JD Vance Tells Son, a Pokemon TCG Fan, to “Shut the Hell Up” About Pikachu

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Why Vance would say this I have no idea. Pikachu is very popular and something like this might rub some people the wrong way. Still, it’s not as bad as Biden’s public opposition to Bitcoin/Crypto. Now THAT is a real way to have people vote against you. Now that Harris has been dusted off the basement though maybe they will change their stance, who knows. Still, Pikachu would be pro-Bitcoin, I’m sure of it. And it’s time for Ash to get a new cap this November anyways.
Crypto is bullshit. It's Worthless. People who promote crypto are evil or stupid and believing crypto, NFTs or AI is worth something is basically Horoscopes for men.
And Kamala Harris & other Marxist Democrats are not a threat?
Marxism? The belief that it's morally good for people to have an equal share of pay for their work, that they shouldn't be exploited by the capital class, and that corporations engage in immense ammounts of wage theft and should be reigned in? No I don't think they're a threat, why did you ask such an easy question?
As a person of gayness i completely agree i have a sibling also of gayness who might struggle the next four years if trump wins the election
Please tell us all how gay people suffered during the last 4 years of Trump? I'll wait...because Trump could care less about people who are gay. There are far bigger things to focus on than homosexuality.
You think somebody who would call a center-left politician like Kamala Harris a Marxist isn't already wishing for Project 2025 to be reality?
The fact she flip flops on everything she stands for. One day she supports defunding the police and then next day she doesn't. She's a "Kamaleon". No telling what she really is anymore when she can't be consistent on what policies she's running on. She might very well be a left leaning centrist, but she flirts with the far-left and progressive woke. You don't want to be fake with them because they will come burn your house down.
Marxism? The belief that it's morally good for people to have an equal share of pay for their work, that they shouldn't be exploited by the capital class, and that corporations engage in immense ammounts of wage theft and should be reigned in? No I don't think they're a threat, why did you ask such an easy question?
You're being disingenious about what Marxism and communism is. The power void it leaves behind and the history of what it looks like under a communist government.
And Trump and other fascist republicans who who want to privatize public schools, implement treatment limits for non-privatized healthcare, cut veteran benefits (benefits that we signed a blank check for), and all the horrible stuff they want to do to the LGBTQ community.

That’s not a threat
And Trump and other fascist republicans who who want to privatize public schools, implement treatment limits for non-privatized healthcare, cut veteran benefits (benefits that we signed a blank check for), and all the horrible stuff they want to do to the LGBTQ community.

That’s not a threat?
You mean the Democrats that support castrating children? Trump isn't a threat and he's not a fascist by any means. You might want to learn what that word means because you're ignoring the fact how the goal post has been moved and the Democrats have moved so far left that normal Americans look "far-right". When in reality we are very much centrists. Smaller government is a good thing!
You're being disingenious about what Marxism and communism is. The power void it leaves behind and the history of what it looks like under a communist government.
You're correct that they aren't describing communism, but what they're describing is way closer to what Democrats want then actual communism. No American politician advocates for anything remotely close to communism.
Crypto is bullshit. It's Worthless. People who promote crypto are evil or stupid and believing crypto, NFTs or AI is worth something is basically Horoscopes for men.
Crypto is freedom. You clearly know nothing about the crypto, blockchain, DeFi, etc. if you’re putting everyone in the same basket of being “evil”. Like.. what? Make it make sense. What’s truly evil is your ever-inflationary blood-soaked petrodollar.
Fact based reporting has a leftist agenda. Really tho I wouldn't talk to my kid that way. I just hope he's gonna be enthusiastic about something to wanna share it that much with me. People, especially other parents, will understand when things get interrupted by hyped up kids, it's not a time to tell your kid to stop, it's a time to excuse yourself for a moment.
Also it is just awesome how much Pokemon persists throughout ages today.
You're being disingenious about what Marxism and communism is. The power void it leaves behind and the history of what it looks like under a communist government.
You're being extremely wrong and or stupid

Crypto is freedom. You clearly know nothing about the crypto, blockchain, DeFi, etc. if you’re putting everyone in the same basket of being “evil”. Like.. what? Make it make sense. What’s truly evil is your ever-inflationary blood-soaked petrodollar.
Crypto is fake, and people who fall for crypto are either trying to scam people or got scammed
You mean the Democrats that support castrating children? Trump isn't a threat and he's not a fascist by any means. You might want to learn what that word means because you're ignoring the fact how the goal post has been moved and the Democrats have moved so far left that normal Americans look "far-right". When in reality we are very much centrists. Smaller government is a good thing!
American guy you're being really weird about children's genitals why are you talking about that. You seem obsessed with children's genitals and keep talking in public about how much you think of them
You mean the Democrats that support castrating children?
I can tell by the way you’re framing Trans people with this rhetoric—I know you have no idea what you’re talking about

You're being disingenious about what Marxism and communism is. The power void it leaves behind and the history of what it looks like under a communist government.
You think “democrats are castrating kids” but you simultaneously live in a fantasy world where the US—the bastion of capitalism—has even the slightest sliver of a chance at ever going full Communist. I thought you were realistic. 🙃

Trump isn't a threat and he's not a fascist by any means. You might want to learn what that word means because you're ignoring the fact how the goal post has been moved and the Democrats have moved so far left that normal Americans look "far-right".
I’m looking at the Trump/Biden debate that was held in 2020. I remember him telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and standby”. Huh? Why would a sitting president be telling a Neo-fascist group to “stand back and stand by” and not just, you know, outright denounce them like literally anybody who isn’t supporting fascism would?

Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, 3%ers, and Neo-nazis showed up to January 6.

It’s almost like…he’s encouraging them

When in reality we are very much centrists. Smaller government is a good thing!

We don’t live in a country like Sweden that has 5 legitimate political parties—we have 2. The only voting nuance we are afforded is voting for ballot measures.

Also, we don’t live in times where gets to go “I’m a fiscal conservative” to try and shirk responsibility for who they vote for. If you want to label yourself a centrist and vote for Trump, congratulations, you are voting for a fascist and also voting for P2025 Agenda 47
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Both Kamala and Trump are trash, not voting for either. I will vote for the amendments.

Some of us will lose healthcare benefits, retirement pay, social security, and just safety in general if Trump gets elected

But you standing by your moral principles and not voting? my god, you are so incredibly brave
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One of them is literally a fascist. I don't know how you can be "Uh both of them are bad, even though one is vastly worse, so I won't vote for anyone because I'm too principled to participate in democracy."
How about we get together and solve all the problems ourselves?
Some of us will lose healthcare benefits, retirement pay, social security, and just safety in general if Trump gets elected

But you standing by your moral principles and not voting? my god, you are so incredibly brave
Thats not my problem, I work and earn an income. I dont need to vote for Kamala or Trump, period
*reads article*
“Haha, that’s funny.”
*reads some funny comments*
*continues reading comments, political arguments start*
“No way I’m reading all these argumentative comments; I’ll skip to the end.”

Last page of the comments:
People are arguing about crypto, Marxism, and more, and an account created mere hours ago called “AnonymousAmerican” has four separate consecutive comments ranging from debatable to wild.

My brain:
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