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I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: Have 4 Uxie LA up for trade! Needs a Rayquaza C holo!

have you sent, or did you happen to forget that we had a trade going?
RE: Have 4 Uxie LA up for trade! Needs a Rayquaza C holo!

I don't think I have anymore left. I may have one, but I also have basic {M} Energy.
RE: Have 4 Uxie LA up for trade! Needs a Rayquaza C holo!


1x Beginning Door PA
1x Rayquaza C SV


shiny bagon
RE: Have 4 Uxie LA up for trade! Needs a Rayquaza C holo!

its geo baby: Sorry, no thanks.

Spardan: I just pulled a Beginning Door today, and anyways, that's an unfair trade on my behalf. CML for something else?
RE: Have 4 Uxie LA up for trade! Needs a Rayquaza C holo!

My: 1x Gardevoir Lv. X SW AND 1x SW Mew
Your: TSD, 2x Unown G
Sound fair to you?
RE: Have 4 Uxie LA up for trade! Needs a Rayquaza C holo!

Hey. I have the Rayquaza C holo you want. Do you have any Scizor SF by chance?
RE: Have 4 Uxie LA up for trade! Needs a Rayquaza C holo!

I have:
Mew AH Legend Maker
Cursed Stone AH

Rayquaza C Holo

RE: Have 4 Uxie LA up for trade! Needs a Rayquaza C holo!

I can do an SSU and an Uxie LP or the three. Do you like anything off my list? Are those cards in mint condition?
RE: Have 4 Uxie LA up for trade! Needs a Rayquaza C holo!

I could get you a Japanese one, if that's ok. I believe I have a Cherrim Japanese one, too.
RE: Have 4 Uxie LA up for trade! Needs a Rayquaza C holo!

What about Warp Point? How about two for the Rayquaza?
RE: Have 4 Uxie LA up for trade! Needs a Rayquaza C holo!

Sorry, but I think that would be a little in your favor. I'll have to pass.
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