Lost World Stadium - In New Set? Ultra Rare?

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how come nobody says anything about absol prime? Sure, it places one of yours into the lost zone, but it'll ohko a gengar prime. Even with basic darknoess instead of special. Use 2 special and then it's base damage is 90. Or even just one special + another basic energy, makes it 80 which is good enough to ko a mew prime with a snowpoint temple or expert belt. I say have 2 special dark, and a buck's training just in case they have expert belt plus snowpoint plus vileplume. It'll ohko that 100hp mew. Or even have an expert belt on it yourself. Just have no pokemon in your hand and run absol prime.

perhaps regice, interviewer's questions, metang (energy crane) and your own mew prime? Granted this setup is specific to anti lostgar. But use regice to force an energyless benched to become active then energy crane the 2 psychic energies onto mew, and then attach one outright. It's my understanding that you can use their gengar prime's attack when they lost zone it with your mew prime.

just have a few extra psychic energies in your deck so that mew easily has enough energy to kick more of their pokemon into the lost zone faster than they themselves. They won't play lost zone stadium then.

so combine it and you have basic, basic, basic, stage 1. Super easy to get going. More so if you use pokemon contest hall to search for a basic and put bench shield onto it. Then you don't have to worry about your basics being in your hand. And they won't play lz just to get rid of your stadium if you're sending pokemon into the lost zone faster than them.

granted you might want 1 or 2 lz yourself and 1 or 2 gengar prime so you can do the exact same thing as a lostgar deck, only that it won't make sense till it's too late.

btw, day of triumphant release I got the $20 gift set with toy entei.. Got gengar prime, mew prime, and espeon prime. I think somebody upstairs likes me :p oh, and my neighbor paid for it kindof. He owed me $30, so we went to the store together and he paid me back by buying that and some other stuff.

you jelly?
Because it makes it easier for LostGar to win. Also IMO Mew Prime will be used most of the time, not Gengar.
mew prime is even easier to beat then gengar prime. i versed a mewperior at cities and every turn i KOed a mew. just KO there mews till a gengar prime comes out and then absol prime FTW.
that's what I was talking about, use your own mew and lost zone a gengar. they themselves will likely lost zone a gengar. assuming u go first,

t1 beldum, energy, react, but choose to stay active.

t2 interviewer's questions (if u have mew prime and regice from your first hand, if not use collector to get mew and regice), attach onto mew prime on bench, regimove their active to one without energy, evolve to metang, bring the 2 energy u discarded for regimove onto mew prime.

other possible t2, get absol prime with the collector as well as mew and regice. then with metang atach 1 psychic onto mew, and one onto absol.

these turn 2's are dependent on having a 3-3-1 or 3-3-2 (2-2-2 if you have enough pokemon communication) of metagross for ease of drawing metang

t3 evolve into metagross (using any means to find metagross, be it trainers or supporters) for free retreat cost. if your opponent has not LZ'd a gengar prime yet, either use mew to search for it, or if u have one in your hand already, attach a darkness to absol and send it out and send gengar prime to the lz while doing good damage. it is much preferred over using mew to lz in this setup. if they have, then attach another psychic onto mew prime. by this time mew would have had at least 3 energies on it, while 2 of your other pokemon having one energy each. 5 attached energy in total if you get the energy in your draw.
if they have lz'd a gengar prime by then they'll of had only 1 energy on their mew unless they used energy switch, while u have 3, possibly 4 depending on how things went. then go nuts.

t4 use judge or seeker and keep @ it with the lz'ing pokemons.
using judge also lets you chance into lost stadium I see no reason to have more than 3 or 4 energy on the mew prime.

this will work better in a professor program battle, to better your chances of getting what you want with only 40 cards, then you'll just 1-1-1 metagross, 1 or 2 mew, 1 or 2 gengar (no evo line) 1 regice, and 1 absol.

sure gengar prime is much better than using the mew itself, but this setup wors as a lostgar deck, but will also outspeed one using spiritbomb to force evo vileplume or gengar. since you'll be making spiritbomb go away alot. with regice for sh and giggles, and force their energy to go towards retreat costs if they've not gotten to gengar and aren't using a haunter from triumphant
TheBugManiac said:
^LOL, no need for counters? If nobody played counters to it, it would sweep pretty much any tournament. Not popular =/= Not game breaking.
Excuse me, but WHERE ON EARTH in my post did I say there was NO NEED for counters? Of COURSE there is. I'm not dumb.
And as far as Not popular ≠ Not game breaking, there is actually a relationship. If something is game-changing, it becomes more popular. There is a relationship, and Lost World being a Secret Rare would help stop the process of it becoming popular (although, as I said, I don't necessarily want it to be a Secret Rare).
I think it will be released as a regular rare.

