Lost World Stadium - In New Set? Ultra Rare?

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^Yeah, there's ways to get rid of it, but it still buys at least a turn if you get it out, which can be a big deal.
Some people desagrees with Looker, as it up to 5 cards. I guess that if they draw only one, it will be bad for them too.

Fossil=fail Vilegar will still be played and tech them are just stupid. Plus, it is a dead draw every time.
Look, the only way of beating Lostgar is too outSPEED it, which is very hard to do. I am sure that in your first turns, you don t want to start with 2 fossils and no basics. Then, draw into a fossil instead of important cards.

Glad that nobody mentionned Dialga G. Maybe its first attack looks like a direct counter to the deck, but in game, it does nothing, unless you have one prize card left, which is very, extremely, hard. The Lostgar player will just KO in 3turns the active dialga G and finish the game.
^Unless it's DialgaChomp. Once DGX is almost KO'd, Warp to GC, Energy Switch the Warp to GC, Lv. Up, Healing Breath, Poketurn, and do it again.
i guess i just win against it because i almost never have poke in my hand. and if you know its lostgar then that is the stratagy. is keep poke out of your hand. use bebe and get rid of a poke that you cant use right then and then get one that you can put down so that there are no left over poke in your hand

Oh my... Look at those cards. Just wow...
What you are going to say? I have no bench? Hahaha...
Do a link between those two cards, the Lostgar combo.

You meant Bronzong G.
It won t work... maybe once and it can be less complicated. Just poke turn and reput with an Energy gain and Special metal. The reason that it won t work is:
Or you will get all those shuffled back with total disruptive power.
Or, which makes the LZ player very happy, LZ you Garchomp C lv.X.
Glad that nobody mentionned Dialga G. Maybe its first attack looks like a direct counter to the deck, but in game, it does nothing, unless you have one prize card left, which is very, extremely, hard.
Just keep using the first attack repeatedly if you need to. If you use Dialga G you just never need to let up on the offense. Then again, everyone needs to do that. At least Dialga has an answer to prevent LW from hitting the field.
^ Just imagine.
Late game:
SP player KO 4 pokemon. 2 prize left
Lostgar player LZed 6 pokemon

SP player plays dialga G. Attach special metal energy and Energy gain. Oh, wait. Lets do 2 energies and Expert belt. Deafen for 30 to Mew prime.
Lostgar player retreat and put Gengar Prime and put four damage counters on Dialga G.

What can you do then? After two curse droplet, you will poke turn and Energy gain. Then, your damage output is 10. Gengar can do 40 each turn. If you retreat, you lost on your opponent s next turn. You keep deafen, you are going to die soon. Plus, Judge and Surprise Howl for Darkness to LZ Garchomp C lv.X, if you use it. The only way is to Crobat G and poke turn to get a KO. Then, Dragon rush for Game. Again, this is when you have access to all your stuff. In late game, normally, a Crobat G will already be played, as 2-3 poke turn. It is game for SP player.

Well, you should.
You know it's funny. Idk if everybody remembers when George Bush left office and there was that giant billboard proclaiming "Miss me yet?" I have a strange feeling we might be able to apply that to SP's once they're gone and LostGar is running amuck.
also zigtong its not that hard to KO gengar prime. it only takes 2 attacks most of the time. heck i usually use my electric deck against my friends lostgar and its gone once i get magnezone prime out. OHKO a poke each turn. my grass phychic with leafon x OHKOs most things. just over power it. obviously there is no out speeding it. and really how many poke are you going to have in your hand when you draw the 6 from spiritomb? probably the most is 4. and will gengar prime have 4 energies on him...no most likely not. maybe 3 at the most. just out power it and then you win.
^Except LostGar is MEANT to be overpowered. If LostGar gets just 1 Pokémon in the Lost Zone per turn starting T3 (although it's often T2, and there's usually turns where it gets >1 in the Lost Zone), it wins T8. If you get 2HKOs starting your very first turn, you win T12. By then, you've already lost. And OHKOs for Maggy Prime start maybe T3 with a good start.
i usually get it set up turn 2 or 3 (or one of my other primes) and i can OHKO every turn. even if you run 4-4-4 gengar prime you would run out by turn 7 and im sure youw ouldnt get all of them out. and it doesnt even have to be magnezone prime. it just has to be somone that can deal 100+ damage consistantly
@ catutie: You make the deck seem less than stellar and it is true what everyone is saying, it is extremely EXTREMELY hard too beat, nearly inprobable to beat really. But, what I meant is not that it is easily beaten but, that with luck and proper play it is not impossible as everyone else states.

@ WhimsicalBox: I do not mean that pure skill does not come into the equation. I am not saying that a combee deck will be topping in worlds anytime soon. As you probably already have fathomed, what I am getting at is that luck plays a big role in everything. But, that is not to say skill is no matter.

@ wang zitong: What I am saying is that if you K.O. there Gengar they lose there prime Lost Zone remover. Thus making them much easier to beat.

Also I would like to finish with the fact that yes Lostgar will be EXTREMELY fast and will DOMINATE the meta-game as we know it but, you must take into account that every scenario you put the decks into the Lostgar deck almost had a perfect start and the SP or whatever else is suppose to be moving slower? Not to be a jerk but, remember you must also take into account that Lostgar may not get set up by T2 or T3 and that can give you the upper hand. Don't overestimate the deck people just be ready for it. As the famous Quarterback Joe Montana said " The key to success is always be prepared and not to over or underlook the opposition". So look at it from all perspectives not just from a losing one.
its not extremly hard to beat. once there gengar prime is gone they lost the decks star and it becomes easy pickings after that. im not saying its easy to beat its just has a big weakness that is easy to exploit.
So you think they would play only one gengar prime? LOL gengar swarm. Lostgar is very hard to beat, you have to lock stadiums all game long and have a reliable way of healing (DialgaChomp, but with the added problem you can't PokeTurn your GCX until you need it), or consistently hit for 130 damage (or 70 with a Dark typee) from T3 on. Lostgar is very dependent on a nearly perfect list, but it's just a matter of time until some great player puts his list online, and everyone will netdeck. If you think Lostgar is easy to beat, you have tested against a bad list.
^Lol, disruptive is the best part of the Lostgar deck. Even more than any disruptive decks.

T-1 Send Gengar prime to the LZ
T-2 Lost zone 1st opponent pokemon
T-3 Lost zone 2nd opponent pokemon
T-4 Lost zone 3rd opponent pokemon
T-5 Lost zone 4th opponent pokemon
T-6 Lost zone 5th opponent pokemon
T-7 Lost zone 6th opponent pokemon
T-8 Put Lost World in play.

True, that sometimes, you start sending pokemons at turn 3. But, there are times that the deck start on T-1.

Actually, there is a very easy way to beat the deck. Just run a Dark type pokemon who can attack on T-2 for 70 (not absol prime!!!). Therefore, you OHKO every mew prime and Gengar, making you win on T-7.
im going to play a disruption deck that will screw lost gar over.. cant attack if your asleap.
warp energy anyone?
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