some of your wants and want all your IFDS cards and any other JPN cards you have.
RE: REALLY need: 2x Call Energy, Primeape SV and Gallade 4 holo. Have 4 Uxie League Promos up for grabs.

I like the Primeape SV. Do you have any of the TGIs I need?
RE: REALLY need: 2x Call Energy, Primeape SV and Gallade 4 holo. Have 4 Uxie League Promos up for grabs.

yes but they are decked i have these from your main want

4x Uxie LA (3x Stitch Holo pattern, 1 Non-Holo) 3 stitch incoming
1x Gallade 4 RR RH
2x Honchkrow G PT
1x Broken Time-Space PT
1x Looker's Investigation PT
2x Bebe's Search RR/MT
RE: REALLY need: 2x Call Energy, Primeape SV and Gallade 4 holo. Have 4 Uxie League Promos up for grabs.

I like the Honchy G PT (I only need one), and the BTS. I also like the Looker's.

Offer me.
RE: REALLY need: 2x Call Energy, Primeape SV and Gallade 4 holo. Have 4 Uxie League Promos up for grabs.

Bump 1 until next Sunday.
RE: REALLY need: 3x Call Energy, Primeape SV and Gallade 4 holo. Have 4 Uxie League Promos up for grabs. PLEASE LOOK!

cml for gengar sf and honcho x
RE: REALLY need: 3x Call Energy, Primeape SV and Gallade 4 holo. Have 4 Uxie League Promos up for grabs. PLEASE LOOK!

I like the Electivire FB LV.X Is that in mint condition? Do you have anythine else on my Wants list?
RE: REALLY need: 3x Call Energy, Primeape SV and Gallade 4 holo. Have 4 Uxie League Promos up for grabs. PLEASE LOOK!

i ave gardy x do u have any rare candies i need 3-4
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