I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

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RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I got my ND box Wednesday and pulled Shaymin EX, Mewtwo EX, FA Regigigas EX and SHiny Zoroark.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Best Pulls Ever For Me :D
Got seven Next Destinies packs at Target. Hoping for at least one EX. I only had a Mewtwo-EX from prerelease when it comes down to EXs, and when I got the set when it first came out, I got terrible cards. I was pulling terribly. About halfway through, I paused. Mewtwo pack. I slowly went through the cards when all the sudden.....KYUREM-EX FULL ART!!! Then, later, I pulled a reverse holo Reshiram! Finally, last pack. Didn't expect much. Then, I saw a hint of a silver border.....I quickly went through the cards.....I wasn't sure what it would be.....EX?.....a total let down?.....then I saw it.....MEWTWO-EX FULL ART!!!

In seven packs, I pulled the Psycho Drive and Hail Blizzard mascots in full art! Plus, I already have the regular Mewtwo-EX from prerelease, which makes it all even better!

Best day for TCG pulls in my opinion!
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Wow you guys beat me... I bought half a box because there is no way I'm paying for a full box. I must have gotten the crappy half of it because I got only commons and trash rares (looking at you Weavile). At the last 2 packs I was almost crying because I didn't get anything decent out of them, and I got a FA Mewtwo EX and FA Kyurem EX. It made my day, because my store had a discount going on so I only paid $40 for the whole thing :D

Sorry, nobody was in the store at that time so I needed somebody to brag too.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

At my PR my friend and I sat together. We were the last table so when the organizer came to give us our cards (table of 4 people) she had to open a BRAND NEW BOX. Me and my friend freaked out and we got our packs. My friend opens his and what did his first pack have? Reshi EX FA, he flipped. So I be openin' my packs and the kid across from us opens a pack and low and behold Shaymin EX, I say cool and continue I open my last pack *bam* a Reshiram EX. It was my first EX so it was awesome. So with 12 cards left in the box we got all 3 EX's, pretty legit. Sadly, the fourth kid realized there are only 3 EX's per box. I promptly traded my Reshi for 3 dual balls, an eviolite, and a RDL set. Traded a Yanmega for a Shaymin (yes the one the kid pulled). So basically, the best PR for me yet. :D
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I went to a card store, and found some really old packs. I got 3 Expedition, 1 Holon Phantoms, 1 Power Keepers, 1 Hidden Legends, and 1 Ruby & Sapphire. In one of the Expedition packs and in the Ruby & Sapphire pack, I got two rares in one pack! I pulled Ruby & Sapphire Blaziken, Ruby & Sapphire Mewtwo ex :)D)(Blaziken and Mewtwo ex were in the same pack), Holon Phantoms Mewtwo Delta({L}), Expedition Dragonite, and in the same pack, Expedition Blastoise and Tyranitar.
The other rares weren't that great. In fact, Power Keepers rare was a stinking Pichu!
Was the two rares in Ruby & Sapphire and Expedition an error?
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I just split a box of Next Destinies with my boyfriend. I picked the right-half of the box, the side that had a pack with Mewtwo on the first package. We open our packs one by one, getting mostly crap rares with a few good uncommons. He pulls a Regigigas EX, and I start to open my packs faster. I pull a Reshiram EX! Woo! Not what I was looking for, but nice. I pull a shiny Chandelure, which I didn't know existed. He drools over it. The entire time I'm hoping for a Mewtwo! I finish off my packs with no other ultra rares. He then opens a package and pauses, looks at me, then the cards, then back at me with a, "You're going to hate me" look. He then revealed his Mewtwo EX Full Art! AHHH! He offered to trade it to me for my shiny Chandelure, but I don't want to make him feel like he has to trade me just because I want the Mewtwo. ^^"
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I pulled 2 full art Tornadus at Emerging Powers prerelease. Then I traded one for Terrackion because I wanted it so bad, and this kid was collecting the cards or something. Then I got another one in one of the starter boxes with the 3d cards in them at Christmas (all 3 boxes, awesome right). Then I got another in a blister on the way back from the dentist. ALL. FULL. ART. So now I have 3. I have also pulled 2 full art Reshirams, and also a NV full art Virizion. I also pulled a regular Regigigas EX at the prerelease. Also, I pulled 3 Crobat primes, 2 Zubat but no Golbat. Luck of the pull, I guess.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

My pulls weren't that greatbut my friend that I sat next to at the pre-release had the luckest pull ever.

At the prerelease yesterday my friend and I sat at one of the middle tables, the TO comes around with the packs and my friend starts joking about how he's going to pull two Metwo EX's. So he opens his first pack and pulls a Mewtwo FA, he then opens the remaining packs (and gets nothing in them), until he gets to his last pack and says how it would be funny if he pulled another Mewtwo EX, sure enough he opens the pack and yells out saying that he pulled a second Mewtwo EX (this time not FA). In all my friends excitment I open my last pack and pull a Zekrom EX.

He had to be the luckest man alive 2 Mewtwo EX out of 8 packs.

