Lost World Stadium - In New Set? Ultra Rare?

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Yeah I know that. That's why I said Wind Erosion can help instead. But someone could just make a simple mistake and play it at the wrong time. (probably not... but you never know right?) And that's exactly why they should make it a secret rare. It'll make the deck like way expensive which means less people will want to use it.
Flygon Lv.X gets Stolen (literally) by Garchomp C Lv.X. With SP in the format, Flygon will not be.

dmaster out.

Seriously? Keep Garchomp C on the Bench, then Level Up and kill?

dmaster out.
Not necessarily. Buffer piece on flygon plus a defender won't be a KO. Then on your turn Extreme Attack the Garchomp. That's what I do and it works out fine.
Not if Flygon has an expert belt. Then on your turn before you attack you can Blissey prime to make sure you last next turn. And then on the turn after that you can retreat and seeker to pick it up. And then bring up whatever other pokemon you have ready and set up flygon again. But um... getting back to the Lost World thing.... if they were to release it next set I personally think it would make sense to come up with a card that disables stadiums. =)
You can't attach two poketools can you? Because buffer piece and Expert belt are both poketools. Either way, that's a lot of cards to prevent your opponent from KO'ing you once. unless you're running lots of junk arms, you can really only prevent garchomp KO once, or you can run lots of defenders, etc. which is most of the time dead draw.
Oh yeah... *facepalm* Ha ha. I forgot buffer piece was a pokemon tool. xD Is there a card out there that's stops weaknesses? I could have sworn there was but now I can't find it... and yeah. You're right. It's a one time deal. Well unless somehow you're able to do it twice and you have your own Lost World out so that way they can't get their Garchomps back.
Yeah, good luck getting E-Belt and enough Defenders every turn to stop the OHKO.
Flygon's pretty much dead. It's a bit slow, and gets killed by (Insert the first part of the name of a commonly played SP Pokémon)Chomp.
And it's not like they're only running 1 Lost World... discarding it won't make a huge difference...
Well it's not dead to me! I still play it.... sometimes. xD Oh. Well... Once SP decks are gone I hope Flygon will gain popularity again if RR doesn't get rotated. And it's actually pretty easy to get enough defenders and an expert belt. When I use my Caterpie deck I'm able to use 3 or 4 defenders and Expert Belt for 3 turns in a row sometimes when it works out correctly. (It's only worked out like that once though) But with Flygon I'm assuming it would be easier since he's much stronger than Caterpie.
Lets face it Lost World will have a HUGE affect on the Meta. Don't sugar it up and make it seem like a easily beat deck. But, there are ways around it. Lostgar won't be unstoppable it will be only a little more dominant than SP is at the moment (based on my opinions of course). There is only one way to beat Lostgar, you must outpower it. Remember people it won't be AS BROKEN (it will still dominate most the time) because it doesn't really damage you so as long as it doesn't run Palkia G you have a good chance of winning and remember people. Pokemon is a highly luck based game. No way around that last statement so if you get the luck you win out. So lets think will Lostgar be unstoppable. Not even close, but fact of the matter is it will be the dominating deck until something comes that will take it out of its spotlight.

Song by Switchfoot I just like it
Luck can win pokemon games, but I think consistency, from the standpoint of a deck, is what wins games. Obviously different players make different moves, but any deck that consistently set up and do well will usually win. You could run a deck that would absolutely dominate if you drew a certain 7 cards for your starting hand, but sucked otherwise, and you would almost never win. A deck that consistently draws cards that it can set up with will perform better.
@Typhlosionwolf: Bubble coat? It prevents flygon from being 1hit ed from garchomp c X, or any other that hits it on weakness.

I'm the only one who has ever played bubble coat? It's awesome in matchups were you have x2 weakness. It alone will make no difference but if you play good: (scenario)
It's the last prise for both and you are getting 1 hit ed (on weakness)the next turn, but if you survive you can k.o anything for the win. Oh what should i do to survive the one turn.. Bubble coat! Active survives with ~50 hp and you k.o for the win.

^That can happen if you play Bubble coat.

Lost World will be an uncommon like it was in the Lost Link set. It not necesscary to change the number of pokemon required to be LZed. The simple reason is that Japan have a HGSS-ON with a different rule set. So no BTS or using rare candy on a pokemon as soon as it's played down. In the current format LostGar will not dominate (it will still be tier 1) because of how hard it's to setup and execute. The speed of SP's as well as Regice's ability to get pokemon out of the players hand in a Gyarados matchup will provide relatively even matchups.
@ RaiderDos
I totally don t understand you post. You said to outpower the deck, how? The deck is pretty much doing a KO each turn, just by sending one pokemon in the LZ each turn. Therefore, it wins in 8 turns. Plus, you are saying that it does not make any impact for your deck. You know what? 6 pokemons in the LZ out of, average, 20 pokemons in your deck is a lot. Don t say that you can get rid of your pokemons from your hand by doing ta ta ci, ta ta ta... Sorry but a good buid of LZ deck will run Judge and Spiritomb TR. Once again, I TRIED the deck against the most competitive decks and it is not a problem to send pokemons using this strategy. Oh, I forgot the altimate card: Seeker! It will allow you to use Spiritomb next turn and have a pokemon to LZ for Sure. Finally, this deck makes you hand continues shuffle, which get rid of your strategy.

Flygon=fail against LZ. Even if the player is a beginner (well, that guy will not play a deck like that but, just for exemple...) and fails by playing LW from his hands. Or even if the player miscounted. Maybe you are going to prevent damage and effect, but LW does not care, because they get rid of pokemons in your hand. Plus, they have 2 more in their deck.

If seriously you want to play Flygon, just put Exploud SV.
You are using Rare candies anyway. (with BTS)
^The thing with Seeker is that if LostGar gains enough popularity, some people will start to tech in fossils to many decks so they can pick them up instead of a Pokémon, since Gengar's Hurl Into Darkness won't affect them. Clearly it won't work every game, as it's not searchable and can be in the Prizes anyways, but it can hurt LostGar quite a bit.
lostgar isnt that hard to beat. once gengar prime is out of the picture its an easy win. and gengar prime isnt even that hard to KO. and what do you mean its a KO every turn? its putting 4 damage counters every turn. and with gengar x its doing 40 to everyone the next turn. not that bad. as Raider said just out power it. lostgar isnt that powerful of a deck its just about messing up your deck and hand but if you have enough search cards and other things of the sort then you can get set up just as fast as you usually do. i have a friend that has a lostgar deck and its not to hard to beat.
What he means is that, because Lost World requires 6 Pokemon in your opponent's lost zone, every Lost Zoned pokemon is basically the same as a prize card drawn. And the problem with Lostgar is not how they disrupt your hand, it's how they win in 3-6 turns and there's not a great deal you can do about it. If you think Lostgar isn't hard to beat, you've been testing against a bad list. Lostgar is not undefeatable, but it's very fast and very hard to stop.

And @ scizorliscious: They will run at least 1 Spiritomb TR and 1 Mr. Mime LL to check for pokemon, and if you don't have any pokes to Lost Zone, they drop the Tomb, shuffle your hand into your deck and draw six. Odds are you will have at least one pokemon in those six cards, and if you don't get your fossil back right away, they can start the old Seeker => Hurl into Darkness combo again.
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