JD Vance Tells Son, a Pokemon TCG Fan, to “Shut the Hell Up” About Pikachu

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It's so funny seeing americans argue about leftism/communism when Democrats aren't considered a left-wing party by anyone outside of the US. You have a center-right party and a far-right party. That's it.
As an American myself, I am always a tad annoyed when everyone else calls the Democrats “left”. Bernie Sanders is one of the only politicians I can think of that is actually left of center in this country, and that’s only mildly
Petition to ban AnonymousAmerican, his profile icon says all you need to know
I don’t think we should ban a user from this site for their political beliefs, even if they are unsavory. It sets a bad precedent, and fuels their conspiracy theories that the “leftists” are trying to shut them down or something. Of course, if they start espousing fascist rhetoric or overtly racist remarks, then a ban would obviously be in order. This individual is associating themself with a crowd that is often racist and fascistic, true, but so far they haven’t directly shown such tendencies; it also seems like they haven’t gone off the deep end enough to hate minority groups, just likely the movements associated with improving their lives such as BLM. I’d bet my left foot they think BLM is a terrorist group, sadly enough. So while I might think their beliefs are pretty harmful, I don’t think they should be banned unless they exhibit horrible behavior, which I doubt will happen
To the people who are talking about trump being part of project 2025. He has said he does not associate with the plan on multiple occasions
JD Vance is such a clown, but I feel bad for his kid being told to shut up just for being excited about Pikachu.

Also... #VoteBlueNoMatterWho
Vote blue no matter who is why Republicans consider all of you sheep. When you’re voting solely because you don’t like or understand the other candidate, not caring who you’re voting for, and then telling everyone else to do the same that right there is a major issue.
Please explain to me how you're going to do the proletarian revolution in November.

Very well, I will outline my plan. First of all, thank you for being polite. And finally, have a wonderful day and stay safe.

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This thread is filled with pure "white male default" examples.

If you're gay, that's too political. If you're a woman, that's political. If you're a minority, that's political. If you're a r*ped child, that's political.

Outside of the West there is potential for that to be the 'majority ethnicity male default', but even then with all the trade, advertising, influence and pressure, you can't escape the former.

Not even sure why these extremists are supporting Pokemon which seemingly strives to be as inclusive as possible. Your values don't align at all, why are you using your American bucks to support Pokemon? Teach them a lesson like Bud Lite!
Most comments i've seen on a post and they're all about politics. Can we just get ash to run for president?

Heck I'll even take a charizard. Atleast it can win a heated arguement.
Vote blue no matter who is why Republicans consider all of you sheep. When you’re voting solely because you don’t like or understand the other candidate, not caring who you’re voting for, and then telling everyone else to do the same that right there is a major issue.

As someone who has voted for a Republican, Democrat, and even a third party one year. I can say from my perspective that the Republicans are more guilty of this. Especially with their own candidate. Republicans devotion to the man who is against many of formerly core beliefs of the Party like small/limited government is cult like in many ways.

Due to this, the Republican party is beginning to transform into the party of Trump and for Trump. Republican core values are replaced by loyality to Trump. It is not universally true, but it appears that way which is why the whole "Vote all Blue" is being spouted. It is a reaction to a party who is kicking out anyone not loyal to the man on the top of their ticket, and party inclusion is based more on one man than a binding set of principles.

Yes, the Democrats can be guilty of being overly devoted to blue, but like what we saw with Biden's exit. Democrats are willing to disagree and argue over who is leading them and still allow both sides to remain blue. People who supported Biden staying were not called DINOs and censored by the party. Neither were the ones who called for him to step down calling the Ride with Biden crowd DINOs.
Okay, so? Am I supposed to vote for Kamala Harris because he did this or something? What’s the point of this article?

The last thing we need in a non-political site is politics. Can’t we just escape from it for two seconds?
Well, I mean....yeah, unless you support a horrible man who has a slightly-less-horrible VP over someone who genuinely wants to make the world a better place. 🤷‍♀️
Vote blue no matter who is why Republicans consider all of you sheep. When you’re voting solely because you don’t like or understand the other candidate, not caring who you’re voting for, and then telling everyone else to do the same that right there is a major issue.
Democrats aren't even remotely perfect but they can at least all agree to protect the rights of women and marginalized groups while most Republicans want to strip them away, ban books, fire teachers for using pronouns, etc. I'll always take the side of equality and compassion, sorry 'bout it.
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