I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

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RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Its amazing i pulled a Regigas Fb Blaziken fb garchomp c shiny Milotic
Spiritomb electivire fb Ivysaur rotom Old Zapdos And a Blaziken Lv.x :D
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I pulled out of 5 Pop 9 packs were Regigigas and Manaphy. Not bad. Also, I been pulling 3 Electivire Lv.X, too many.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Bought a Garchomp Lv.X tin. Pulled Garchomp Lv.X (Non-Promo)=/
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I just got a Rayquaza tin, got a Rayquaza C (not level x, but how great is that? A Rayquaza C Lv. X and Rayquaza C!), Umbreon (I needed one), and a Reverse holo Rhyperior. It wasn't the best pack I ever bought though. I am going to be getting the Charizard tin next. I wonder what I'll get.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

well, after buying 18 GE packs in hopes of a claydol or candy, i had not even one of each, but my cousin comes to town buys 2 packs, and guess what he gets?

rare candy
reverse holo Claydol

i traded him for both, and he didn't really know there entire worth lol
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I bought a Rayquaza X tin.I pulled secret rare Zapdos.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Not really a pull but ....
when woolworths was open i bought the last pack of cards and they were some loose ones in the box so the lady behind the counter gave me the few cards.... And she had gave me an Articuno Ex :p i have pulled Ex's but this was the best experience lol
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I bought a garchomp tin and pulled Drifblim FB Absol x and a sufing Pika and the MD pack was junk with only a jolteon being the best.

At a prerealese and draft I got Mismagus x Alakazam 4 x x2 and a secret pikachu which I could have choose ethier pika of RH Flygon
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I bought 2 of the 'Secret Victors' special packs that come with POP 9 cards.
Understand that I went into this purchase with the hopes of pulling a Garchomp from either the set or the POP set. Well...

In one pack I pulled Solrock and Lunatone, which made me giddy. I then turned over the next pack and saw a Garchomp! Man, that made my day! After smiling for a while, I decided to open the other packs... the Charizard G caught my eye instantly, and almost completely overshadowed my other, much more needed pull! A second Garchomp!! :D:D Look out friends! My Garchomp X Deck is ready for a bit of action!
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I pulled a Garchomp C, Leafeon MD, Empoleon MD, and other stuff I well speak of later.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Got the Garchomp Tin today.
-Garchomp C X (Obviously)
-LA Spiritomb
-Drifblim FB
-RH Gallade 4
-RH SV Garchomp
-Mismagius GL X (My Third)

The RR pack had the same two things I pulled in my first RR pack at PR; Mismagius GL X and RH Gallade 4.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Tins, blisters, boxes, and boosters at cheaper prices all hate me. For instance, today I got a Garchomp C tins and an RR booster for slightly less than Wal-Mart/Target prices.

First off, the random DP series pack was from Diamond and Pearl! I was already ticked, but the contents in the boosters didn't exactly make me happier. I got Munchlax as the rare...>=/

The rest of tin wasn't too much better:

-Floatzel GL
-Butterfree FB

Sure, two of those are holos, but they are unplayable holos. Plus, I had both of those already....

The extra RR pack didn't help my mood, either. Out comes Snorlax as the rare!

If only I could hit even a short period of good luck, I'd be so much happier. =[
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Blue Thunder said:
Tins, blisters, boxes, and boosters at cheaper prices all hate me. For instance, today I got a Garchomp C tins and an RR booster for slightly less than Wal-Mart/Target prices.

First off, the random DP series pack was from Diamond and Pearl! I was already ticked, but the contents in the boosters didn't exactly make me happier. I got Munchlax as the rare...>=/

The rest of tin wasn't too much better:

-Floatzel GL
-Butterfree FB

Sure, two of those are holos, but they are unplayable holos. Plus, I had both of those already....

The extra RR pack didn't help my mood, either. Out comes Snorlax as the rare!

If only I could hit even a short period of good luck, I'd be so much happier. =[

I know how you feel. I've only pulled 1 Lvl. X in my life and it was an Infernape Lvl. X from Diamond and Pearl :(

On a good note; I pulled a holo Rayquaza C today from a Supreme Victors Poster Pack :)
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

wow, bought random 3 packs of SF and in the last one pulled what my wife needed. machamp lv x! lol. good day. also traded a bunch of randy rares for 2 TSDs. yay!
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

^^^^ cool!! P.S Skylines are awesome! lol

Well today i only got 1 pack and it was SF and i liked my pull....The reverse holo was just a gastly :( , But the rare was a holo Sceptile!!!!! wooot! I was extra happy cause i've always wanted one because of the artwork :)
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I just got a Charizard G lv.x tin and guess what I got in the packs...

Volkner's Philosophy
Gastrodon East sea
RH Shiftry (RR)
Metagross (SV)
Rayquaza C lv.x

the last pack I opened had Rayquaza and it made me really happy, plus I needed Metagross for a deck:D
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