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I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: Have 4 Uxie LA up for trade! Needs a Rayquaza C holo!

EspeonROX said:
I can do an SSU and an Uxie LP or the three. Do you like anything off my list? Are those cards in mint condition?

Fraid I have way too many ssu already. Could you do a second uxie lp? What about another card on my list? And yes, all quite minty.
RE: Have 4 Uxie LA up for trade! Needs a Rayquaza C holo!

Uh...if I do another Uxie LP, I think that would be more in your favor. Can we do something like:

Uxie LA LP x2
Mew AH Legend Maker
Cursed Stone AH
Rayquaza C SV
Dusknoir SF #1 holo
Bench Shield PA

Does that look OK to you?
RE: Have 4 Uxie LA up for trade! Needs a Rayquaza C holo!

How about this: we drop the Dusknoir SF and swap it with a Broken-Time Space? That seems fair to me.
RE: Have 4 Uxie LA up for trade! Needs a Rayquaza C holo!

I have a RH call, Espeon *, and Gardy X. Do you have any flygons? I'd do the RH call for 2x Beedrill GE if not.
RE: Have 4 Uxie LA up for trade! Needs a Rayquaza C holo!

CML for Uxie LP. I have fire arceus.
RE: Have 4 Uxie LA up for trade! Needs a Rayquaza C holo!

Lolmonster: I don't have any Flygon...except for SW ones. I like that deal, but I like the Espeon * more. How highly do you value that? I already have one, so don't I crazy. ;)

Julia: I'm running a little short on the Uxie, as they're in an auction. Anything else for that Arceua though?
RE: Have 4 Uxie LA up for trade! Needs a Rayquaza C holo!

#6) Gallade
#7) Gardevoir x2 (1 RH)

i have arceus's and a ray c holo unlisted
RE: Anyone have a Fire Arceus? Happy New Year!

cml for these
Uxie League Promo
Ampharos theme deck
Entei RH
RE: Anyone have a Fire Arceus? Happy New Year!

Do you have Sealed packs of Base-Neo? I'd prefer 2 or 3 Neo Genesis or Legendary for my Espeon * Fire Arceus, and RH call.
RE: Anyone have a Fire Arceus? Happy New Year!

No thanks. That's way too much on my end, and I'm already getting a Ray C.
RE: Anyone have a Fire Arceus? Happy New Year!

If it's ok.
Would you be willing to get back to me about the Lati EX's on my thread?

LMK, thanks. ^w^​
RE: Anyone have a Fire Arceus? Happy New Year!

OK, lots of posts!

Leagolas: I didn't see anything. Sorry!

Lolmonster: I have no sealed packs, and if I did, I would've most certainly have opened them! :p I still like that deal with the RH Call, and I have a third Beedrill GE if you need that. I like the Gardy X too.

Spardan: No thanks. I don't need another {D} Arceus, I'll update mah wants.

SotH: I will! I've just been watchin' football and didn't have much time checking people's threads that I've posted in.
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