RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.
Me at league last Thursday (to one of my league leaders): Do you have any Next Destinies packs for sale today?
League Leader: Nope, sorry. We won't have anything until States.
Me: Aww, darn, looks like I'll have to go into Wal-Mart and buy some packs.
Me (to two of my friends and my brother): Wanna come with me?
Two of my friends and my brother: Ok. Yah. Sure.
Me (thinking that me and one of my friends were racing to the card isle because he was walking fast): CARDS CARDS CARDS CARDS CAAAAARRDSSS!
Me (talking to my friend who I thought I was racing): Hmm, so they really do have loose packs out of the box like you told me about on the phone.
(I step away to let my friend get first pick at the packs)
My friend: I'll get a Reshiram and a Mewtwo pack.
Me: Ok, let me see how much money I have.
My friend (sees how much I have): You have enough for 3 packs.
Me: Ok, I'll get a Reshiram pack, a Regigigas pack, and a Zekrom pack.
My other friend: I'm not getting any packs today.
(we all rush back to league)
(back at league)
My friend: I'll open my packs first. Pack one, just a Cilan. Pack 2, nothing.
Me: I'll open the Regigigas pack first, Reshiram second and Zekrom third.
Me (keep in mind I do the card trick): Pack 1, a Prism Energy, pack 2, OH MY GOSH AS MY FINGERS TOUCHED THE RARE IT FELT LIKE AN EX!
My friend: Let me see it.
Me (holding rare and RH without looking at what they are) Is it what I think it is?!?!
My friend: It is!!! I'm so jealous!
Me: (starts screaming) YES! A MEWTWO EX!!!!!!
Me: (calling my dad) Dad, guess what I pulled out of a pack!
My dad: What?
My dad: Cool. I'll talk to you when I pick you up, I'm busy.
Me: I'm glad league didn't have packs tonight!
My memory kinda fades after that, but I remember almost every little kid there crowding around me trying to get a good look at it and me telling them to please back off.