I also think it will crush the format, some decks may outspeed but most of the time they will need ideal starts to do so.

I think LostGar will dominate period.
CFOUR, I am going to have to disagree.
By cutting back on the number of Pokemon you play and bumping up the number of consistency cards, other decks can stand a chance.
SPs will have the hardest time as they run the most Pokemon, but I see no reason why Tyranitar Prime couldn't beat the deck. Also, you have to be careful when they play Seekers. It will just change the thought process of players.
I doubt that it'll be a rare. Probably uncommon.
People say lost world will ruin the game well i played aginst a person who had a prioxy for lost world and i beat him every time.
I still think that Vilegar has made playing less fun. lost world just adds another way for vilegar to beat you.

it's my opinion, I'm sure some agree, while others disagree. just the same as some people think that the SP engine abuse also makes the game no fun.

the fact remains that these cards are made, therefore will be used. and it pushes cards like Uxie lv X to go to ridiculous prices, saw one on Amazon for $99.95, also one for $70, which is still overpriced.. as well as this guy, who is clearly trying to rip someone off.
Uxie X is probably worth at least $60 right now (it and Luxray GL LV.X alternate as being the most pricey cards at this time), so I wouldn't call $70 overpriced necessarily, but yes, WC cards are nothing more than worthless slips of paper when it comes to actual tournament play.
I offered 0.99 for the card, auto declined. lol, also reported for intentionally misleading title. sux that he's sold quite a few, including luxuray X's.

any of you also think that playing vilegar is cheap?

aside from team rogue, cuz clearly, they do.
Cuz it was an untested list. After the deck has been practiced by the community and perfected to it's best list LuxChomp and Sablock will be the only things that can come close to being able to beat it.
Anyone who thinks playing Vilegar is cheap also thinks that playing Luxchomp/Lostgar is cheap, in my opinion. They really just want some excuse to vent their anger at something because they keep losing to it.

However, since this topic is about Lost World and not Vilegar, let's get back on track.
carlitosbob said:
any of you also think that playing vilegar is cheap?

aside from team rogue, cuz clearly, they do.
I don't. Nothing is really "cheap." I dislike some archetypes and meta decks, but hey, it's part of the game. Gotta take the good with the bad.
As far as playtesting, it helps if you let us know what deck you tested it against, and what was in the deck. It could be poorly built and against a WC deck or something, or it could be a perfect build and against a random league deck. Just saying "I beat a LostGar deck every time" means nothing by itself...
For the first time, I wish Zero could be here...

Anyway, besides some dudes like DNA, Scizor... the others do not know what they are talking about. GO PLAYTEST. Oh, and don t reply: "Eh, you are the one who does not know waht are you talking about." I never said that you are included in the "fail list", or maybe.

Lostgar is not as hard to beat. Include a Dark pokemon in your deck and bring it out by T-2 and you win the game. Sure, with a 70 damage each turn (easy with belt and SP dark).

I am sick of people saying:" Oh my god, I am going to die, because Lost World is going to dominate." Sure it will own you, unless if you place a counter, and this is what I did. Playing SP?, just don t get your Lv.X LZ and you win the game. It is again very easy: just keep a non Lv.X on the bench and Poke turn to death (opponent for sure). SP win in 7 Turn and Lostgar 8. But this match up is harder, as The active Gengar (mew is going to be KO, plus Dialga G on the other side) will have more psychic energies attached to it. So it depends.
I think that Lostgar should be played like Mother Gengar; Pure speed. Maybe a trainer engine could be plausible in a Vilegar-free format.
For the first time, I wish Zero could be here...
I've been wishing he was here for a while now, but I think now is when we need his reason to break the foolishness.
^Yeah, we need Zero to knock some sense into everyone (including me :p). What happened to him, anyways?
Alexmon said:
Maybe a trainer engine could be plausible in a Vilegar-free format.
Well, it won't be a VilePLUME-free format, so the point is pretty much moot. Vileplume will be played very heavily after B&W, what with the great Trainers (-cough- Pokémon Catcher -cough-). I think we'll see an upsurge in VilePluff/JumPLUme.
Giratina would be a beast in a deck with that stadium card! U think giratina would be better than gengar? Both would prolly work in this particular deck.
Are people Forgetting about umberon with two special darks and a expert belt they are one shot any gengar or garatina every turn with moonlight fang. Plus with been a stage one it's automatically faster than gengar. No modified leagal deck is unbeatable. People just need something to complain about. Personally I think that garatina will be better to exploit the lost zone
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