Also after the pre-release one of my friends (will) bought a box of ND and pulls 2 Mewtwo EX and a Kyruem EX
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

That makes me feel bad. :p I think out of 8 packs, Me getting no EXs and only 3 good cards (prism and DCE) is pretty unlucky. :p
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I went to Target today cuz I need an Emboar. So I picked up the Emboar tin and I decided to grab one of the 3-pack deals that comes with two Triumphant and one Platinum pack. Here are the highlights of the pulls
Thundurs FA
Pokemon Catcher
Yanmega Prime
Machamp Prime
Palkia G Lv X-rotated I know, but still a good pull
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Got 3 Packs of Next Destinies, Best pull was Kyurem EX
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

My first pack of Noble Victories, had:
Tynamo, Eelektrik, N, Chandelure, RH Litwick, and some other great stuff! :D
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Yesterday I bought 5 Next Destinies packs and I got..... A full art reshiram EX. You're only supposed to get one full art in a box!!!!!
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Got my box yesterday. Finally. I mean, I preordered it on like Jan. 29, and it comes... a week after the set release. Highlights:
Kyurem FA (best art in set)
Kyurem EX (regular)
Reshiram EX

Also got a bunch of great holos, like the Gardevoir, Luxray, and Cinccino. No shinies though. Not a letdown at all!
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

My NeXt Destinies Box:

x5 Level Ball (1 RH)
x5 Skyarrow Bridge (1 RH)
x5 DCE
x5 Prism Energy
x4 Heavy Ball
x5 Exp. Share (1 RH)
x4 Cilan
x1 Gardevoir
x2 Zapdos (1 RH)
x2 Reshiram (1 RH)
x2 Zebstrika (1 RH)
x1 Zekrom
x1 Chandelure

x2 Mewtwo EX (1 FA)
x1 Reshiram EX

Perfect. This was my ideal box. Needless to say I am pumped.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Bought a lot lately for my birthday/ND release

ND Box:
1x Reshiram EX FA
1x Mewtwo EX
1x Regigigas EX
1x SR Emboar
5x Skyarrow Bridge
3x Pokemon Center
4x Prism Energy
6x DCE
6x Cilan (1 RH)
4x Heavy Ball (1 RH)
3x Level Ball
5x Exp. Share (1 RH)
2x Gardevoir (1 RH)
1x Zekrom
1x Reshiram
2x Articuno (1 RH)
2x Moltres (1 RH)
1x Wigglytuff
1x Vanilluxe
2x Amoonguss (1 RH)
2x Zebstrika
2x Luxray (1 RH)
3x Musharna (1 RH)
1x Chandelure (fire)

Fliptini Tin:
1x Fliptini (promo)
1x Eviolite (RH)
1x Clover Fossil
2x Durant
1x Vanilluxe (RH)
1x Cryogonal

2 ND packs+Mewtwo Box:
1x Battle City (RH)
2x Prism Energy
2x Pokemon Center (1 RH)
1x Cilan (RH)
1x Heavy Ball
1x Wigglytuff
1x Articuno
1x Amoonguss

First time I've got any new cards since EP pre-release, so I'm pretty happy with these pulls!
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Me at league last Thursday (to one of my league leaders): Do you have any Next Destinies packs for sale today?
League Leader: Nope, sorry. We won't have anything until States.
Me: Aww, darn, looks like I'll have to go into Wal-Mart and buy some packs.
Me (to two of my friends and my brother): Wanna come with me?
Two of my friends and my brother: Ok. Yah. Sure.
Me (thinking that me and one of my friends were racing to the card isle because he was walking fast): CARDS CARDS CARDS CARDS CAAAAARRDSSS!
Me (talking to my friend who I thought I was racing): Hmm, so they really do have loose packs out of the box like you told me about on the phone.
(I step away to let my friend get first pick at the packs)
My friend: I'll get a Reshiram and a Mewtwo pack.
Me: Ok, let me see how much money I have.
My friend (sees how much I have): You have enough for 3 packs.
Me: Ok, I'll get a Reshiram pack, a Regigigas pack, and a Zekrom pack.
My other friend: I'm not getting any packs today.
(we all rush back to league)
(back at league)
My friend: I'll open my packs first. Pack one, just a Cilan. Pack 2, nothing.
Me: I'll open the Regigigas pack first, Reshiram second and Zekrom third.
Me (keep in mind I do the card trick): Pack 1, a Prism Energy, pack 2, OH MY GOSH AS MY FINGERS TOUCHED THE RARE IT FELT LIKE AN EX!
My friend: Let me see it.
Me (holding rare and RH without looking at what they are) Is it what I think it is?!?!
My friend: It is!!! I'm so jealous!
Me: (starts screaming) YES! A MEWTWO EX!!!!!!
Me: (calling my dad) Dad, guess what I pulled out of a pack!
My dad: What?
My dad: Cool. I'll talk to you when I pick you up, I'm busy.
Me: I'm glad league didn't have packs tonight! :D

My memory kinda fades after that, but I remember almost every little kid there crowding around me trying to get a good look at it and me telling them to please back off.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

So went to a collectible show today bought 36 random packs needless to say we wanted to hopefully up our chances past the usual box were you get two EX and then one full art. We sit down at a table and start opening packs knowing we might get nothing good at all my girlfriend third pack in pulls mewtwo EX sweet they go around sixty seeing as we only paid seventy for all the packs I was happy. Open a few more packs and she pulls a shaymin EX me still nothin few more packs and she pulls a regigigas EX wow she is on a roll. So by now I'm like geez she picked so many better packs as soon as I think that I pull a zekrom EX Full art awesome she then pulls a kyurem EX and in one of my last packs I pull a mewtwo EX. So all in all we spent $70 but got about $190 in EX's so yes awesome pulls today I'm one happy camper.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Out of mewtwo box:

-mewtwo ex
-shaymin ex
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

1 Next Destinies Pack I pulled a Gardevoir and in two Noble Victories packs hoping to complete my collection I pulled a Hydreigon and 2 damn Victini FA's.

/Was hoping for Virizion

EDIT: Single ND booster, pulled a Reshi EX full art.
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