Lost World Stadium - In New Set? Ultra Rare?

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@zitong: Actually this is it. Supposing a Mew is KO'd every 2 turns:

T1, LZ Gengar
T2, LZ 2 of opponents Pokemon (2 energys attached)
t3, opponents KO's Mew, Send out another, LZ one pokemon
T4, 2 Lz'd
T5, opponents KO's Mew, Send out another, LZ one pokemon
T6, Lost World, game.
i think well get get but well get something to get pokemon into the discard pile from the lost zone so mime jr and slowking dont just destroy every thing.
^No, I really don't think they'd do that. The point of the Lost Zone is that there's absolutely no way to get the cards in it back.
People run Warp Energy to get around a nasty trainer lock in conjunction with status effects like Drapion, who otherwise kills Gengar. It isn't necessary, but you need to plan for every contingency.
im going to play a disruption deck that will screw lost gar over.. cant attack if your asleap.

Flip Heads anyone? Sorry, just had to lol.

I think Lost World will be just a normal Uncommon Stadium like all the rest. There's no reason to make it hard to get.

dmaster out.
Erm, Egg-Lock is by no means a new deck idea, so I'm not sure if it's as disruptive as you think it is...
^Hard set up. VS Lostgar=fail. Mew does not need some cards in hands to attacks, which is its main advantage. And, by switching hands, you are going to give more pokemon to your opponent. Plus, you are not playing Flygon.

Edit: @Glaceon
Lets just suppose that your opponent does not get disrupt and get good pokemon who can do 60 each turn.
lol, what are you talking about? Everyone knows Nosepass Swarm (which I used to use) will win Worlds.

Would a Weavile Lock deck be viable in a Lostgar-ridden format? Claw Snag can discard crucial cards like Spiritomb, Lost World or any cards they need to set up, and as for the attacker, Umbreon would be decent against other match ups.
the problem is that they run 4 lost world and spiritomb isnt the only way of shuffling your hand. you wouldnt be able to discard everything fast enough
Weavile Lock can be viable, but it involves using a lot of Weaviles to improve your odds. We do have Purugly G with Chip Off which can reduce the opponent's hand size to 5 for one energy. Won't do damage to Gengar, but it can cripple it.
lol, what are you talking about? Everyone knows Dunsparce Swarm (which I used to use) will win Worlds.
i fixed that for you ;)
/me runs
If they made it an ultra rare, do you realize how much that deck would cost?
4 Gengar Prime, 4 Mew Prime, 2 or 3 Lost World? That could easily cost more than a Luxchomp deck.
Because that would not only mean that one deck would dominate the format, but also that that one deck is ridiculously expensive. All you'd need to Top Cut a tournament: Enough money to build the deck - A good netdecked list - A bit of luck so you don't run into a lot of mirror matches early on. Even worse, the relatively untested lists would also dominate early on, before the really epic lists leak, because most people will be like: "Oh, Lost World is a Secret Rare, that deck is WAAAAY to expensive to play for most people, why play a counter deck?". And then, Lostgar sweeps the first few states, everyone starts testing, and good lists will be posted and netdecked.
^Eh... it still would make it a lot less popular. Not as much need for counters, and it doesn't completely destroy the format.
Not saying it will be a Secret Rare, or that I want it to be. I think it should be Uncommon. I just don't think it would be a very bad thing if it was.
^LOL, no need for counters? If nobody played counters to it, it would sweep pretty much any tournament. Not popular =/= Not game breaking.
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