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I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

I need about...4 Cyrus's, 6 PokeTurns :p, 2 Power Spray, and 1 more Energy Gain. I don't need a Crobat G RH UNLESS it's mint. :)

Deal me?
RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

Aww man. The Crobat is not Mint, but I could do all of the above for 2x Uxie promo.
Also could you throw in some of my common/Uncommon wants if you have any like...
Ralts PL
Gible SV
Muckrow SW

LMK. Thanks
RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

That's OK! Do you have a regular Crobat G? That would be acceptable too! :)

I have: 1x Gible SV, 2x Murkrow Sw I can throw in. :D

Now, all I ask for you to do is to confirm this trade:

My: Uxie League Promo x2
1 Gible SV
2 Murkrow SW
Your: 6 PokeTurns
4 Cyrus's
2 Power Spray
1 Energy Gain

Sorry, ONE more thing. Do you by chance have 2 BTS? I need them.
RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

When I get home I can pull out the Crobat G from my deck.
Then I will confirm. Thanks for the trade.
RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

Never mind, I don't need the BTS.

Awesome! PM me once you pull that Crobat G out, and we can trade! :D
RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

CML for your 6 Uxie Promos. I have 3x Cyrus's Conspiracy PT and 2x Power Spray PT (1 RH).
RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

Would you trade for an RH Gallade 4?
I also have these off of your wants
1 Crobat G
1 Dialga G(not stitch holo)
RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

eevee: Well, P1MP is trading for some of them, and I'm getting all the Cyrus's and Power Spray I need from him. However, I do like the Flygon SW (if it's holo), Ralts SW RH, Magmar SW RH, Venomoth SW RH and any Roseanne's/Bebe's/Call Energy you have.

CFOUR: I would trade for a Gallade 4 RH under one condition: NO SCRATCHES! It also must be minty fresh. I don't need the Dialga G, but I'm interested in that Crobat G. What are you interested in?
RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

How many Girafarig MT common do you have?
and Gliscor uncommon and gliscor 4 common, if any?
RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

Wow. I only have one Girafarig MT. X| D'oh! I don't have any Gliscor LA uncommon or Gliscor 4. Sorry! :(
RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

lol,, thats ok, ill trade for that girafarig =P cml for girafarig mt and gliscor la,

I have 2 lookers from your wants.
RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

I have a Japanese Gliscor LA holo if you want that too... :|

I like your x3 Espeon 4. Are any of your SW cards RH?
RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

Ill take any gliscor in any language =P so do you have 2 gliscor la? or one japanese

this what I have in rh for sw
1 ampharos
1 entei
1 gastrodon west
1 roserade
3 banette
1 electrode
1 golduck
1 jynx
1 minun
1 nidoking
1 pidgeot
1 unown f
1 wormadam plant
3 wormadam fighting
1 wormadam metal
1 shelgon
1 pidgeotto
2 raticate
1 unown k
1 vibrava
1 wartortle
1 lotad
1 nidoran male
1 phanpy
1 pidgey
1 quilfish
2 ralts
1 sentret
2 shelder
1 shuppet
RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

Two Gliscor LA. RH one, and a JPN one. (The RH one isn't mint, unfortunately, but no bends or anything major)

I like the:
-Nidoran M
-Ralts (1)

Those are the ones I need. If they have scratches, I don't want them however. I'm trying to complete a full set, and they have to be perfect.
RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

yes they should all be mint. :)

How about Your...
x2 Gliscor La
x1 Girafarig mt
x1 Salamence RH sw
x2 Charizard (1 RH)

x1 Shelgon
x1 Vibrava
x1 Wartortle
x1 Lotad
x1 Nidoran M
x1 Phanpy
x1 Pidgey
x1 Qwilfish
x1 Ralts (1)
x1 Sentret
x1 Shuppet
x3 Espeon 4
RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

Eh...I'd prefer it if I didn't include a Charizard SW. I can do the Charizard SW RH, but not the holo. I don't want to trade off the Sally RH either for more RH commons.
RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

what if i took of both charizards and salamence, and added how ever many uxie league promos you would trade
RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

I won't trade Uxies for SW RHs. They're low Wants. Sorry! :(
RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

well the best I would want to do is
1x charizard rh
1x salamence rh
2x gliscor la
1x girafarig

theres not much else i wanna trade for =/
RE: EASY Wants: 3x Call Energy, a single Crobat G, Honchy G and Gallade 4 holo. Have 6 Uxie League Promos! PLEASE LOOK!

Take out the Salamence, and can we take out the 3x Espeon 4?
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