XY Leaked : Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Shinomune said:
Rellek said:
We have been pure from day one. Never has the evolution been teased (aside from a VERY bad fake attempt on 4chan)

I like liking the least liked starter. I am confident that ANYTHING is better than the abomination that is Quilladin. Anything, and Game Freak has made it all better for me.

I'm a great fan of middle evos of starters. And probably Quilladin is the worst one of all 6 Gen. So yeah, I'm not only confident that the final evo will be better, but also to break the mold and be at least the 2nd-3rd best final Grass evo.

No no, that was the whole idea in the first place! They were like "Let's make an adorably irresistible grass starter, reveal the second evolution which is on par with our worst starter designs ever and then shock everyone with the most disgustingly awesome grass final evo we have ever produced and bam! No one would have guessed because they would've given up after Quilladin"

But I do imagine the final form being fantastic. I would very much like it to be grass/dark simply for the epicness that will be its design. We have a witch fox, a grenadier frog and now we're gonna have a handsome Knight Badger thing that's going to be great!
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

I'm very pleased by Delphox. Like, VERY pleased. I didn't like Braixen all that much, and now (with Greninja) I'm seriously considering getting Fennekin in the first place. Great! Dreams coming true.

But... Where did it come from? Just out of nowhere? Was it posted on Instagram first or what?
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Nope. After almost an hour of looking at Dephlox, it still hasn't grown on me. Save the day Froakie & Chespin!
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

exactly what i said. very disappointing. i said as soon as something interesting popped up(fennekins last evo, only she could confirm it) Bam!!! "cought" out of no where. this will go for all future "leakers" too.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Delphox was a nice surprise!! It looks like a great final evo, but I just wish Nintendo would cool it on the mega evolutions already. ;__;
But I also just woke up so are Delphox, the mega evos, and the fairy pokemon evos the only new news or is there more? (I hear something about all the leakers being taken down now?)
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

roppi said:
Delphox was a nice surprise!! It looks like a great final evo, but I just wish Nintendo would cool it on the mega evolutions already. ;__;
But I also just woke up so are Delphox, the mega evos, and the fairy pokemon evos the only new news or is there more? (I hear something about all the leakers being taken down now?)

Delphox isn't confirmed.

Confirmed news today are only fairy evos and Mega Charizard X.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

I have witnessed so much rage in just the last hour towards fennekin's evo haha. "Please tell me its fake or i'll die!!1!one" etc.

Personally, i like it and it makes sense. In lots of magic-based stories, the most powerful of sorcerors don't even need staffs (staves?) to use magic, which points towards eventually getting rid of the stick.

I want you guys to promise me something:
You will name your first Hawlucha after a mucha lucha character :D

Edit: same as everyone else, i do feel bad and confused that her entire instagram got shanked. That didn't happen to kosthedin, so why...?
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

HostileKangaroo said:
Delphox isn't confirmed.

Confirmed news today are only fairy evos and Mega Charizard X.

Ah ok! Thank you for telling me.
Delphox is probably the only evo I actually want to be real, while I'm really hoping those fairy evos are just the awkward middle stages....
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Anyway, I'm not 100% sure that this Fennekin evolution is legit. I'm skeptical. If it is, I'm definitely going for Chespin or Froakie. I mean, I like Delphox, but it's not what I want in a Pokemon.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)



To further illustrate why I'm still somewhat skeptic. I scaled down the status screen one to be the same size as the dex one, and this is what I got.

Either they're fake and the "leaker" did some skewing, or this somewhat illustrates part of its animation or camera angle difference.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Zenja said:


To further illustrate why I'm still somewhat skeptic. I scaled down the status screen one to be the same size as the dex one, and this is what I got.

Either they're fake and the "leaker" did some skewing, or this somewhat illustrates part of its animation or camera angle difference.

Don't forget, the models could move.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

SavvyJackal said:
Baktwerel said:

Vincent said:
I PM'd you guys. With my 3DS friend code. *cough*

Anyway, I'm not 100% sure that this Fennekin evolution is legit. I'm skeptical. If it is, I'm definitely going for Chespin or Froakie. I mean, I like Delphox, but it's not what I want in a Pokemon. As for Hawlucha, I do like it and may use it. If it's real. XD

What? First, I didn't get no PM. Second, I agree with you. Im pretty sure Braixens evo is legit because of the screen differences (One being more 3D and one being more 2D), but I've got my share of skepticism. As for Hawlucha, it HAS to be real. There is no doubt in my mind.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

ShredderMan said:
Zenja said:


To further illustrate why I'm still somewhat skeptic. I scaled down the status screen one to be the same size as the dex one, and this is what I got.

Either they're fake and the "leaker" did some skewing, or this somewhat illustrates part of its animation or camera angle difference.

Don't forget, the models could move.

The models do indeed move on both status screen and dex screen, that's exactly whats so strange about this. As you can see, the only part that can be considered moving is the arms. But I'm just saying, what are the odds of being nearly on the exact same point in its animation at the exact same angle for both screens?

This doesn't deconfirm or confirm anything, I'm just proposing reasons to be skeptic either way.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Dephox, I don't think its the right design overall for the pokemon world, it loos like gothitelle design just different colors. I don't seeing this to be legit, but if it is going to be real, I wouldn't mind it :D. I can see the froakie's evolution being greninja I think it looks marvelous. I think that quillidan sound like something from Godzilla, or is it just me? I can see it bursting from its little shell and becoming a real potent force to be dealt with.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Ghost King said:
Dephox, I don't think its the right design overall for the pokemon world, it loos like gothitelle design just different colors.
To be fair, Gothitelle is based on Goths, Fortune Tellers and Space, which Dephox is based on Magic, Gypsies and Witches. They have very similar bases, but very different designs.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Razmos said:
Ghost King said:
Dephox, I don't think its the right design overall for the pokemon world, it loos like gothitelle design just different colors.
To be fair, Gothitelle is based on Goths, Fortune Tellers and Space, which Dephox is based on Magic, Gypsies and Witches. They have very similar bases, but very different designs.

Yes, exactly! Sadly for that reason, I might not be able to choose Fennekin (Unless I sneak :p). It's such a beautiful design for the Pokemon and fits extremely well. Plus the name, someone said means Delphi, a place in Greece where oracles lived, and obviously fox, fits very well too. It all blends together to create a rainbow of delicious design!
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Razmos said:
Ghost King said:
Dephox, I don't think its the right design overall for the pokemon world, it loos like gothitelle design just different colors.
To be fair, Gothitelle is based on Goths, Fortune Tellers and Space, which Dephox is based on Magic, Gypsies and Witches. They have very similar bases, but very different designs.

I just don't expect another Gardevoir design, So now we have Gardevoir, Gothitelle, and Delphox, just seems a little odd with the same design again <.< but is can be possible. :D
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)


if im not ninjad

edit: ha! i win
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Zenja said:
ShredderMan said:
Don't forget, the models could move.

The models do indeed move on both status screen and dex screen, that's exactly whats so strange about this. As you can see, the only part that can be considered moving is the arms. But I'm just saying, what are the odds of being nearly on the exact same point in its animation at the exact same angle for both screens?

This doesn't deconfirm or confirm anything, I'm just proposing reasons to be skeptic either way.

Well, it's possible it only has an idle standing animation. We've seen that the smaller Pokemon would jump around and stuff (like torchic I think), and it'd make sense if all a Wise Old Pokemon like this one would do is just stand and look intimidating if the more energetic guys would be hopping around everywhere.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Well, looks like its real.

Then the two images of it were just one big coincidence that they looked so similar. :cool: