XY Leaked : Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

ScorchingShock said:
SavvyJackal said:
What about this?

But I just saw this...

Hon, you can't compare dual-types to a singular-type. They gotta fit the 2 type symbols in. They have more room with the singular-types.

Which still means that either the Delphox or the Hawlucha image is fake.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Oblivion_Wing said:
Oh god no..
If delphox js real... i cry..
The only thing i hate about it, is that stupid dress. It could have been perfect, ah well, i was TeamChespin day 1

Well it could be gender neutral, because it could be robes for guys, and dresses for girls :) so it does help for gender issues people will have :D
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

HostileKangaroo said:
That picture in battle also makes it look way too tall to be only 4'11". I don't buy it.

Hawlucha's supposed to be 2' something. So Delphox being a little over twice as tall does make sense.(Plus they might not include ears in height, some of the length/height/weights are PRETTY FISHY.)

EDIT: Hawlucha's measurement could also be wingspan.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

bogaboy said:
Team Chespin is starting to salivate...

We have been pure from day one. Never has the evolution been teased (aside from a VERY bad fake attempt on 4chan)

I like liking the least liked starter. I am confident that ANYTHING is better than the abomination that is Quilladin. Anything, and Game Freak has made it all better for me.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

SavvyJackal said:
ScorchingShock said:
Hon, you can't compare dual-types to a singular-type. They gotta fit the 2 type symbols in. They have more room with the singular-types.
Which still means that either the Delphox or the Hawlucha image is fake.

True, true. But then again, it does seem reasonable. I mean, it's not too farfetched. It might be because of when the shots were taken. But with my knowledhe on the subject, it's actually pretty legit.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Ghost King said:
Oblivion_Wing said:
Oh god no..
If delphox js real... i cry..
The only thing i hate about it, is that stupid dress. It could have been perfect, ah well, i was TeamChespin day 1

Well it could be gender neutral, because it could be robes for guys, and dresses for girls :) so it does help for gender issues people will have :D

Hm, well, it's not because of gender really, i just imagined Braixen to evolve into something more actiony looking. Saying Delphox and Greninja are real...
Now i know why i chose Chespin. :D

But of course, naturally, my instinct is to treat these as fake.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Rellek said:
bogaboy said:
Team Chespin is starting to salivate...

We have been pure from day one. Never has the evolution been teased (aside from a VERY bad fake attempt on 4chan)

I like liking the least liked starter. I am confident that ANYTHING is better than the abomination that is Quilladin. Anything, and Game Freak has made it all better for me.

I was team Fennekin day 1. I've always picked fire starters, up until the Fire/Fighting streak. I was hoping to finally get back into the Fire starters. With the leak of Gallantoad, I went to team Froakie, then back to team Fennekin when the image in my Avatar leaked. Now, with Greninja and Delphox, I have come over to team Chespin. Let's hope for the best.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

So to get this straight.... people are freaking out at a well planned, solid design because.... there isn't a stick?

Okay, fine. Maybe it's become so powerful it doesn't need to channel its power through an object to control it. There, problem solved.

Now then, let's all just step back, take a breath, and continue forward calmly ^^ There is no reason to panic.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

This is exhausting.

Listen, I'm all for preferences, within reason. But everyone has expectations of their own. GF can't appease all at once. As far as I'm concerned, each Pokemon has it's attributes to offer, whether or not you choose to appreciate them is down to you, and ultimately a lot of people would rather whine and moan and kick and scream that GF didn't deliver exactly what they expected. Not for you? I won't condemn you for that, that's down to preference.. However, I don't think any Pokemon is bad enough to warrant hatred.

GF have delivered difference. Not better, not worse.. Different.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

DragonTamer1995 said:
I've been looking at this for quite some time now in comparison to its predeccsor, Braixen, and I don't understand the removal of the stick (the wand everyone pointe out missing)
So... It’s easy, really. Fennekin likes to eat twigs. Braixen doesn’t eat them anymore, but keeps one around, kinda like an “electronic cigarette” (it calms its mind). This Delphox thing doesn’t need it anymore. That’s your “theme”.

That doesn’t make it good, but it makes perfect sense.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Eh, it's okay. I was hoping for something more feminine, but being a fire Gandalf is cool too
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Oh, and the lack of a staff makes sense to me.
I'd imagine it'd need some sort of tool to better utilize it's abilities, but with experience I wouldn't be surprised if it'd be able to summon without.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Rellek said:
bogaboy said:
Team Chespin is starting to salivate...

We have been pure from day one. Never has the evolution been teased (aside from a VERY bad fake attempt on 4chan)

I like liking the least liked starter. I am confident that ANYTHING is better than the abomination that is Quilladin. Anything, and Game Freak has made it all better for me.

I'm a great fan of middle evos of starters. And probably Quilladin is the worst one of all 6 Gen. So yeah, I'm not only confident that the final evo will be better, but also to break the mold and be at least the 2nd-3rd best final Grass evo.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

SavvyJackal said:
Which still means that either the Delphox or the Hawlucha image is fake.
I'm not sure what your reasoning is here. You can clearly see that the type symbol (or first, in the case of a dual-type) is lined up perfectly with the first letter of the Pokemon's name. The type of creature it is "___ Pokemon" seems to be the only thing that really varies between dex entries and that's decided entirely by how long the word preceding "Pokemon" is. I mean, is there something else I'm missing with all of this space/no space stuff?
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

SavvyJackal said:
What about this?

But I just saw this...

In response to your picture about type spacing, I present you with this...

Zenja said:
Made an account (after lurking for so long) just to chime in that I firmly believe final Fennekin evolution is fake.


That is all.

Not at all, actually. There are many subtle differences...look primarily at the spacing of the hands, feet, and yellow fur.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

If the last evolution of Fennekin is not a fake, then I will restart my game until I get a female Fennekin... At first I was like "WTH is that??" But is starting to grown on me...
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Huh. I like Delphox. What's with all the hate of it?
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

A robed fox wizard?
I'm... pleasantly impressed, if that's real. Much nicer than all the fan evos I've seen for Fennekin. Actually looks like a proper third stage, for one thing.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

The stick is up its arse problem solved, you know how the saying goes :p. I like the design, it could be all mental on someone, using psychic powers and fire. It can kill with its mind 0.0 it doesn't need to move, because winning is inevitable :), until froakie joins the picture :)
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Also, I have a feeling that Delphox is legit and I sorta like it. Still Team Chespin and won't change my mind about him even if the 3rd stage won't be as good looking as we hope.