XY Leaked : Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!


Wild War Dance
Recent leaks have shown images of the final evolutions of all starters! What do you think about them?!

Warning! Spoilers up ahead! If you do not wish to see them, don't look!

Chesnaught - Spiny Armor Pokemon

Delphox - Fox Pokemon


Greninja -

RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)



What do you guys think? Real or fake? Do you like it?

I'm not sure if it's real, but it looks okay. Could be better, imo.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

What I wonder is, where did the stick go? They made such a big deal out of it...
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

SavvyJackal said:

What do you guys think? Real or fake? Do you like it?

I'm not sure if it's real, but it looks okay. Could be better, imo.

I think it looks pretty cool and I like it, actually. It gives a strong contrast to all the intimidating/physically-based fire-type starters we've had in the past.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

SavvyJackal said:

What do you guys think? Real or fake? Do you like it?

I'm not sure if it's real, but it looks okay. Could be better, imo.

First reaction everyone getting to this kind of info is..

"This better be fake"

For god's sake, which one you don't want to be fake? I don't mind this one! Though i still want my Magnifixen :O
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

That fenneken final evolution better be FAKE!!! oh God pls be fake! (My dream went out the window. crying...)
[split] Rumors & Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread already!

decowood said:
SavvyJackal said:

This better be fake.... :/

It certainly looks real.

And the name is cool, too, Delphi (as in the place where the oracle resided in Ancient Greece) and, most obviously, fox
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

I like the slight, elegant appearance they went for which contrasts the overdone Fire/Fighting starters. I could really see "Delphox" (if confirmed) being a powerhouse as one of the better starter Pokemon.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Rellek said:
SavvyJackal said:

What do you guys think? Real or fake? Do you like it?

I'm not sure if it's real, but it looks okay. Could be better, imo.

Blargha skdhfjwekfbiuabfnrweiolwrnv fuuuuuuuuuuu

Wut? Do you not like it? I think it's OK but could use a bit more detail. I mean, where did the stick go? Seems a BIT fishy to me but then again, if a plant can lose a leaf and gain a flower then a fox can gain and lose a stick.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

TayBee said:
Rune Yagami said:
I think it looks pretty cool and I like it, actually. It gives a strong contrast to all the intimidating/physically-based fire-type starters we've had in the past.

UHH...HMMM! mmmm. It's a... nice design. *nods slowly*

With its typing, cloak-like fur and that facial expression, it looks like the pokemon equivalent of Voldemort ;). I could definitely get used to that design!
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

The gender is female there could be a male one.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Also, someone else mentioned that there may be gender-specific forms. Jadieekong (Instagram) has a male Braixen that she'll be evolving when she gets home from work in a few hours, so that should put all of our questions to rest.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Hmmm weird, when I look at those patterns on it's "skirt", I somehow have a deja vu feeling, not sure why.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

ScorchingShock said:
Rellek said:
Blargha skdhfjwekfbiuabfnrweiolwrnv fuuuuuuuuuuu

Wut? Do you not like it? I think it's OK but could use a bit more detail. I mean, where did the stick go? Seems a BIT fishy to me but then again, if a plant can lose a leaf and gain a flower then a fox can gain and lose a stick.

No I'm indifferent. That was me having a personal moment of surprise. But yeah I like it and how it's FINALLY different than the horrendous streak of fire/fighting.

Anyways, It could very well still be in the tail. Maybe more buried. Or maybe it's a badass and can grow a fudging tree right in front of it, rip off a branch and cast the opponent into oblivion with it. Possible.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

I have a feeling, Delphox, Greninja, Hawlucha, and even Barnacle Boy are real.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

SavvyJackal said:

What do you guys think? Real or fake? Do you like it?

I'm not sure if it's real, but it looks okay. Could be better, imo.

Ooooh~ I LIKE it! Very elegant and somewhat monk-like. Perfectly gender-neutral. Only problem I see to question its legitimacy is the fact both pictures are in an identical pose, but this looks like a pokemon that wouldn't move around a whole lot when not in battle.

I have no problem with this being real.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Rellek said:
Ririka said:
First reaction everyone getting to this kind of info is..

"This better be fake"

For god's sake, which one you don't want to be fake? I don't mind this one! Though i still want my Magnifixen :O

You guys should quote me because it will be always true:

"People aren't necessarily against things, they just want something to complain about"

So true. Even if it's a GF official leaks, people will still complains about it, haha.

Anyway i'm quite fine with the design, though the name could use some work. My OCD tells me that Fennekin>Braixen> needs something ends with "n", for the sake of my rhyme OCD. I know though that previous starter sometimes defy this pattern. :/
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

SavvyJackal said:


What do you guys think? Real or fake? Do you like it?

I'm not sure if it's real, but it looks okay. Could be better, imo.

Delphox is similar to Taomon.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Made an account (after lurking for so long) just to chime in that I firmly believe final Fennekin evolution is fake.


That is all.